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加帛省桑路(B段)工程, 国阵“邀请性招标”模式,使纳税人白还2000万令吉 Posted: 17 Dec 2014 10:24 PM PST 民主行动党古晋市国会议员兼哥打圣淘沙州议员张健仁在新闻发布会上表示:- (古晋18日讯)加帛省桑路(B段)建路工程,国阵"邀请性招标"模式,使纳税人白还2000万令吉。 民主行动党古晋市国会议员兼哥打圣淘沙州议员张健仁透露,在今年2月初,政府在报章上刊登广告,公开邀请承包商投标加帛省桑路(B段)(CH.5+460 to CH.17+560)的建路工程。 在短短的半个月时间,总共53家承包商计算及呈上他们的标书。 排除最高和最低价的投标数额,51家承包商的投标数额是介于RM82,857,153 to RM141,290,530。 "但是,在这些承包商完全不知情的情况下,财政部私下取消该工程的公开招标程序,把它改为'邀请性招标'并指定10家由财政部所列出的公司为受邀请投标的承包商。" 张健仁表示,当他在国会提出质问为何"公开招标"被偷偷换为"邀请性招标",财政部给予的回答是,'该工程需紧急完成,而且需由财力和技术强大的公司去执行该项工程'。 ![]() 张健仁指出,政府以如此高价批该建路工程给这间公司,违反3大正常原理: 1. 在之前公开招标下投标的众多公司中,有17家承包商的投标数额是少过1亿令吉的,另外则有15家承包商的投标数额是少过1亿1983万令吉的。 这32家承包商的平均投标价是9900万令吉,比政府给予Impian Zaman 私人有限公司的价格少2000万令吉。 为何政府要多还2000万令吉给予这间由财政部所指定的公司? 2. 在这32家承包商当中,也有许多是有雄厚财力和强大技术的公司,有者甚至是挂牌公司。 为什么这些价钱又较便宜、背景又更强的公司都没有被列入"被邀请"的名单? 3. 根基马来西亚公司注册局的搜查显示,该Impian Zaman 私人有限公司的已缴资本只是100万令吉。 而且,它是属于一间所豁免向公司注册局呈报公司财政报告的私人公司。 一间100万令吉资本的公司,如何去承建一个价值1亿1983万令吉(比它的资本大超过100倍)的建路工程? 张健仁说,因为这种朋党运作,政府所需付出承建该加帛省桑路(B段)建路工程的价格暴增20%(2000万令吉)。 2000万令吉纳税人的钱,也就这样轻易的转为国阵朋党的私利。 张氏谴责纳吉,一边说要减少给予人民的津贴及增加向人民征税,另一边,他所掌管的政府部门却继续用人民的钱进行官商挂钩的把利益和纳税人的钱,送给国阵朋党公司。 张氏也说,目前我国正面对自1997年亚洲经济风暴以来最严峻的考验,因为: 1. 国际油价下跌逾40%,使我国政府收入下跌逾15%; 2. 政府欠债已高达史无前例的5690亿令吉; 3. 马币下跌至1美元兑3.5令吉或2.68新币对1令吉,而市场预算马币将继续下滑。 4. 最近所公布的2012年马来西亚黑金外流高达1711亿令吉。 以人均计算,马来西亚黑金外流情况是全球第一,即,中国(人均黑金外流US$183.91), 印度(人均黑金外流US$47.65), 俄罗斯(人均黑金外流US$856.16), 墨西哥(人均黑金外流US$774.81), 马来西亚(人均黑金外流US$1,646.36); 5. 政府减少甚至取消许多日常必需品的津贴;及 6. 政府将落实消费税,向广大贫穷人士征税。 张健仁也透露,行动党之前曾向马来西亚反贪委员会呈报这间偷天换日的"公开招标"变"邀请性招标"事件,但是反贪委员会拒绝调查。 这再再证明,马来西亚反贪委员会只不过是纳吉的"马仔",而不是一个真正要落实廉洁施政文化的执法单位。 反贪委员会是不会去调查由纳吉掌管的财政部。 "这起事件很明显的告诉人民,我们所还的每1令吉税,有20%去到的国阵朋党的口袋。 只要国阵一日还是马来西亚的政府,这种朋党作业模式还是会继续下去。 最终,人民将被逼越还越多的税来维持这些朋党的利益。" |
Posted: 17 Dec 2014 10:15 PM PST ![]() Taking away the highest and the lowest tender prices, the tender prices submitted by the remainder 51 contractors ranged from RM82,857,153 to RM141,290,530. Unknown to the contractors who have submitted the tenders, by a letter dated 19-2-2014, the Ministry of Finance cancelled the open tender process and applied the "selected tender" process whereby only 10 contractors were selected by the Ministry of Finance. The reasons given by the Ministry for the secret conversion of the open tender to selected tender process were that the project needed to be carried out urgently and by contractors with strong financial and technical standing. Despite the so-called "urgency" of the matter, the contract was finally awarded to one of the 10 selected companies, ie. Impian Zaman SdnBhd on 17-11-2014, 8 months after the supposed closing date of the cancelled "open tender" process. The company was awarded the said Pakej B Jalan Song/Sg Yong, Kapit project at the price of RM119,830,000.00. There are three (3) glaring improprieties of the award of this Pakej B, Jalan Song, Kapit project: 1. There are 17 contractors who submitted tender prices below RM100,000,000 and 15 more contractors who submitted tender prices below RM119,800,000 for the project. The mean (average) tender prices of these 32 contractors is about RM99,000,000, which is RM20 million less than the award price for Impian Zaman Sdn Bhd. Why did the government want to pay an extra RM20 million more for the said project? 2. Amongst these 32 contractors, there are also established contractors, and even a public listed company. Why were these contractors excluded from the "selected list"? 3. Impian Zaman has only RM1,000,000 paid-up capital. It is also a exempt private company where there is no need to file its financial account with the Companies Commission of Malaysia. How can a company with only a paid up capital of RM1,000,000 paid-up capital undertake a RM119,830,000 construction work which is more than 100 times its paid-up capital. The bottom line is: At this crony price of RM119,830,000 for the said Pakej B Jalan Song/Sg Yong, Kapit project, the project costs has escalated by 20% (or RM20 million) compared to if the project were to be awarded by open tender. At least RM20 million of the tax-payer's money has just gone to enrich the BN crony. It is most unfair to the People that when Najib is talking about cutting subsidy for the people and increasing tax on the people to support the Government's coffer, his ministry is still dishing out lucrative and over-priced contracts for the benefits of the BN cronies at the expense of the people. At this juncture, the country and its people are facing one of the toughest times since the 1997 currency crisis because of: 1. A more than 40% drop in international oil prices reducing the overall Government's revenue by approximately 15%; 2. Government debt has increased to an unprecedented level of RM569 billion; 3. The Ringgit has depreciated to RM3.5 to US$1 and RM2.68 to S$1 and is expected to continue depreciate; 4. The recently announced illicit money outflow from Malaysia is still at an alarming level RM171.1 billion for the year 2012. In per capita sense, our illicit money outflow tops the world: China (US$183.91 per capita), India (US$47.65 per capita), Russia (US$856.16 per capita), Mexica (US$774.81 per capita), Malaysia (US$1,646.36 per capita); 5. The Government has reduced subsidy on many essential goods for the people; and 6. The Government is introducing the GST to tax the poor to increase its revenue. We DAP has, earlier on, lodged a report on the secretive conversion of "open tender" to "selected tender" of this project with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, but the MACC refuses to investigate. It is proof that the MACC is more of a figurative "lapdog" of Najib than an enforcement body to inculcate integrity in the system. That is why it will not investigate the Ministry which Najib heads even where there is glaring improprieties. The people must remember, for every Ringgit of tax money that we pay, at least 20% has gone to enrich the BN cronies. This has gone on for decades and will continue so long as BN is the government. At the end, the Rakyat will be forced to pay more tax to finance the financial interests of these cronies. 18-12-2014 Chong Chieng Jen MP for Bandar Kuching ADUN Kota Sentosa |
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