Khamis, 26 Mac 2015

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog

Chong Chieng Jen's Blog


Posted: 19 Mar 2015 06:03 PM PDT

以目前伊党的立场和路线,砂民联的破裂似乎在所难免。 但是,这是自我于2013年接掌砂州行动党主席之职后,所将做出的最重要的一个决定。 因此,我不能个人做出宣布,必须得到全体州委的通过,才可做出进一步的宣布。
原则上,是伊党违背民联协议,应该是由伊党推出民联。 但是,民联3党目前只有行动党坚持针对施行伊刑法的强烈抗议,在其他友党还没有做出任何表态的情况下,行动党唯有退出此联盟。
无论如何,人民可以看清的一个事实: 吉兰丹伊刑法的通过,也是得到巫统的全力支持,而巫统则是国阵的主干政党。 这是伊党和巫统的合作下所一起通过的法律。
当年砂拉越和沙巴、马来亚及新加坡联合成立马来西亚,其中一个条件就是马来西亚是世俗国。 这也是为什么砂拉越没有官方宗教。 因此,伊党和巫统318的联手通过伊刑法,已违背了马来西亚建国的协议。

DAP Sarawak will have no choice but to consider taking the final step to leave Pakatan Rakyat.

Posted: 19 Mar 2015 05:57 PM PDT

In light of the "back-stabbing" by PAS in the tabling of the hudud bill in Kelantan, it is now either PAS or DAP in Pakatan Rakyat Sarawak. Given the said betrayal, DAP Sarawak will have no choice but to consider taking the final step to leave Pakatan Rakyat.
As of now, I see no other option but the break of PR Sarawak.
However, as this is the most important decision to be made since I took helm of the State Committee in June 2013, I shall convene a DAP Sarawak State Committee meeting to decide on the matter and get endorsement from the full committee soon.
Meanwhile, it is to be noted that the Kelantan Hudud amendment bill was fully supported by UMNO, which is the backbone of Barisan Nasional. It is a collaboration of both PAS and UMNO in pushing through this hudud law.
There is no question that DAP shall take a strong stand against the implementation of hudud law in Malaysia. More importantly, all the non-UMNO parties in BN must also make their stand loud and clear, not only to PAS but also to UMNO.
When Sarawak join with Sabah, Federation of Malaya and Singapore to form Malaysia, it is a condition that Malaysia shall remain a secular State. This is especially so as there is till this day no official religion for Sarawak.
The move by PAS, supported by UMNO, has undermined the formation of Malaysia.
Therefore, I call upon all political parties in Sarawak to condemn the passing of the hudud law and any attempt by any person or political party to undermine the secular status of Malaysia, be it by PAS or UMNO.

Chong Chieng Jen
Member of Parliament for Bandar Kuching
ADUN Kota Sentosa

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