Isnin, 18 Julai 2016

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog


Posted: 17 Jul 2016 09:13 PM PDT

题的人士,这说词实是一项误导历史的声明,因为在2012年,916马来西亚日,砂州行动党、公正党和伊斯兰党,通过全国性的民联组织,提出历史性的"古晋宣言" 。

在马来西亞协议中的权益。 它所提出的八项自主权,得到砂拉越境内民众及非政府组织的声援与赞许,从此掀开了砂拉越人民争取自主权的觉醒运动。



阿德南2014年3月1日上台继位州首长,他可谓是识时务的俊傑。 于是,他顺应民意提出内容与"古晋宣言"吻合的争取主权议题。 

阿德南是否是从民联的"古晋宣言"和2013年505国阵败选中,取得灵感? 否则,为何过去53年,砂国阵从未提出砂州自主权? 亦或如人联党主席沈桂贤所说,"过去不知有自主权,被骗了52年" !。



1. 州议员在州议会通过,授权州政府向联邦政府索回被侵蚀的权益;
2. 联邦内阁部长议决,向国会提呈修正法案;
3. 国会议员在国会通过有关法案,归还砂州其所应有的权利。

因此,要争取自主权,就有必要争取所有尊重国家宪法的全国政党、认同砂民宪法下的权益,在国会全力支持砂民争取自主权的动议,修改剥夺砂州自主权的联邦法案。 一旦动议在国会通过,中央政府不管是谁做首相,都必须承认许可,砂民索回自主权才能实现。 三缺一,就不能实现。

如今,公正党及民主行动党,已表明认同沙砂1963马来西亚建国契约,支持砂民在国会索回自主权的动议。 然而,国阵的砂拉越本土政党,在西马巫统的指示下,叫人民拒绝他们的声援理由是,这两党总部在西马注册,是外来的政党。与此同时,它们要本土政党拥抱西马的巫统领袖,做巫统的代理人,推行巫统制定的政策,尽管这些政策侵蚀砂州主权、一一照单全收。

首长阿德南也说过,53年来,砂州损失太多了。 是谁造成这么多的损失? 答案是,本土政党组成的国阵州政府,因为联邦政府所通过的剝夺砂民的政策,必须得到州政府的认同才能落实。


首长口头上坚决索回主权,行动上却俯顺西马巫统侵蚀砂沙自主权。 以下是本土政党,在高喊捍卫自主权的呼声中,断送砂州主权的事列:

1. 2013年4月,国会是在砂州本土政党的国会议员的全力支持下,通过"2012年马来西亚海域750法案"将砂沙岸外3 哩以外领海权,归中央所有。

2. 2015年12月,巫统主导的国会,仓促漏夜辩论,通过国安会法。 这是一个严重侵蚀人权,更是剝夺砂州自主权的法案。 遗憾是,砂拉越国阵国会议员,在辩论环节全程噤声、不闻不问,犹如阿德南所说的"在睡觉"。 唯在表决时,醒来跟着巫统国会议员一起举手赞成通过。

按照该法令,国安理事会成员一共 8人, 即首相、副首相、内政部长、国防部长、多媒体通讯部长、全国总警长、国家卫队首长、及中央政府首席秘书,没有东马的代表。国安会法授权国安理事会,可随时决定国内任何地方成为保安区。 在保安区内,军警可以随时搜查任何住家,及逮捕扣留任何人士,无须经过法庭审讯,只要该理事会认为有关人士涉嫌危及国家政治经济稳定。

换句话说,若巫统当权者认为砂拉越人民索回经济税务自主权,提高石油开采税会动摇国家经济稳定,便可宣布砂拉越为保安区。 届时,砂拉越争取主权的进程将再度受到国安恶法的箝制,遥遥无期。



3. 有关争取20% 石油开采税的应有权益,我在国会提修改动议,附加一句,"议决调高砂州石油天然气的开采税从原本的5% 提高至20%"。

这项修改动议却被来自东马的议長否决。 更遗憾的是,那些砂州本土政党的国会议员及部长,却允许议长以这样的方式抹杀砂民争取石油开采税的机会。 如果这个动议在国会通过。 联邦政府就必须让砂州分享20%石油开采税。

在砂民争取自主权的道路上,首长阿德南只走対了第一步,即,在州议会通过动议。 第二步和第三步,阿德南却跨不出巫统所设下的路障。


首长高调谈砂州主权,声称要赶上西马发展水平,需要大量资金,因此要提高天然资源的开采税,州议会也将争取20% 石油开采税列为争取自主权的首要项目,砂州政府得到朝野议议员100%的支持。 阿德南满怀信心去中央谈判,可是这个首要项目却被巫统主导的联邦政府置放在最後,且是无期限的谈判项目。


纳吉的谈话,暴露出一宗严重的行政失误,砂州政府是执行州议会议决案的机构,州议会並没有修改先前的议决案,让争取20%石油开采稅无限期押後,州政府怎可擅自开会决定现阶段不争取提高石油开采税至20%。 如果只是首长阿德南私自认同联邦的意愿,那阿德南便有越权之嫌,到底是纳吉讲骗话还是備受爱載的首长滥权? 阿德南有责任向人民交代。

再说,以国家现阶段的收入严重减少,不提高开采稅为由,砂民决不能接受。 因为国阵政府贪腐滥权,闻名国际,黑箱作业,豆腐渣公共工程比比皆是,公务员买公器比市价贵百倍,所浪费的公款数以百亿计,不被追究,国家联營公司亏损政府担保,国债自1998年前财长安毕被革职以来,連年飚升至今超过6000 亿令吉。 

体制没有改变,贪腐没有收敛,国家收入何时会增加? 今年6月22日内陆税收局首席执行员,才公布油钱锐减,比前年少百亿。 

要砂民等国家收入增加才考虑提高开采税,简直是要砂民望梅止渴。 砂民己等了超过半世纪,请问要等多久?10年20年吗?把提高开采税无限期压后,看来只是拒绝的借口。


他的这番话,旨在營造个人独栽的地位,眨低人民的力量,让人民对自己的力量,对民权运動失去信心,乖乖驯服。 它完全否定人民群众创造历史的社会发展规律。 难道说阿德南不做首长,首相就可以不归还砂民的自主权? 

阿德南一直强调索主权复杂,須一些时间,從法律層次着手。 其实,这程序并不复杂的。从上述国阵在国会可漏液通过国安会法的效率,就可以肯定,如果国阵真的有诚意归还砂州人民自主权,所需修改的法令可在非常短的时间内在国会通过。

索回自主权步伐快、慢、多、寡,及有没有到位,砂拉越政府的态度和立场是关键。 如果国州双方在谈判桌上,怀抱"你帮我,我帮你"的首相名言,则权与利捆绑悠关,谈判将熬费时日。

时至今日,主权问题宣嚷了两年多,砂州国阵政府争取的动作很多,新闻满载。 但,真正的效果却乏善可陈。 尤其是关系到年轻学子的最新教育政策,与首长高调鼓吹的提高英文程度的方向背道而驰。




张健仁:南希被调职 砂争自主权遭拒?

Posted: 15 Jul 2016 10:51 PM PDT

《转载自 诗华日报》

张健仁﹕阻止英语水平下滑 教育政策不能开倒车

Posted: 15 Jul 2016 10:47 PM PDT

《转载自 诗华日报》

Schools ordered to revert to using BM to teach Science, Maths, MP claims

Posted: 15 Jul 2016 10:39 PM PDT

KUCHING: Attempts have been made by the Ministry of Education (MOE) to change the medium of instruction in the teaching of Mathematics and Science from English to Bahasa Melayu (BM).
This was revealed by Bandar Kuching MP Chong Chieng Jen, who wondered what had happened to Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Adenan Satem's advocacy of the importance of English.
"In the past one year, Adenan has rightly advocated the importance of English language and asserted that the state government would stand firm on the emphasis on English language in schools in Sarawak.
"However of late, it has come to my knowledge that secondary schools in Sarawak are reverting to using BM to teach Mathematics and Science," he read from his letter to Adenan during a press conference here yesterday.
Chong, also Kota Sentosa assemblyman and state DAP chairman, claimed most secondary schools in the state, which previously taught the two subjects in English, were pressured by the ministry to use BM.
The common excuses used by the ministry to revert the teaching medium to BM were 'not enough qualified teachers', 'students could comprehend better if these subjects were taught in BM' and that 'there was a need to improve the command of BM', he said.
The teaching of Mathematics and Science in English, he said, was implemented in early 2000s and the training of teachers for that purpose had been carried out since.
After more than 10 years of implementation, he felt there was no reason for a shortage of teachers capable of teaching the two subjects in English.Chong believed that there were sufficient qualified teachers and that "it is just a matter of proper assignment of teachers to the job in question."
"The government can also always re-engage these retired teachers as temporary teachers while the existing ones are sent for proper re-training courses."
Noting that the command of English among the younger generation had deteriorated over the past decades, Chong said Adenan, as the chief minister, "is in a position to stop the decline of the standard of English among our future generation".
Chong said less than 10 secondary schools in the state were conducting Mathematics and Science lessons in English. He added that most of these schools were private schools where the government did not have much of a say.
BorneoPost July 16,2016

Removal of Nancy Shukri a setback to greater autonomy, says DAP

Posted: 15 Jul 2016 10:29 PM PDT

DAP leader Chong Chieng Jen believes the reshuffle was the latest in a series of moves that signal a change in tone in the Federal Government's relationship with Sarawak after the state election.
KUCHING: The recent removal of Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Nancy Shukri as law minister is a setback to the state's autonomy movement, claims Sarawak DAP leader Chong Chieng Jen.
Shukri is no longer the minister in charge of law as she will be assuming new responsibilities in overseeing six other agencies following a minor Cabinet reshuffle announced yesterday.
These agencies included Land Public Transport Commission, Sarawak Commercial Vehicle Licensing Board, Sabah Commercial Vehicle Licensing Board, the Malaysian Innovation Agency, Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (Might) and the Malaysian Nuclear Agency.
Nancy's former law portfolio has been taken over by Azalina Othman Said.
In a press conference today, Chong said the reappointment has impeded Sarawak's call for more autonomy and Adenan's assertion that the state is now proceeding with the second phase of his demand for greater autonomy.
State BN leaders have said the state government was in the process of studying possible changes to laws in relation to the relationship between the Federal Government and Sarawak.
"This removal of Nancy Shukri is seen as a setback to our state's autonomy movement," Chong told the media here.
"What the state is concentrating on now in this autonomy movement is to study all the laws necessary to be amended or repealed so as to devolve more (federal) power to the state. That was said during the state assembly in June.
"To carry out that agenda, Nancy Shukri, being a Sarawakian sitting as a law minister, would be the most appropriate person to facilitate this," Chong said.
"But less than a month after the statement was made and the committee set up, Nancy Shukri has been removed as law minister and replaced by Azalina, who is a gung ho, uptight Umno minister who has not shown much concern or respect for Sarawak's autonomy and its rights."
Chong said Azalina's record was one of a parliamentarian who has not "given much attention" when debates on Sarawak's rights were brought up.
"Therefore, I see the removal of Nancy Shukri and her replacement with Azalina as law minister as a setback that will hamper the state's call for more autonomy.
"I believe Prime Minister (Najib Razak) is well aware of that. And that is why Nancy Shukri was removed," Chong said.
Chong said Nancy's new appointment was the fourth in a series of apparent slights by the Federal Government.
"There has been a change of tone by the Federal Government, especially by Najib about Sarawak's position after the state election.
"Before the state election, he prided himself as a prime minister who loves Sarawak most. He backed this up by saying he had made 53 visits to Sarawak.
"But after the state election, I can't remember him coming to Sarawak and we are entering the third month already."
Chong said the second slight was when Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Douglas Uggah Embas gave up his post in the Federal Cabinet to become deputy chief minister of Sarawak but the position was not taken up by a Sarawak MP, but was instead given to Gerakan President Mah Siew Keong.
Chong added that another slight occurred when Adenan presented the memorandum of understanding regarding Sarawak's rights to Najib.
"Najib can come to Sarawak 53 times before the election. But when it came to the presentation of the memorandum for more autonomy for Sarawak, Adenan has to fly all the way to Kuala Lumpur. Why is it Najib cannot make the trip to Sarawak?
"Given all these subtle signs of change in attitude, I call upon Adenan Satem to wake up. If he truly wants to fight for autonomy for Sarawak, there is a great urgency to do so now," Chong said.
"If you wait until the 14th general election, if Umno consolidates its power and strength in West Malaysia, you can forget about it."

Freemalaysiatoday July 15,2016

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