Chong Chieng Jen's Blog |
- 张健仁:不敢让其他议员发问 沈桂贤表现不合格
- DAP reps claim Dr Sim evading questions
- “没奖学金出国深造” 砂43优异生陷窘境
- 张健仁:为何有2副首长? 伊班区国阵没全胜
- 就三课题激辩 顺舸健仁唇枪舌剑
- DAP: Adenan must help 43 students study overseas
- Chong gets his way to have debate sessions extended
Posted: 15 Jun 2016 08:44 PM PDT (本报古晋14日讯)行动党砂州联委会主席兼哥打圣淘沙区州议员张健仁批评,砂地方政府部长拿督沈桂贤在议会总结回答时,不肯或不敢给其他议员发问,是一个很不负责及不合格的表现。 针对今日沈桂贤在为其部门做总结时,完全不给予其他议员发问的机会一事,他认为,这种部长的态度,显示其对其所回答的内容没有信心及心虚,经不起其他议员更深入的质问。 "在许多国会,当部长做总结时都非常公开给任何议员针对他的总结当场打岔和发问。这已经是一个民主议会的开会惯例。因为,只有经过这样的辩论和更深入的质问,政府政策的弊病才可得到更深入的探讨并获得改善,而人民才可更了解政府的政策。" 辩论是双向的 他强调,议员和部长在议会发言是在辩论政策和法案,不是在致词,因为致词是单向的,一个人讲全部人只有听的份,至于辩论则是双向的,有来有往,一问一答。 他声称,对于那些对其部门表现有信心的部长,他们非常欢迎其他议员在其做总结时发问,因为这可更明显的展示他部门的表现,或更有效的协助改善他的部门的操作。 然而,对于那些没有做足准备功课,而总结词又是其他人帮他准备的部长,就不敢允许议员在其总结时当场提出质问。 缺席周一会议 "今次开会的日期从上星期二开始,第一天是宣誓,第二天是州元首致词,第三天只开半天,而且当天早上的议程除了口头问答环节之外,就只是议长给予理由驳回在野党议员的动议,当天下午就没有开会了。真正的辩论,只是在星期五才开始。" 张健仁今日上午在州立法议会大厦召开新闻发布会时指出,沈桂贤在周末时,去了西马大港帮助国阵助选,而星期一他又向州议会请假没有出席开会。 "从沈桂贤过去几天的行程,可以看出,他根本就没有时间准备回答议员们在过去几天辩论时所提出的问题,他甚至连星期一的开会也缺席。他今早针对其部门的回答,是其部门官员所准备,而他只是在议会中读出这些回答。" 他直言,这也解释了为何他在今早总结时,不敢让路给其他议员发问,因为他没有做足准备功课,若给其他议员问到,他无法回答,就自曝其短。 让议长护航 "唯有躲在议长后面,让议长替他护航。" 张健仁更以拿督法蒂玛陈赛明为例,她在其总结时,因为有做足准备回答的功课,所以任何反对党的议员站起来要求打岔发问,她都肯让路。 他指责,如今沈桂贤领取议员薪水和部长薪水,而身为议员身兼部长的最基本责任就是出席州议会。但是,沈桂贤却在第一次开会就请假,部门总结又没做足功课,这是愧对石角选民给予他的委托。 与此同时,公正党峇都林当区州议员施志豪也对于拿督沈桂贤在部门总结的表现感到不满意,并认为当后者不让路给反对党议员发问,除了无法履行他个人身为部长的责任外,更重要的是,无法给予那些受影响的人民一个交代。 他补充,毕竟这些都关系到人民的利益,所以人民必须了解,但拿督沈桂贤却无法给予完整的答复。 《转载自 诗华日报》 | ||
DAP reps claim Dr Sim evading questions Posted: 14 Jun 2016 09:11 PM PDT KUCHING: Pending assemblywoman Violet Yong has branded Local Government Minister Datuk Dr Sim Kui Hian an 'ostrich minister' for evading questions from opposition members seeking clarification on issues regarding his ministry. Yong along with three other elected representatives –Wong King Wei (Padungan), See Chee How (Batu Lintang) and Chong Chieng Jen (Kota Sentosa) – had sought clarification from Dr Sim during his winding-up speech for the Ministry of Local Government at the State Legislative Assembly (DUN) yesterday but to no avail. "The reason I interjected his winding-up speech was because he avoided when I sought clarification on an issue I raised regarding the poor maintenance of Sarawak General Hospital (SGH) as in his speech, he did not say anything at all about the maintenance. "In other words, the problem will still persist and it is our right as elected representatives to know the detailed answer because we do not want an answer that is very general," she told reporters during a press conference at the Media Room of the DUN Complex yesterday. Yong stressed that Dr Sim as the minister in charge should be brave enough to take questions from members of the august house. "Due to his repeated evasion in answering our questions, I will term him as an 'ostrich minister'. "Nevertheless, we will give him a chance and I hope he can improve himself. If things remain the same in the next DUN sitting, I think he is not fit (to hold the post)." Also present at the press conference was See, who said Dr Sim had not only failed his duty towards other members in the august house but also the people. "For example in my case, he said there's more than RM3 billion set aside for mitigation of flood under the 11th Malaysia Plan and under the first Rolling Plan alone there's RM357 million. "He also identified the short, medium and long term planning and measures for this, so I asked how was he going to resolve the issue and what is the time frame to implement all these projects. "It's very easy for him to tell us when he is going to do it. You (Dr Sim) have the money now and you already know how much the projects will cost. So all he has to do is tell us when. But he just evaded and dodged the question and didn't even know how to answer us," he remarked. Meanwhile, Wong also found it very disappointing when Dr Sim refused to take questions from the opposition bench but beat around the bush. "What was even more disappointing was that he actually lied to us. He kept saying, 'Let me finish…' but when he did, he just sat down. Once he sat down, the DUN Speaker (Datuk Amar Mohd Asfia Awang Nassar) moved on to another ministry. He should not have done that and it is very irresponsible and unethical of him," he exclaimed. Meanwhile, Chong pointed out that in parliamentary convention and practice, ministers should be open to interjection and further clarification. "Even in federal Parliament, all the ministers who gave reply were very open for clarification. "They will give way to other members to seek clarification and it is through this clarification and further questioning on the reply that we can get better understanding of the issue and also can come up and formulate better strategy or policy to address the problem. "A minister who is not willing to give way for clarification is a minister who is irresponsible and incompetent in his performance. Dr Sim's behaviour indicates that he has no confidence in his reply and no confidence about the performance of his ministry," he stressed, adding that Dr sim was also ill-prepared for his maiden winding-up speech. He also compared Dr Sim's delivery of his winding-up speech to that of Welfare, Women and Community Wellbeing Minister Datuk Fatimah Abdullah, saying both had two "totally different approaches and show of confidence." "(Datuk) Dr Sim totally rejected any questioning or clarification whereas Datuk Fatimah was open to clarification although we may not agree with some of her answers, policies and stands. But at least she opened up for clarification and made clear the government's stand and policy." | ||
Posted: 13 Jun 2016 09:02 PM PDT (本报古晋13日讯)哥打圣淘沙州议员张健仁质问砂第二财政部长拿督斯里黄顺舸,为何在附加供应法案中情愿寻求额外700万令吉的拨款充作公关事务,却对砂精英学子在欲申请前往国外求学的奖学金事宜上,不愿伸出援手。 张健仁今日在砂州立法议会进行附加供应法案动议辩论后,在媒体室召开的新闻发布会上表示,自公共服务局(JPA)宣布暂停拨出奖学金让我国成绩优异的学生往国外深造后,有43名砂州精英中的精英面对出国深造的窘境。 他说,这43名砂学生在2014年就读中六。当时,他们获得政府的承诺,若他们继续考取优良成绩,将获得奖学金,往国外大学深造。 ![]() "因此,这些学生勤劳读书,并考取好成绩,但是在2年后,即2016年,获得许多外国有名的大学向他们伸出橄榄枝,给他们机会在有名的国外大学继续他们的学位课程。" 阿迪南没兑现承诺 "但公共服务局却突然取消该计划,在他们感到彷徨无助的时候,砂首长拿督巴丁宜丹斯里阿迪南沙登却为他们带来希望。阿迪南当时指示砂基金局协助他们,为这43名学生提供援助,但最后却没有兑现诺言。" 他指出,砂基金局给予的回复是,砂基金局仅给他们在本地大专完成大学课程,而不是在国外大学。 张健仁也在新闻发布会上回应黄顺舸在砂州立法议会进行附加供应法案动议辩论中,指张健仁提起有关砂基金局的课题是在政治化该事件。张健仁表示,黄顺舸指责政治化这个课题是无稽之谈。如果真的是要在竞选时以这课题领分数,他早在竞选时已提出。 他披露,他是于4月尾,即在砂州选举竞选期已收到一些学生向他反映并要求他暴露阿迪南的谎言,但为了避免不把教育课题政治化,所以在大选期间没暴露。 他认为,在砂州议会提出教育的问题是最好的场合。 政府有权修改政策 他呼吁砂州政府把握时间,协助这批学生,让他们去圆他们的求学梦。 他指出,州政府有能力和权力修改砂基金局政策,例外的处理这43位学生的申请,给他们到国外深造的奖学金,让他们能圆他们的求学梦。 "今天有政府寻求额外700万令吉的拨款来充作公关事务。当你能够增加700万令吉去支付公关事务,为何不能增加多几百万去帮助这些学生?而且他们是精英中的精英,对砂州是绝对有益无害的。" 《转载自 诗华日报》 | ||
Posted: 13 Jun 2016 08:53 PM PDT (本报古晋13日讯)州内有人以国阵并未在华人选区取得大胜为由﹐来就当前砂州未委任华裔副首长的情况做出解释﹐但为何砂国阵并未在所有的伊班选区取得全胜﹐却拥有2位伊班族副首长﹔反观砂国阵的比达友族代表悉数在州选中胜出﹐却并未在当前拥有比达友族的副首长﹖ 哥打圣淘沙区州议员张健仁是在今午于州立法议会参与砂州元首之施政御词辩论环节时﹐如是提出疑问。 他说﹐针对早前被热议的华裔副首长课题﹐其就认为副首长职由哪个种族的代表担当﹐其实并不是什么大事。 但他感到疑惑的一点就是﹐州内有人却以国阵并未在华人选区取得大胜为由﹐来就当前砂州未委任华裔副首长的情况做出解释。 也没比达友副首长 为此﹐他反问说﹐砂国阵并未在所有的伊班选区取得胜利﹐但为何当前砂州就有两位伊班族副首长﹖ "砂国阵的比达友族代表悉数在州选中胜出﹐但为何砂州当前并没有比达友族的副首长﹖" 他续称﹐除了在选举期间打出华裔副首长牌之外﹐砂国阵在应届砂州选举中还使出了透过选区划分工作达到未选先赢的效果﹑滥用移民法令禁止西马领袖前来砂州助选﹑金钱政治等竞选手段。 盼砂首长兑现承诺 与此同时﹐他说﹐砂首长一直要求砂州人民给予他更大的委托﹐以让他能够向联邦政府争取更多的自主权﹐所以他希望在是次胜选之后﹐砂首长能够成功兑现其承诺。 他披露﹐在砂州当前取得的13项行政权下﹐砂州政府其实拥有委任联邦公务员的权力﹐但当中必须注意的一点就是﹐砂州政府的高级公务员种族比例又是否是平衡的﹖ 他表示﹐其感到吃惊的是﹐有报章的报导指出﹐州内的马来族﹑达雅族及华族高级公务员比例﹐乃是与砂州的种族比例不成正比的。 "相关情况并不是一﹑两日内形成的﹐而是长期性的政策造成的﹐所以在该方面﹐砂州政府何时才能全面予以纠正﹖" 外国渔船入砂捕捞 他还指出﹐在掌握行政自主权之际﹐砂州政府是否又在深海捕鱼执照的发出方面﹐事先获得联邦当局的咨询﹖ 他透露﹐许多外籍渔船乃以"阿里巴巴"的作业方式﹐透过向本地人士租借执照的途径﹐大肆在砂州海域内捕捉渔获。 他为此呼吁﹐砂州政府必须尽早就有关事项采取正确的应对行动﹐以避免砂州海域因为相关外籍渔船的大肆捕鱼而遭到破坏。 《转载自 诗华日报》 | ||
Posted: 13 Jun 2016 08:48 PM PDT (本报古晋13日讯)哥打圣淘沙州议员张健仁今日针对砂第二财长拿督斯里黄顺舸提呈的2016年附加供应(2015)法案进行辩论,并就该法案挑起三项课题。
张健仁表示,本身在本月8日,即已呈交上针对附加供应法案的辩论要求。他指出,一般上有关要求通常务必在法案寻求通过的一天前,就要呈交上。 而议长也应用议会常规67(5)&(6)、65(5)条文,允许其针对附加供应法案做出辩论。 张健仁挑起的首项课题,其一为针对在州选前5月5日发生的直升机坠机事件,政府在租借私人领域的飞机时,有何安全措施,预防不幸事件? 其二,针对州政府寻求额外700万令吉予砂基金局作为公关事务的用途,为何不善用有关款项,协助43名无法获得奖学金前往国外深造的学生? 未资助优异生 他说,日前为止,我国公共服务局(JPA)奖学金已喊停,而州政府也承诺将透过砂基金局给予协助,而如今却毫无下文。 由于张健仁在有关课题上,一再做出解释,搬出事故的背景,最终遭砂州议长拿督阿玛阿斯菲雅以议会常规66(4),要求其将问题焦点放在政策上,而非随意扯,也毋须长篇大论做解释。 议长阿斯菲雅举例,所询问的问题,比如可询问相关部长,砂基金局在此事件上会有何政策,而不是将所有事情的缘由、背景资料搬出来。 而张健仁则认为,事出必有因,若没有一些背景资料,部长不会明白事情的来龙去脉。 550万怎么花? 其三,在2016年附加供应(2015)法案中,寻求额外550万令吉,作为州内大型庆典的筹划经费,有关大型庆典为哪些?是否与政府的州选期间的大型庆典活动"一心一意"有关,协助国阵进行竞选工作? 他声称,本身在州选期间也曾针对有关"一心一意"竞选活动,揭发了政府使用款项,惟最终也遭到议长否决,有关2016年附加供应(2015)法案也随即被通过。 《转载自 诗华日报》 | ||
DAP: Adenan must help 43 students study overseas Posted: 12 Jun 2016 05:12 PM PDT DAP leader Chong Chieng Jen says it is still not too late for the chief minister to get Sarawak Foundation scholarships for them. ![]() KUCHING: Sarawak DAP has urged the state government to provide scholarships to 43 students who have performed well in their SPM examinations. State DAP leader Chong Chieng Jen said Chief Minister Adenan Satem must keep to his word that state statutory body Sarawak Foundation would fund the overseas education of the Sarawakian students after their Public Service Department (JPA) scholarships fell through. On Jan 24, Adenan issued a statement saying that his administration would step in if the Federal Government fails to honour the scholarships. "Yes, we will help the students. I have given instructions to Yayasan Sarawak to find ways on how best to help them," he was quoted as saying, referring to the Sarawak Foundation. Adenan is chairman of the board. JPA had announced that it was suspending its scholarship programme on Jan 20, citing falling government revenues. Chong, who is Kota Sentosa state assemblymen, said the students obtained good results, with most receiving straight As when the government halted the scholarship programme this year. "Initially, they were supposed to be offered an overseas scholarship programme by the JPA when they pursued STPM and SPM," Chong told reporters at the state assembly here today. "When the scholarship programme was scrapped, many of them had already been offered places in prestigious universities overseas. "Some got offers from University of Berkeley, Imperial College of London and other good universities. "When this news broke, Adenan promised Yayasan Sarawak will help. "However, Yayasan Sarawak did not help. Therefore, all 43 of them, who were supposed to go overseas, did not go. At the end of the day, they ended up in local universities." During the second reading of the Supplementary Supply (2015) Bill, 2016 by Second Finance Minister Wong Soon Koh, Chong had raised the matter and pointed to money spent on public relations and celebratory events amounting to RM7 million and RM5.5 million each. Chong said he was still hopeful the Chief Minister will help the students further their education overseas. "It is still not too late to grant these students their overseas scholarships. They can still go." Meanwhile, Chong denied allegations that DAP's Pujut State Assemblyman Dr Ting Tiong Choon had dual citizenship. Online allegations surfaced after the Facebook site "UPP Pujut" pointed to a post on the online forum that alleged that Dr Ting also held Australian citizenship. Malaysian law does not allow dual citizenship. In the recently concluded state election, Ting had beaten timber tycoon Hii King Chiong, who was a BN direct candidate and an affiliate of United People's Party (UPP), as well as an independent candidate, Fong Pau Teck. Fong was the Pujut incumbent. He was fired from DAP in 2013 for insubordination. Chong said the originator of the allegation might have experienced a "very sour defeat". "He has to accept the verdict of the people. There were painful defeats for DAP as well. We accepted the verdict of the people." DAP lost five of the 12 seats it won previously in the May 7 state election. - Freemalaysiatoday june 13, 2016 | ||
Chong gets his way to have debate sessions extended Posted: 09 Jun 2016 05:16 PM PDT DEBATE sessions for this State Legislative Assembly (DUN) sitting will be extended beyond 6.30pm to ensure that members in the august house have equal opportunity to present their speech on the Yang di-Pertua Negeri's address. DUN speaker Datuk Amar Mohd Asfia Awang Nassar made this ruling following Chong Chieng Jen's (DAP-Kota Sentosa) call for the debate session to be extended to four days because there were now more members of the august house. Chong had pointed out that the two days set aside for debates was insufficient which would deprive members the opportunity to participate in the debates. "If we go by the convention of past practices in this august house, there were three days for debate in the last term. But there were only 42 backbenchers then including the opposition. Now we have increased the number from 42 backbenchers to 53 backbenchers," he said at the 18th DUN sitting at the DUN Complex here yesterday. According to him, in order to allocate more time to backbenchers to participate in the debate of the Yang di-Pertua Negeri's address, there should be more days set aside for the debate. "However, given the fact that this is the month of Ramadan, it will not be appropriate to lengthen the sitting days into 'buka puasa' (breaking of fast) time. That I understand. But at least, the number of days allocated or set aside for debates by backbenchers should be increased to four days." He also recalled that Yang di-Pertua Negeri Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud had called upon all elected members to participate in debates on issues mentioned in his address on Wednesday. "How are we going to have full opportunity to debate when the days set aside for debates is only two days? You are in a way depriving members the time to participate in the debate," he exclaimed. Chong, who is also state DAP chairman, thus suggested that under Standing Order 8, the Chief Minister still has the discretion to vary the days of the meeting of the august house. "Although it has been set that this meeting shall last until June 15, it can be extended to June 17 and I call upon the Chief Minister to exercise his power to lengthen the time of the meeting so as to be in tandem with what is said in TYT's address. "Do not deprive us of the time and days for backbenchers including the opposition to debate and raise issues in this august house," he stressed. This led Asfia to note that Chong had made his point and he therefore ruled that the dates for debates today (June 10) and on June 13 will be extended beyond 6.30pm. "Normally, our sittings last until 6.30pm. We can extend on Friday (today) and Monday (June 13) beyond 6.30pm. But we shall not do what is done in the Parliament sitting where you go until 2am because my interpretation is that is already another day. "As it is, without the Chief Minister varying the date, our sittings will go beyond 6.30pm on Friday and Monday," he ruled which led Chong to immediately exclaim that this was the fasting month. Asfia nonchalantly replied: "I am the one who 'puasa' (fast), not you. So don't worry." - TheBorneoPost june 10 , 2016 |
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