Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on MAS paid 8 month bonus in 2010 to Firefly staff! by leo57

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 07:33 AM PST

I still maintain you must be sleeping under some rock to think that Maseu leaders are working for their members or MAS interests. Lets put this simply – if they are not happy, they want to strike? Ini kerja bodoh. If you are not happy with CCF, you go on strike, what happens? MAS is the one who suffers, not AA or Tony. In fact, Tony would be very happy if maseu call a strike. Semua kapal MAS tak jalan, siapa dapat bisnes? If Maseu leaders have any brains, tell your members. kalau nak sabo, sabo la kapal AA yang berlambak nak datang ke MAS untuk maintenence tu. Ini, bila tak happy, suroh staff delay kapal MAS! Sepatutunya bila kapal AA masuk hangar kita, itu la masanya kita kena kerja perlahan-lahan. Isnt that simple logic ke?
Bukan union lain got no balls, its because union lain got MORE brains.
Anyway I still maintain Maseu punya wayang sandiwara memang hebat, kat members cerita lain, dalam dilog dengan AJ/Danny bukan main sokong lagi.
At leaat all other unions are consistent, they are the ones yang betul-betul
BBQ AJ dengan danny. Get your facts right. And, keep questioning whenever the maseu guys brief you on their “agendas”.

Comment on Another nail in MAS coffin? by leo57

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 07:15 AM PST

Old Man
you are right, it’s a ploy that is as clear as daylight robbery, and people are still left wondering? what is there to wonder about? the script will be used over and over again until MAS becomes history. Shame does not appear in the vocabs of people like Tony and his supporters, which btw includes his ‘protege’ danny rashdan, who now is handed a new ‘toy’ called mas shorthaul. with danny’s track record of questionable ‘successes’ it is almost certain that he will make short work of the short haul, in the process destroying MAS. Shame on all of them!

Comment on MYCC has commenced investigations into the “STRATEGIC ALLIANCE” between MAS & AirAsia by leo57

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 06:55 AM PST

Jaqueline Phua

there is nothing to check out, all this is open knowledge which MAS staff see happening in front of their eyes. But, what can be done? All that is being done is with the blessings of our national “leaders” starting with the PM who has got to save his brother’s bank, to which AA owes billions. Do you for one minute think that Tony and the gang are bothered about being caught? No way. Tajuddin Ramli did the same, looting MAS like it was his personal bank account for him and family members. Years later, what is MAS told to do? Just drop the charges. TR continues his lavish lifestyle and MAS? MAS is reduced to rubble after the so-called execution of the WAU. Yes, internally MAS is pretty screwed-up too, so it makes it easy for others to come and finish the job, under pretences like ‘collaboration’. MAS staff are many of the silent majority in Malaysia, we will be breaking our ‘silence’ when it is time to vote in the next GE.

Comment on MYCC has commenced investigations into the “STRATEGIC ALLIANCE” between MAS & AirAsia by Musnah Harapan

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 06:43 AM PST

Comment on MYCC has commenced investigations into the “STRATEGIC ALLIANCE” between MAS & AirAsia by Jacqueline Phua

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 03:29 AM PST

Tuan Wee,

Check this out : Evidence of broad daylight heist plot by Tony Fernnadez and his gangsters – Part I (somemore part I???)

at malaysiaairlinesfamilies.wordpress.com

Comment on MYCC has commenced investigations into the “STRATEGIC ALLIANCE” between MAS & AirAsia by Ami

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 03:28 AM PST

I would like to suggest MAS LOYAL to picket first setting exemplary for the UNIONS to move since you’re so clever in PICKETING comment. I bet to differ MAS LOYAL will pee in his pants than PICKETING.

Comment on MYCC has commenced investigations into the “STRATEGIC ALLIANCE” between MAS & AirAsia by Atticus

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 03:07 AM PST

MAS idiot like Rashdan

Yes, there are many good and loyal staff in MAS, but “good” for what, in what, and loyal to whom?
How to identify and develop and prepare “good” people for high positions
when MAS does not have proper Career Planning, Training and Development,
Talent identification, etc etc? The so-called Talent dept issued a CPN (career planning note) to staff giving a few days to fill the form up.Out of 20 questions in the CPN, 15 Qs were things like name,stf number, gender, date joined etc, data that SHOULD be in the HR system. Q18 asked where we wanted to be and by when? At that time the CEO’s position was vacant. Many for the fun of it actually answered “to be MD”! Knowing full well HR/Talent will have absolutely no clue how to make that happen anyway. Every time there is a position vacant, more often than not, it’s WHO you know and who knows and likes you that gets you the promotion. Meritocracy is practically unheard of, but mediocrity is rewarded. At a time when the rest of MAS were told that recruitment, replacement of positions were frozen, HR upgraded/promoted no less than 18 people to managerial positions!The HR division is the laughing stock of staff, although they themselves think otherwise. HR rolls out plan after plan that has no alignment to the Business needs. A good example is now when MAS is bleeding, HR organises kite flying
contests, HR expects Managers outside HR to conduct training, disciplinary inquiries etc (all the functions of HR managers and executives) under the label “engagement” when executive time should be focussed on the critical areas of the business ie to MAKE money! The Management talks about productivity,
but HR doesn’t have a clue how to even define it, much less implement programs to increase it, or even to measure what this thing called “productivity” is! Well, maybe they do. Almost on a monthly basis, HR will close shop for a day or half day, quite forgetting they are a service unit, to do what? One recent example is, all the management of HR closed shop on a Friday afternoon for a karaoke session in a nearby shopping complex, to bid
farewell to one of their own! later on 30th December, another close shop day, again for farewell cum year end party!. Note that HR is the only division in MAS to do this. So back to your question, why not promote internal people,
where are they? HR as you can see, is too busy with having a good time.
So, as a very long serving staff, I will be getting my 30-year award soon,
I WELCOME people from outside, if they can do the job, and do it well.
Back to the “Kamarudin Meranun’s” relative – she is a damn sight better than the people who have been there for years, at least she is groomed well, speaks well, and from all accounts, quite competent too.
Staff morale has already hit rock bottom with years and years of people mismanagement, don’t look for scapegoats in the form of “outsiders” .
If there is any one thing that MAS should overhaul, it is the HR division.
In time, the rest will fall into place.

Comment on Abused of “1MALAYSIA” logo by weechookeong

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 08:19 PM PST

Tuan Johari Hamzah

Selamat pagi. Salam sejahtera kepada Tuan dan semua pembaca/komentar

Untuk rekod dan makluman Tuan, saya tidak pernah sama menghalang mana-mana pihak daripada mencari rezeki samada
pekerja, peniaga dan/atau penjaja. Saya sentiasa menyokong sesiapa untuk mencari rezeki yang tidak menimbulkan masalah gangu-kacau kepada masyarakt majoriti di kawasan tertentu. Saya amat faham kesusuahan para-penjaja dan golongan rendah kerana sejarah saya juga adalah
daripada keluarga anak penjaja. Pada masa yang sama kita semua perlu perihatin masalah sosial dan memberi prioriti kepada Gaya Hidup Sihat.

Namun begitu saya percaya Tuan dan penduduk-penduduk di Kaasan Prima Setapak dan lain-lain tempat tidak boleh menerima adanya keadaan ganggu kacau di kawasan kediaman kerana mereka adalah dari golongan perkerja, peniaga dan penjaja
yang memerlukan masa rehat yang cukup bersama-sama keluarga (quiet enjoyment of their surrounding) selepas mereka pen at dari perkerjaan mereka. Saya percaya Tuan pun ada perasaan demikian selepas Tuan balik dari ofis.

Dengan keadaan di Prima Setapak, Sdr sedia maklum bahawa masalah
kesesakan jalanraya di kawasan tersebut adalah amat meruncing sequel
sedangkan dalam keadaan sekarang ini pun penduduk-penduduk mengeluh
kerana ketiadaan tempat meletakan kenderaaan mereka.

Selain daripada itu sekiranya cadangan mengadakan Bazar tersebut
diteruskan sudah tentu masalah-masalah baru seperti kesesakan jalan
raya, noise pollution, air pollution serta gangguan kesihatan kerana masalah
kekotoran sekeliling. Masalah jenayah seperti pecah kereta, ragut dan ugut
juga akan meningkat. Kesemua ini tidak memberikan kebaikan kepada semua

Tuan sedia maklum bahawa ada ramai budak-budak sekolah berjalan kaki ke sekolah SRJK Mun Yee dan keselamatan mereka juga perlu diambil kira.

Masalah-masalah yang diakibatkan oleh Bazar Larut di Danau Kota perlu kepada penduduk-penduduk di Danau Kota perlu diambil kira seebagai satu conbtoh. DBKL dna Kementerian WP juga amat perihatin masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh penduduk di sana. Kerana inilah pihak berkuasa setuju bahawa Bazar larut tersebut perlu dipindah ke kawasan jauh daripada rumah kediaman. A win-win situation. Peniaga-peniaga masih boleh berniaga dan pada masa yang sama gangu-kacau, noise pollution dan masalah sosial boleh dielakan.

Saya berharap Tuan tidak tersalah anggap dengan tindakan yang telah diambil oleh penduduk-penduduk Prima Setapak dan/atau Danau Kota, ini semua adalah demi menjaga kehormonian semua pihak agar boleh menjalani kehidupan dengan rasa selesa dan selamat.

Untuk rekod sekali lagi, dalam keadaan di Baza Larut UpTown Danau Kota atau di mana-mana, pihak saya tidak pernah
memohon supaya Bazar ditutup, tetapi meminta untuk memindahkan Bazar tersebut ke kawasan yang lebih sesuai iaitu jauh daripada kawasan
kediaman. Ini adalah permitaaan yang amat reasonable daripada ramai penduduk-penduduk di Danau Kota. Kita sentiasa perlu memengang kepada prinsip bahawa kawasan kediaman tidak boleh ada apa-apa aktiviti yang menimbulkan gangu-kancau dan hak-hak “quiet enjoyment” penduduk di kawasan kediaman mesti diutamakan dan dipertahankan pada semua masa.

Terima kasih.

Wee choo keong

Comment on Launching of the Petition Campaign against the “Bazar Sore” in Prima Setapak by Resident in Danau Kota

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 07:37 PM PST

Such bazaar operating daily until after midnite in any residential area must not be allowed. This is not proper and healthy for the people. Inconveniences and social problems will be order of the day for the people. I support the petition campaign. All parties must cooperate to stop it. Unfortunately, the MCA Yew Teong Look, the champion of press conference is keeping very quiet. He is good in coming out in newspapers for showing up for picture of go tong royong only but when it comes to the people problems he will be hiding away. Danau Kota flat was Yew Teong Look’s baby when he was the MP for Wangsa Maju. I hope that he is not directly or indirectly involved in this Bazar Sore in Prima Setapak.

Comment on Complaints for DBKL by Norziela Mahmud

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 07:27 PM PST

1)Selenggara alatan permainan di Taman Permainan Flat Taman Desa Cheras.Terdapat banyak kerosakan alatan.

2)Mohon jalan di flat Taman Desa Cheras dan jalan sekitarnya di turap.Jalan sudah berlubang dan berlopak.

3)Mohon agar di cat semula Flat Taman Desa Cheras bagi menceriakan pemandangan yang kusam seperti sekarang ini.

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