Sabtu, 27 Ogos 2011

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang


Posted: 27 Aug 2011 08:00 AM PDT


Normally I do not accept invitation from outstation during Puasa month and Hungry Ghost Festival, because there are so many functions in my constituency. But I attended and spoke at DAP Tanjung Piai dinner in Pontian, Johor last Sunday, because it was not a normal DAP dinner, but a fundraising dinner for Pei Chun Independent School. With the generous donation from the public, we managed to raise RM32,949.00 for Pei Chun. Bravo to Johor DAP Socialist Youth (DAPSY) chief Tan Hong Pin and my Johor comrades.

【南洋商报】行动党丹绒比艾国会选区千人晚宴 . 筹万五元捐培群独中

【星洲日报】丹绒比艾行动党办千人宴 ‧ 筹逾2万助培群建校


Drive safely and have a pleasant trip..

Posted: 27 Aug 2011 07:43 AM PDT

For those who are going back to hometown for Hari Raya celebration, drive safely and have a pleasant trip :-)


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