Jumaat, 5 Februari 2016

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Happy Chinese New Year To All

Posted: 04 Feb 2016 11:27 PM PST

Wishing You 
A Happy Chinese  New Year, Gong Xi Fa Cai .

Kali TiMah。。JohBoh。。UBAH

Posted: 03 Feb 2016 05:03 PM PST

    Yesterday, the DAP Serian Branch launched the State Election Machinery for Kedup and Bukit Semuja. The launching ceremony was held at the Balai Raya of Kampong Sangai Empani and was attended by approximately 200 of the DAP Serian Branch members.

As the officiating guest of honour for the event, I am very encouraged by the turnout, especially given that yesterday is a working day. Not only were they present but their mood was high and enthusiastic.

In my address, I brought up 3 issues, namely:
1. The implementation of Goods & Services Tax (GST) which has made lives difficult for everyone. The coming Sarawak State Elections will be the first time the people can express their disapproval towards the Barisan National (BN) Government for the implementation of GST in April, 2015. In this coming State Elections, we must send a clear message to BN that the people oppose GST.

2. Under BN government, regardless whether the international oil price is up or down, ultimately the people suffers. When the oil price was high, the cronies of the BN government have a windfall and benefits from the high revenue generated while the people suffers from high inflation. However, when oil price is low, the people also suffers from inflation. This is the result of the BN policies favouring the cronies over the people.

3. In 2015, there was a total RM900 million allocated for Minor Rural Projects (MRP) fund. With such amount, every DUN constituency should get approximately RM15 million each. Given that there are about 100 kampong in Kedup constituency, each kampong (or every JKKK) in Kedup should get about RM150,000 for MRP fund in 2015.

However, this is not the case. Where has all the MRP fund gone to? That is the question everyone must ask their Ketua Kampong, BN ADUN and the minister.

When DAP brought up this question in DUN, Adenan refused to answer and tried to divert the issue by accusing the DAP of objecting against rural development.

Ultimately, despite whatever said by Adenan or Najib about how good BN is, people's livelihood are seriously affected by the BN policies. Business activities are slowing down and the working class are finding their disposal income shrinking.

Therefore voters in Sarawak should seize this opportunity to strengthen the opposition and lay the foundation for change of government in the 14th General Elections.

Together with me are MP for Bukit Gelugor Ram Karpal, MP for Stampin Julian Tan and ADUN for Pending Violet Yong.

Chong Chieng Jen
Sarawak DAP chairman
MP for Bandar Kuching
ADUN for Kota Sentosa


Posted: 03 Feb 2016 05:00 PM PST

民主行动党西连支部于昨日下午3时,在西连的Kampong SangaiEmpani(山埃恩巴尼甘榜)正式启动其西连地区内两州选区,即,Bukit Semuja(武吉瑟姆查)和Kedup(格杜)的竞选机制,并获得该党支部约200名党员的热烈出席和支持。
他揶揄,马来西亚是石油出口国,但奇怪的是,国际油价上涨,人民辛苦,但国际油价下跌,人民也幸苦。 这都是国阵政府理财不当,贪污腐败所造成的怪象,当经济好的时候,朋党受惠享福,当经济不好的时候,人民来承担苦头,还消费税。
张氏说,国阵政府长期的贪污腐败造成国库空虚。因此,去年4月1日政府开始实施消费税,向所有的人民抽税,使原本就没有能力还税的贫穷人士,被逼也要还税。 最终害到人民生活幸苦,做生意的生意大跌,做工的薪金缩水,同样的工钱买不到同样的东西。
张健仁也提到,国阵砂州政府在去年(2015年)总共拨了9亿令吉的小型乡村计划发展金,大约一个州选区应得到1500万令吉。 西连格杜州选区内有大约100个甘榜,即,一个甘榜大约可得到15万令吉的小型乡村计划发展金。 事实却是,大家都没有在2015年内,一个甘榜得到15万令吉的小型乡村计划发展金。
"我们行动党的州议员在州议会质问国阵和阿德南,这么大的一笔小型乡村计划发展金,到底去了哪里?阿德南没有回答问题,却转移视线污蔑行动党反对乡村发展。 可见事有蹊跷。"
张氏强调,砂州天然资源丰富,如果政府没有只照顾朋党利益,砂拉越人民不会活得如此幸苦。 因此,大家必须加强在野党在州议会监督和制衡的力量。
结束前,全场出席者更高喊三声"Kali TiMah。。JohBoh。。UBAH"(毕达友语"就在今次了,一起来改变")

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