Sabtu, 9 Februari 2013

Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar Ibrahim

[PRESS STATEMENT] Expulsion of Uighur asylum seekers under suspicious circumstances unacceptable

Posted: 09 Feb 2013 06:01 AM PST

It has come to our attention that on December 31, 2012, the Malaysian government forcibly expelled six Uighur Muslim asylum seekers back to China.

They were in our country seeking shelter from persecution in their home country and should have been accorded all due process as warranted by international law.

Since their cases were being reviewed by the asylum processing agencies, their sudden transfer without the cooperation of the United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees' office in Kuala Lumpur is a clear violation of international law.

Malaysia is a sovereign nation and must act accordingly in its handling of such cases. Whatever may be the reasons, we condemn the inhumane and illegal repatriation of the asylum seekers. We reiterate that in dealing with refugees, humanitarian considerations must prevail over political expediency.


[PRESS STATEMENT] Trial of Jamaat Islami Leaders: Stop Persecution

Posted: 09 Feb 2013 05:58 AM PST

We note with great concern the trial in Bangladesh of seven leaders of the Islamic group (Jamaat-e-Islami) on politically motivated charges and conducted in a manner that contravenes international standards for a just and fair trial.

In this regard, we condemn the injustice being perpetrated and call on the Bangladeshi government to stop this farcical trial and allow due process to prevail.

The requirements of justice, the rule of law and a fair trial warrant that the suspects be accorded full rights and facilities to defend themselves and not be subjected to a process which is fundamentally flawed.

The safeguards and protection given to all persons under the constitution must be followed in letter and in spirit. This would apply equally to members of the opposition who should not be persecuted because of political differences We therefore urge the authorities to take immediate action to put things right.


[VIDEO] Perutusan Anwar Ibrahim : Tahun Baru Cina 2013

Posted: 08 Feb 2013 11:27 PM PST

Semua Warganegara Malaysia Yang Berdaftar Sebagai Pengundi, Pulanglah Untuk Membuang Undi Atau Daftarlah Sebagai Pengundi Pos Sekarang

Posted: 08 Feb 2013 03:55 PM PST

Dalam masa dua minggu terdekat ini, lebih sejuta warganegara Malaysia yang kini tinggal di luar negara mampu merubah lanskap demokrasi tanah air, sama ada dengan mereka kembali ke Malaysia untuk membuang undi atau dengan mendaftar sebagai pengundi pos.

Ada kemungkinan Parlimen akan dibubarkan di hujung bulan Februari, dan mengikut undang-undang baru berkaitan pengundi pos untuk rakyat Malaysia yang berada di luar negara seperti yang ditetapkan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Malaysia (SPR), hanya mereka yang telah mengisi dan menghantar borang pendaftaran pengundi pos sebelum atau padi hari pembubaran akan dibenarkan membuang undi pos bila Pilihanraya Umum ke-13 (PRU-13) berlangsung nanti.

Warga negara Malaysia yang berada di luar negara tetapi masih belum mendaftar sebagai pengundi pos akan hilang hak mereka untuk memilih jika proses ini tidak dilengkapkan.

Pihak SPR telah memaklumkan bahawa sehingga jam 8.30 pagi hari Rabu yang lalu, hanya seramai 1,574 orang telah mendaftar sebagai pengundi pos, setelah pihak SPR akur dengan tuntutan NGO-NGO seperti Bersih dan My Overseas Vote, dan parti-parti komponen Pakatan Rakyat.

Rakyat Malaysia di luar negara yang telah sekian lama hilang hak mereka untuk mengundi kini mesti mengambil kesempatan yang ada untuk menzahirkan semula prinsip satu warga negara, satu undi (one citizen, one vote).

Saya ingin menyatakan di sini bahawa saya bersependapat dengan Bersih dan My Overseas Vote, bahawa perubahan yang dibuat oleh SPR terhadap sistem undi pos adalah tidak menurut perlembagaan, berdiskriminasi, dan sembarangan.

Saya perjelaskan di sini:

1) Walaupun keputusan untuk membenarkan warga negara Malaysia yang berada di luar negara untuk mengundi secara pos dialu-alukan, saya bantah syarat-syarat yang tidak menurut perlembagaan, seperti pemohon mestilah berada di Malaysia sekurang-kurangnya 30 hari (terkumpul) dalam masa lima tahun yang lalu.

2) Mereka yang mampu untuk pulang ke Malaysia untuk membuang undi digesa untuk melakukan sedemikian, oleh kerana sistem undi pos kelihatan seperti mudah terjejas. Tetapi mereka yang tidak mampu untuk pulang perlu mendaftar sebagai pengundi pos dengan mengisi dan menghantar borang 1B yang boleh dimuat turn dari laman web SPR (

3) Semua calon-calon PRU juga perlu diberi senarai pengundi pos bagi kawasan yang mereka bertanding selewat-lewatnya pada penghujung hari penamaan calon, dan parti-parti politik wajib diberi senarai kesemua pengundi pos yang tinggal di luar negara mengikut pejabat suruhanjaya tinggi, kedutaan, atau pejabat konsul.

4) Semua parti-parti politik juga perlu dibenarkan memantau pemberian kertas-kertas undi pos di pejabat suruhanjaya tinggi, kedutaan, atau pejabat konsul tersebut.

Saya menekankan di sini yang setiap undi itu penting, dan setiap warga negara Malaysia perlu melaksanakan hak mereka untuk mengundi – oleh itu, walaupun sistem ini tidak sempurna, memboikot sistem tersebut mendatangkan lebih mudarat dari kebaikan.

Buat masa ini, dan sehingga reformasi penuh dilaksanakan terhadap sistem pilihanraya, warga negara yang berada di Malaysia atau di luar negara mesti mengikut proses sedia ada agar hak mengundi semua warga negara tidak terjejas.

Sekali lagi saya tegaskan, buat teman-teman yang berada di luar negara:

Mereka yang tidak dapat pulang, daftarlah sebagai pengundi pos. Masa terhad, dan hari pembubaran Parlimen sudah dekat.

Bila anda sudah mendaftar, maklumkan NGO-NGO seperti My Overseas Vote dan Bersih supaya undi pos anda akan dipantau dan dipertahankan.

Jika anda masih belum mendaftar sebagai pengundi, dan oleh itu tidak berhak mendaftar sebagai pengundi pos, sila semak daftar pemilih untuk memastikan nama anda tiada dalam daftar tersebut. Jika ada, laporkan.

Kepada teman-teman di sini:

a) Jika anda punyai sanak-saudara atau kawan-kawan di luar negara, ingatkan mereka untuk mendaftar sebagai pengundi pos jika belum lagi berbuat sedemikian.

b) Maklumkan juga NGO-NGO dan juga calon-calon pilihanraya yang ahli keluarga atau kawan anda adalah seorang pengundi pos bagi kawasan parlimen atau DUN tersebut.

Saya ingin melihat semangat warga negara Malaysia yang berada di luar negara membuatkan satu kejutan kepada SPR dengan mendaftar beramai-ramai sebagai pengundi pos dalam masa dua minggu ini. Sila rujuk dan untuk arahan dan nasihat spesifik bagi proses undi pos.

Nurul Izzah Anwar

Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai

Naib Presiden KEADILAN



FEBRUARY 8, 2013

All registered Malaysian voters abroad, come home or register to be a postal voter immediately

There are at least a million adult Malaysians abroad who can in the next two weeks take one monumental step to affect democracy back home, by returning home to cast your vote or at the least registering as a postal voter.

There is a chance that Parliament will be dissolved by the end of February, and following the new rules governing postal voting for Malaysians abroad set by the Election Commission (EC) only those who have their filled forms submitted to the EC before and on dissolution will be allowed to vote in the 13th General Election.

These Malaysians risk their suffrage if they do not complete this process.

The EC informs us that as of 8.30am Wednesday only 1,574 have registered to become postal voters after the EC caved in to persistent lobbying by NGOs like Bersih and My Overseas Vote, and Pakatan Rakyat parties.

Malaysians who have for so long been deprived the right to vote, must take this opportunity to return the principle of one citizen, one vote.
At this juncture, I would like to emphasise that I share the same position that both Bersih and My Overseas Vote hold, that the changes to Malaysian postal voting regulations by the EC are unconstitutional, discriminatory and arbitrary.

I will detail them:

1. Though the decision to allow postal voting to Malaysians abroad is welcome, I object to the unconstitutional conditions attached to it, like the applicant has to have been in Malaysia for at least 30 days in total during the previous five years.
2. Those Malaysians who can return home to vote as the postal vote system appears to be vulnerable. But those who cannot return must then register to become postal voters, by filling and submitting form 1B which can be downloaded from the EC (
3. All candidates should be given a list of postal voters in their constituencies at the end of nomination day, and for political parties to be given a nationwide list of overseas postal voters broken down by high commission, embassy or consulate.
4. All political parties should be allowed to monitor the issuing of voting ballots at the high commission, embassy or consulate.
I cannot emphasise enough that each vote matters and every Malaysian must exercise his or her right to vote -which is why though the system has flaws, boycotting the system brings more harm than good.
For now, until an exhaustive and full reform of the electoral system, citizens home and abroad must follow the process outlined so that no one's right to vote is undermined.

I repeat my plea to Malaysians abroad:

Those who can't return home, register as a postal voter. Time is of the essence, the countdown is upon us as the day Parliament is dissolved is the deadline to register.

When you register inform NGOs like My Overseas Vote or Bersih so that your ballot right is monitored and defended by those representing your rights
If you are an unregistered voter, therefore ineligible to become a postal voter, please check anyway if your name is on the electoral roll. Report anomalies.
To Malaysians here at home:
a. If you have relatives and friends abroad, communicate to them this opportunity and ask them to register if they have not.

b. Help inform the NGOs and the respective constituency candidates that a family member or friend has just registered as a postal voter.

I would like to see the spirit of community to surprise the EC and for record numbers to register in the next fortnight. Please refer to and for specific instructions and advisories for the postal voting process.

Nurul Izzah Anwar
MP for Lembah Pantai
Vice president

Gong Xi Fa Cai Bersama Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim Pulau Pinang & Perak – 12 & 13 Februari 2013

Posted: 08 Feb 2013 03:52 PM PST

12 Februari 2013 (Selasa) – Pulau Pinang

1) 5.00 ptg – Hi-Tea – Taman Seri Aceh, Nibong Tebal

2) 7.15 mlm – Solat & Tazkirah Maghrib – Masjid Pantai Jerajak

3) 8.30 mlm – Sambutan Gong Xi Fa Cai

Lokasi: Pusat Khidmat ADUN Batu Maung,
Taman Iping, Bayan Lepas
4) 8.00 – 11.00 mlm – Makan Malam Gong Xi Fa Cai – P-Balik Pulau

Lokasi: Hadapan Pasar Awam MPPP Balik Pulau
5) 9.00 – 12.00 mlm – Ceramah Perdana – Gong Xi Fa Cai

Lokasi: Padang Seri Nibong, Padang Medan Nipah, Batu Uban
6) Barisan Penceramah:

i. YB Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim

ii. YB Karpal Singh

iii. YB Chong Eng

iv. YB Raveen Tharan

v. YB R.S.N Rayer

vi. YB Jason Ong Khan Lee

13 Februari 2013 (Rabu) – Perak

1) 7.00 ptg – Sambutan Gong Xi Fa Cai – KeADILan Perak

Lokasi : Dewan Tokong Cina Bidor
2) 9.00 – 12.00 mlm – Ceramah Perdana – Demi Rakyat

Lokasi : Kampong Pengakalan Pegoh, Ipoh
3) 9.00 – 12.00 mlm – Ceramah Perdana – Merdeka Rakyat

Lokasi: Lembah Putera, Kampong Gapis, Padang Rengas
4) Barisan Penceramah:

i. YB Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim

ii. YBhg Dr Mohd Nur Manuty

iii. YB Lee Boon Chye

iv. YB Dato' Seri Nizar Jamaluddin

v. YB Sivakumar

vi. YB Chan Ming Kai

vii. Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat Perak

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