Ahad, 28 Jun 2015

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog


Posted: 26 Jun 2015 08:23 PM PDT



也是民主行动党砂州主席的张健仁表示,董总无需修改统考文凭课程内容以求马来西亚政府承认统考。 他举出4理由支持其立场,即:

1. 统考文凭课程内容已受到全世界600多间大学的承认。 这是因为它具有国际水平。 反观,大马教育部所制定的课程,已令到大马教育水准日益下滑。 统考文凭课程的内容若要符合大马教育部所设定的内容,它将使统考文凭的水准下降,进而更将影响未来统考文凭在国外大学的受承认地位。

2. 独中统考文凭不受国阵政府承认几十年,并没有使到独中灭亡。 反之,独中却越来越出色,走出马来西亚,成为国际所承认和知名的文凭。 目前,独中和统考文凭已走过最黑暗的时刻了。 根本就没必要为了得到国阵政府的承认而去迎合其所设立不合理的条件。

3. 华教人士必须谨记于心的就是,国阵政府教育政策的最终目标还是单元教育政策。 独中的壮大,永远是国阵政府心中的一根刺,因为它的成功,证明国阵单元教育政策的失败。 它也阻止了国阵政府的同化政策。


当年,古晋二中(今天的晋中),就是开始接受政府拨款的资助和改制。 起初也只是改一、两课为国文,但最后,全部都是国文课教课,华文课反变成可有可无的科目。 前车之鉴,华教人士必须谨记于心。

4. 统考文凭课程内容一开始改编,它将逐渐失去其独特性和吸引力。 更甚的是,若它因此而失去国外大学的承认,到时,独中只有任马来西亚教育部的鱼肉。



他说,对于慕犹丁所设下的陷阱,叶新田一派已有明确的表明,不接受国阵政府的建议,坚持不改统考文凭内容。 但是,挑战派对这课题却没见有任何表态。


张氏指出,以独中统考文凭今时今日的国际地位,马来西亚政府不承认统考文凭,是马来西亚的损失,不是独中的损失。 最终,若行动党和其联盟的政党做政府,该联盟政府将承认统考文凭。

"改朝换代、政党轮替是民主必然的发展,只是时间问题。 华社反正也已等了几十年了,也不争急于要在这一、两年得到政府的承认,而改编课程,走上独中改制的不归路。"

Keep Umno and its ‘ridiculous’ racial policies out of Sarawak, Adenan told

Posted: 25 Jun 2015 08:46 PM PDT

KUCHING, June 26 — Chief Minister Tan Sri Adenan Satem must block not just Umno but the Peninsula-based Malay party's race-based policies from creeping into Sarawak, state DAP chief Chong Chieng Jen said today.
The state opposition leader warned that Umno's policies had the potential to cause disharmony in multi-ethnic Sarawak, where the locals have been living peacefully with each other.
"It is no use asking Umno not to set foot in Sarawak, but allowing its race-based policies to come in to the state," he said.
Since becoming chief minister in February last year, Adenan has repeatedly said that he will not let Umno open up in Sarawak, and acknowledged that the presence of the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition's biggest party in the state could affect the local racial and religious harmony.
File picture shows Bandar Kuching MP Chong Chieng Jen (left) with his political secretary Sanjan Gaik, holding a news conference in Kuching, Sarawak, February 9, 2015. — Picture by Sulok Tawie 
As a first step, Chong suggested Adenan instruct Sarawak's 25 BN MPs to speak up against racial policies in Parliament.
The Bandar Kuching MP said the latest example of Umno's race-based policy is a requirement for all forwarding agents to allocate 51 per cent of the total shares for Malays.
He said the forwarding agents are also required to have 51 per cent of their workforce and directorship allocated for Malays.
"This is a totally ridiculous policy because many forwarding agents are small-time business with two or three partners," Chong said, adding that the partners are also doing the work themselves.
He said the policy was introduced earlier this year, and the forwarding agents must comply before month's end.
"If these forwarding agents do not take in the Malays as partners, directors and workers, their licences will not be renewed," Chong, who is also Kota Sentosa state lawmaker, said.
"If they cannot renew their licences, many of which are to expire at the end of this month, the forwarding agents are forced to close down."
He said he had asked the Ministry of Finance for a written explanation about the policy, but the answer he got was rather unsatisfactory.
He said that explanation was that the policy was to enable the Malays to venture into the logistics sector.
on themalaymailonline

Jumaat, 26 Jun 2015



SK Ibrahim issue: If Mary Yap lacks the courage to criticize the school, she should at least shut up

Posted: 25 Jun 2015 10:44 PM PDT

Selasa, 23 Jun 2015



‘Weed out teachers who are bigoted’

Posted: 23 Jun 2015 06:52 AM PDT

Conduct thorough probe into the SK Ibrahim Sungai Petani “drink urine “incident

Posted: 23 Jun 2015 06:47 AM PDT

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

张健仁 : 历史课本仅着重西马 砂应争取教育自主权

Posted: 23 Jun 2015 12:16 AM PDT

(本报诗巫22日讯) 古晋区国会议员张健仁强调,砂州应争取回教育自主权。
他也透露,许多砂州子女,得到UTAR(University Tun Abdul Razak)的教育系文凭之后,政府却不聘雇他们为学校的教师,而调派了超过4000名来自西马的马来教师,到砂州内陆地区的学校执教,并进行回教化政策,这也造成许多社会问题。
取自诗华日报 23/6/2015

张健仁:讲出人民心声 火箭议程获接纳通过

Posted: 21 Jun 2015 12:09 AM PDT


教学硬体设:施和聘雇教师事项,由砂州政府决定,恢复以往以英语为教学媒介语的教会学校,给予家长们一个选择送他们的子女进读国语、英语或华语为媒介语的学校。 公平拨款资助各源流学校、对于那些有国际水平的考试局所发出的证书(包括独中统考文凭),给予官方承认。
3.砂州警察事务自主权:州政府接管砂州警察事务,减少中央集权制度下的官僚风气,使警务人员能更有效的迎合砂州人民的需求,恢复过去对抗印尼和砂共时立下大功,由本地人所组成的砂拉越突击队(Sarawak Rangers)和边境侦察警(Border Scouts),协助警队打击罪犯,维持治安。
取自诗华日报 21/6/2015

Isnin, 22 Jun 2015



'Hadi wants to have his cake and eat it too'

Posted: 21 Jun 2015 05:47 PM PDT

Ahad, 21 Jun 2015



Hadi should totally blame himself for causing PR’s demise, instead of unfairly blaming and attacking the DAP

Posted: 21 Jun 2015 12:44 AM PDT

Khamis, 18 Jun 2015

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

PKR must come to terms and accept that Pakatan Rakyat is dead, not only in Sarawak but also nationally.

Posted: 17 Jun 2015 07:16 PM PDT

PKR must come to terms and accept that Pakatan Rakyat is dead, not only in Sarawak but also nationally.
With PAS' continuous breach of the PR's Common Policy Framework, culminating in the motion to severe ties with DAP in its MUKTAMAR, it has literally put an end to PR.
As far as Sarawak PKR is concern, so long as PKR is working hand-in-hand with PAS Sarawak, DAP cannot work with PKR. It will be a ridiculous scenario for DAP to severe ties with PAS and yet working with PKR who is working together with PAS. Only an opportunistic party will put itself into such position.
In essence, the DAP's Central Executive Committee decision on Monday is an endorsement of the Sarawak DAP's decision which was made on 27-3-2015 to quit PR.
I wish to categorically state that DAP Sarawak welcomes the coalition with anyone who subscribes to the Common Policy Framework to make Sarawak and Malaysia a better country. However, we are of the view that the ulama-led PAS is not one that will make Malaysia a better country.
Furthermore, we believe PAS, especially the PAS under the current leadership, has no place in Sarawak politics.
As such, I urge PKR to severe ties with PAS so that we may be able to work together to fight BN. Sarawak PKR's adamant position to stick with PAS will not only do more harm than good to PKR but will ultimately not benefit Sarawak.


Posted: 17 Jun 2015 07:14 PM PDT

张氏表示,本周星期一晚上行动党全国中委一致的议决,即,民联已不存在了。 这项决定基本上是附和砂州民主行动党于今年3月27日所议决的"砂行动党退出民联"的决定。
张氏也说,行动党是一个有原则的政党。 因此,当伊斯兰在这次的大会,很明确的展示了其欲建回教国的路线时,已经再没有任何理由让行动党继续和伊斯兰党合作。
"至于公正党方面,只要公正党继续和伊斯兰党抱在一起,那行动党也不可能和公正党合作。 理由很简单: 行动党不和伊斯兰党合作,公正党和伊斯兰党合作,若行动党再和公正党合作,那岂不是行动党间接的也是和伊斯兰党合作?"
也是民主行动党全国副主席的张健仁指出,一个党的存在,最重要就是党的政策和路线。 一个政治组合的存在,最重要就是之间的共同政纲。 如果组合里其中一个政党违背了这共同政纲,那这个政治组合就没有存在的价值和意义。
"这就是一个政党对原则的坚持。 行动党一路走来,就是一个坚持原则的政党。 就如我党前已故主席卡巴星所说的,在政治上,没有永远的朋友,也没有永远的敌人,但是有永恒的原则。"
因此,张健仁呼吁砂公正党与伊斯兰党划清界限,断绝关系。 尤其是在砂州,试问,一个由伊斯兰宗教司所领导的政党,在砂州政坛又有何作为。 更何况,一个由宗教司所领导的政党,根本就不适合在砂州活动。


Posted: 15 Jun 2015 07:21 PM PDT

阿德南的"砂人治砂"只是他一厢情愿的想法和口号。 国阵政策根本就没有尊重砂州的自主权,也没理睬阿德南的"砂人治砂"的原则。
"砂州最高的立法机构所通过的议案,联邦政府理都没理。 很明显的,联邦国阵的立场是,任由你阿德南如何自吹自擂讲得天下无敌,但是,联邦政府方面却马照跑,舞照跳。"
"因此,行动党所提出的20%石油天然气开采税不是一个过分的要求,而只是公平分享砂州资源。 我们也已考虑了联邦政府在支付许多联邦部门在砂州的开销。 但是,遗憾的是,就连这样一个合理的要求,砂州国阵政府都无法使到联邦国阵政府同意。"
张氏表示,阿德南必须认清,国阵的政策过去51年来都在歧视和不公平对待砂州。 只要国阵一天执政联邦,这种歧视政策都不会改的。 20% 石油天然气开采税的砂州州议会议决案之事,就是是最好的佐证了。 其他事件如教育、医药、警务等的自主权更是甭讲了。
他重申,如果阿德南是真的要争取"砂自主权"或"自治权",那最佳办法就是由砂州国阵退出全国国阵。 这样砂州国阵才能停止全国国阵的歧视砂州政策继续实施下去。



Anjuran Bersahur.

Posted: 17 Jun 2015 07:50 PM PDT

1 Ramadhan 1436 [MOD] -

Dari Anas bin Malik radhiallahu 'anhu, Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم bersabda:

تَسَحَّرُوا فَإِنَّ فِي السَّحُورِ بَرَكَةً

" Bersahurlah kamu kerana sesungguhnya pada sahur itu ada keberkatan."

Huraian Hadith: 
Pengajaran Hadis:

i) Waktu bersahur ialah bermula pada pertengahan malam hingga terbit fajar namun disunatkan untuk mengakhirkan waktu bersahur iaitu kira-kira 10 atau 15 minit sebelum bilal melaungkan azan Subuh. Rasulullah s.a.w pernah bersabda bahawa waktu bersahur itu adalah bersamaan dengan bacaan 50 ayat suci Al-Quran.

ii) Mengantuk dan letih tidak boleh dijadikan alasan untuk enggan bersahur kerana sahur dapat membantu menguatkan badan orang yang berpuasa untuk mengerjakan ibadat puasa pada sebelah siangnya, di samping sahur itu sendiri adalah satu amalan sunat yang berkat. Menurut Ibnu Hajar Al-Asqalani, yang dimaksud dengan berkat (barakah) itu ialah akan mendapat ganjaran dan pahala di mana Allah akan merahmati orang-orang yang makan sahur dan malaikat juga akan mendoakannya.

iii) Pengambilan makanan sahur adalah titik yang membezakan antara puasa penganut agama lain dengan puasa kaum muslimin kerana penganut lain tidak bersahur sebelum berpuasa.

iv) Waktu sahur adalah waktu yang paling mustajab untuk berdoa kepada Allah S.W.T.

v) Sahur itu boleh dilakukan dengan sedikit makan walaupun cuma seteguk air. Namun tidak digalakkan untuk mengambil terlalu sedikit atau terlalu banyak makanan pada waktu sahur. Memadai dalam anggaran yang secukupnya bagi membantu untuk mengerjakan puasa pada keesokan harinya kerana pengambilan makanan yang terlalu banyak atau terlalu sedikit pasti akan mengganggu kesihatan.

Selamat Datang Ramadhan.

Posted: 17 Jun 2015 07:39 PM PDT

1 Ramadhan 1436 . [MOD] -

Alhamdulihllah bersyukur kepada Allah SWT atas nikmat dan kurnianya sehingga kita mampu dan masih diizinkan Nya untuk kembali berada di bulan yang paling mulia, bulan Ramadhan.

Marilah kita sama-sama memanfaatkan peluang keemasan untuk memaksimumkan ibadah kita kepada Allah SWT dengan apa saja jalan dan cara yang telah ditunjukkan oleh baginda Rasululllah s.a.w. Mudah-mudah ibadah kita pada tahun ini akan terlebih baik dari tahun sebelumnya.

Semuga Allah memberi kesihatan dan kesempatan untuk kita menyelesaikan ibadah dibulan ini.


Rabu, 17 Jun 2015



Global MPs agree strategy on hot issues

Posted: 17 Jun 2015 05:49 AM PDT

Sabtu, 13 Jun 2015



PGA Malaysia will play the role of the promotion and advancement of abolition of death penalty in Malaysia

Posted: 13 Jun 2015 01:06 AM PDT

The Government must end the plight faced by the stateless Indians and declare an amnesty for those who have been denied citizenship due to technical reasons

Posted: 13 Jun 2015 12:55 AM PDT

Khamis, 11 Jun 2015

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Adenan Must Make Clear his Autonomy Agenda for Sarawak and not merely shouting an empty “Autonomy” Slogan

Posted: 11 Jun 2015 01:33 AM PDT

Adenan Must Make Clear his Autonomy Agenda for Sarawak and not merely shouting an empty "Autonomy" Slogan. If Adenan is unsure about his "Autonomy Agenda", he is Most Welcomed to refer to the DAP's "BINTULU DECLARATION"
On 4-6-2015, for the first time, Adenan called for more autonomy for Sarawak. However, many are disappointed that Adenan did not elaborate on the areas that autonomy needs to be reinstated to Sarawak.
The mere call for "autonomy" without any clear agenda is nothing but slogan. It sounds good and loud, but like empty can, is hollow inside.
Therefore, Adenan must list out the areas in which he wishes Sarawak to have its autonomy. If Adenan is unsure of what autonomy he wants for Sarawak, we welcome him to read through the DAP's "Bintulu Declaration – Towards Equal Partners" launched on 26-10-2014 in Bintulu.
In the said Bintulu Declaration, we have called for the renegotiation and review of the Ninth Schedule of the Federal Constitution to devolve powers of education, health care and police matters to the State Government of Sarawak.
Under this concept of autonomy, Sarawak government shall have the power to write the syllabus for schools in Sarawak, plan for the building of schools and hospitals in the State, bear all administration and development expenses in these 3 areas.
To finance our autonomy in these 3 areas, Sarawak must have sufficient revenue. Otherwise, if finance is still controlled by the Federal Government, there is no point for us to claim "autonomy" when we cannot even afford to pay the teachers, medical staff and police officers.
In any government institution, the person who controls the finance controls everything. As such, it is thus our suggestion that 20% Oil and Gas Royalty and 50% of all tax revenue generated and collected in Sarawak must be paid to the State Government of Sarawak.
Therefore, it is imperative that we must first have the 20% Oil and Gas Royalty paid to the State Government and not allow the Federal Government to sit on the matter indefinitely. Any delay on the part of the Federal Government in realising the 20% Oil and Gas Royalty demand is a show of disrespect and contempt on the Sarawak DewanUndanganNegeri which has passed a unanimous resolution on such demand.
If the State Government cannot even get the Federal Government to agree to the 20% Oil and Gas Royalty, how is Adenan going to proceed further on his call for "autonomy".
Therefore, if Adenan is serious about his call for Sarawak Autonomy, he must first list out the area in which he wants Sarawak Government to have the autonomy and then proceed with:
1. Getting the 20% Oil and Gas Royalty for Sarawak
2. Re-negotiate on theNinth Schedule of the Federal Constitution to devolve the power to the State Government which will have to include,at least 50% of the tax collected in Sarawak to be paid to the State Government.
Chong Chieng Jen
DAP Sarawak Chairman
Member of Parliament for Bandar Kuching
ADUN for Kota Sentosa


Posted: 11 Jun 2015 01:31 AM PDT

张健仁表示,如果阿德南没有头绪要在那些领域争取砂州自主权,他欢迎阿德南参阅砂州民主行动党于2014年10月26日于该党砂州党员代表大会所通过的"民都鲁宣言 --- 迈向平等伙伴"。
他说,这3个领域自主权的概念,包含砂州政府自己编写学校的课程、计划和发展学校、医院和警队的设施及砂州政府负责所有这3领域每年的行政和发展开支。 因此,砂州政府必须拥有自己税收。
"有鉴于此,砂州行动党的《民都鲁宣言》也提议,20%的石油天然气开采税和50%在砂州收到的所有税收,归还砂州政府。 因为,如果税收还是归联邦政府控制,再响亮的'砂自主权'喊话,也只是空谈而已。"
"阿德南不应允许纳吉和联邦政府无限期的拖延落实砂州州议会所通过的议案。 这种缓兵之计是对砂州州议会不敬,也是漠视砂州政府的地位。 阿德南应该促使纳吉和联邦政府,立刻把20%的石油天然气开采税归还砂州政府。"
1. 为砂州取得20%的石油天然气开采税;及
2. 开始重新检讨及与联邦政府展开谈判有关修改联邦宪法第九附录有关联邦和州的权限事项,包括将50%在砂州所收得的税收归还砂州政府。

Ahad, 7 Jun 2015

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

The State Government will get at least RM505 million more if it cancels the sale of the 267.15 acres of State Land opposite MJC New Township, Batu Kawa, Kuching to Standard Parade Development Sdn Bhd, a crony company of Sarawak Barisan National.

Posted: 07 Jun 2015 02:48 AM PDT

The State Government will get at least RM505 million more if it cancels the sale of the 267.15 acres of State Land opposite MJC New Township, Batu Kawa, Kuching to Standard Parade Development Sdn Bhd, a crony company of Sarawak Barisan National.
Background Facts of the Matter
By an Agreement dated 8-3-2014 between the State Government of the one part and Standard Parade Development Sdn Bhd (SPD) of the other part, the State Government agrees to sell 267.15 acres of State Land opposite MJC New Township, Jalna Baru Kawa, Kuching (Lots 128, 5489, 5490, 5491, 2301, 2304 and 5279 all of Block 225 Kuching North Land District) (hereinafter called "the Said Land") to SPD at the price of RM115 million.
At such price, it is only RM430,000 per acre, when the market price of land in the vicinity is approximately RM2,000,000 per acre.

Other salient facts of the said Agreement are as follows:
  1. The price of RM115 million will be paid by SPD in kind, with 2 orphanage building in Lawas and Mukah and 1 SABATI building at Jalan Bako.
  2. Upon SPD signing the Building Agreement for the 2 orphanage buildings and commence construction for the SABATI Building, the State Government shall, within 21 days, issue title of document to the Said Land to SPD.
Basically, SPD needs only to incur a minimal sum of less than RM500,000, and it can get the title to the 267.15 acres of land worth at least RM500,000,000.
After I exposed this shoddy land transaction, Adenan Satem (the new Sarawak Chief Minister), in the April 2015 DUN sitting, openly challenged me in Dewan Undangan Negeri to look for a purchaser who is willing to pay RM550 million or more for the Said Land and that he promised he will then cancel the Agreement with SPD.
PURCHASER A to buy the Said Land at the price of RM620 million
So far, there are 3 purchasers who have indicated their willingness to buy the Said Land at more than RM550 million.  Their conditions are that the State Government must first approve their proposed development plan.  Otherwise, they are fearful that the State Government may later makes things difficult and impose ridiculous terms to frustrate their proposed development of the Said Land.
Today, I have in hand from the first of the 3 purchasers (whom I will refer to as "Purchaser A") the proposed development plan and offer to the State Government.
The proposal by Purchaser A to the State Government are as follows:
  1. The Purchaser A will perform all the obligations on the part of Standard Parade Development Sdn Bhd (SPD) to perform under the Agreement dated 8-3-2014 between the Government of the State of Sarawak of the one part and SPD of the other part.
  1. The Purchaser A will pay to the State Government, 10% of the proceeds of sale of the property (including condominiums, apartments, shoplots, shopping centres, hotels) built in accordance with the Proposed Plan attached herewith together with the List of Property to be Built Thereon.  The total estimated proceed of sales based on the current market price is approximately RM4.9 billion.
Therefore, the State Government will get an estimated minimum RM490 million (10% of RM4.9 billion) in cash payment upon completion and sale of the property.  If the property prices increases over the years, the Government will receive more from the agreed 10% proceeds of sales.

  1. The Purchaser A will, at its own costs and expenses, build ONE primary school and ONE secondary school for the Government.  The estimated value of the two schools is approximately RM15,000,000.

The Proposed Development Plan referred to in Item 2 above includes the building and completion of the followings:

  1. 4-Storey Shopping Complex (with 2 blocks of 18 storey Hotel & Condominium)
  • Estimated sale price of RM830,000,000

  1. 2 Blocks of 18-storey Office/Soho Tower (Total area of 270,000 sq. metre)
  • Estimated sale price of RM1,350,000,000

  1. 600 units of 4-storey Shophouses
  • Estimated sale price of RM720,000,000

  1. 12 Blocks of 12-18 storeys Condominium
(900 units with average selling price of RM500,000 per unti)
  • Estimated sale price of RM450,000,000

  1. 29 Blocks of 18-storey Apartments
(4000 units with average selling price of RM350,000 per unti)
  • Estimated sale price of RM1,400,000,000

  1. 227 units of 2-3 storeys Terrace and Semi-detached Houses
  • Estimated sale price of RM150,000,000
Total Estimated Sales Proceeds
Based on the present Market Price RM4,900,000,000


Comparison of Benefits to the State Government

The following is a table of comparison of the benefits to the State Government from selling the Said Land to SPD on the one hand and selling the Said Land to Purchaser A on the other hand:

Standard Parade Development Sdn BhdPurchaser A
  • Two Orphanage Buildings and One SABATI Building worth RM115 million.
  • Two Orphanage Buildings and One SABATI Building worth RM115 million.
  • 10% of the estimated RM4.9-billion Gross Development Value at the present market price which will generate a revenue of RM490 million to the Government coffer.
  • One Primary School and One Secondary School worth RM15 million.

By the proposal of this Purchaser A alone, the State Government will derive a benefits which is almost 5 times that offered by SPD, or an extra RM505 million more than what SPD is offering the State Government.

Therefore, no sensible Government will reject such offer by Purchaser A, unless there is something hanky-panky going on between the BN leaders and SPD.

Adenan Urged to Walk the Talk

Since Adenan became the Chief Minister of Sarawak, he has been talking about good governance.

Sadly, this Agreement was signed by the State Government 9 days after he became the Chief Minister.  Therefore, he cannot disclaim any responsibility for the impropriety of such agreement.

The fact that the Said Land was sold to SPD at RM115 million and now there is a company who is willing to pay RM620 million for the Said Land is clear evidence of impropriety and smacks of some element of corruption in the dealing with SPD.

If Adenan is really sincere about "Good Governance", he must cancel the Agreement for the sale of the Said Land to SPD, otherwise, his talk about "Good Governance" is mere lip service and no action.

The fact that Adenan has openly challenged to me in Sarawak DUN to find a purchaser who is willing to pay more than RM550 million for the Said Land means that Adenan has the power to cancel the Agreement with SPD.

Now that I have found a purchaser who is willing to offer RM620 million, will Adenan eat his words, or will he honour his pledge.


I will forward the proposal and my letter to Adenan on Monday (8-6-2015).

I have also informed Adenan in my letter that there are 2 more proposals coming from other prospective purchasers and such proposals will be given to me in about 2 weeks' time. I will upon receipt thereof, forward the same to Adenan in due course.

As this matter concerns hundreds of million Ringgit of public money, there should be no urgency for the Government to make any decision EXCEPT to immediately terminate the Agreement with SPD who has taken the Government and the people of Sarawak for a ride.


Chong Chieng Jen
Member of Parliament for Bandar Kuching
ADUN for Kota Sentosa
Chairman of Sarawak DAP


Posted: 07 Jun 2015 01:32 AM PDT


张健仁指出,相比州政府以11500万令吉的廉价售卖这一大片政府地给国阵朋党Standard Parade Development有限公司,接触张氏的第一位买家所开出的条件,砂州政府将可得到总值6亿2000万令吉的现金和产业,比SPD有限公司所给予州政府的,多出5亿500万令吉。

事关,砂州政府于201438日,与Standard Parade Development 有限公司签署一份卖地合约,将座落在古晋石角路MJC商业中心对面的一片267.15英亩的政府地,以超便宜的价格,出售给这家SPD有限公司。 整片267.15英亩的黄金地段,政府只以区区的1亿1500万令吉出售给这家SPD有限公司,即,平均每英亩售价只是43万令吉,虽然那里的地段市价是介于一英亩约200万令吉。 

即使售价已如此的便宜,但,根据这份不公平合约内的条文,这家SPD有限公司也不需要还这1亿1500万令吉现金。 它是以物物交换的方式偿还这1亿1500万令吉,即,该SPD有限公司将在沐胶和老越建两间孤儿院和在Bako路建一所"部长夫人俱乐部大厦" 





1. 完全按照砂州政府和SPD有限公司所签署的合约,替砂州政承建两间孤儿院和一间"部长夫人俱乐部大厦"
2. 除此之外,这第一位买家也将付给砂州政府,其在这片土地上所建筑的所有产业所卖出的售价的10% 根据目前产业市价的估计,以及这第一位买家所建议的发展图,这片267.15英亩的地段,可发展至总价值约49亿令吉的房屋、商店、公寓和租屋。 49亿令吉的10%既是4亿9000万令吉。 这也意味着,砂州政府可多收4亿9000万令吉的钱。
3. 另外,这第一位买家再替州政府建一间小学和一间中学,总价值约1500万令吉。



· 替州政府建两间孤儿院和一间部长夫人俱乐部大夏,总价值1亿1500万令吉

· 替州政府建两间孤儿院和一间部长夫人俱乐部大夏,总价值1亿1500万令吉

· 付还给州政府整个发展计划所卖出的房产店屋等售价的10% 以目前市价的估计,总发展价值是约49亿令吉,则砂州政府可得到4亿9000万令吉。

· 一间设备齐全的小学和一间中学,总价值1500万令吉。


1. 4层楼的商业购物中心及两栋18层楼的酒店和高级公寓
· 预计售价是8亿3000万令吉

2. 18层楼的办公楼大厦(总面积是27万平方米)
· 预计售价是13亿5000万令吉

3. 6004层楼的店屋
· 预计售价是7亿2000万令吉

4. 1212-18 层楼的公寓(约900个单位,每单位售价50万令吉)
· 预计售价是4亿5000万令吉

5. 29 18层楼的租屋(约4000个单位,每单位售价35万令吉
· 预计售价是14亿令吉

6. 227间排屋和半独立房屋
· 预计售价1亿5000万令吉

"这些预计售价是根据目前那一带产业的售价行情所做出的预算。 其总数是49亿令吉,10%既是4亿9000万令吉。 因此政府将可额外多收4亿9000万令吉。 况且,古晋房地产的价格只有涨没有跌,相信到时价格还会提高一些。 若价格提高,则这第一买家所将还给政府的10%售价的钱,也会相应的提高。"

张氏表示,现在他已成功找到第一个买家,并可让砂州政府受益6亿2000万令吉(比SPD有限公司所给予砂州政府的1亿1500万令吉,多出将近5倍)。 大前提是,砂州政府需原则上批准这第一位买家所提呈的发展计划。



张健仁也在信中指出,既然阿德南敢在州议会公开挑战张氏找买家并表示只要张氏可找到买家出价5亿5000万令吉,他将取消砂州政府和SPD有限公司所签署的那份合约,这挑战很明显的说明,砂州政府是有权力取消那份不公平合约的。 问题在于,阿德南是否愿意取消该份合约,还是选择继续前朝政府贱卖政府地的政策。

张氏也指出,这份不公平合约是于201438日签署的,也既是阿德南成为首席部长9天后所签署的。 因此,阿德南不能推卸这"贱卖政府地"的罪行。


他也说,政府也没必要急于一时的批准该片土地给予张氏所提呈的第一位买家,因为,还有两位买家也正在绘图及计算发展价值。 他们将会在多一、两个星期后,提呈他们的计划书。

"这第一买家所提出的计划,最保守估计,砂州政府将多收4亿9000万令吉的现金。 这笔钱若好好利用,可造福许多砂州子民,包括在全古晋提供免费公共巴士服务还绰绰有余。 更何况,该计划中还包括4000个单位的中价租屋(35万令吉),是许多中下阶级的上班族有能力购买的范围之内。 而且,多了这4000单位的中价租屋,也可有效的减缓房地产不断涨价的趋势。"
