Sabtu, 25 Ogos 2012

Lim Guan Eng

Lim Guan Eng

Penang’s Proposed Amendment To The State Constitution To Approve An Anti-Hopping Law Is Not About Freedom Of Association But About Breach Of Public Trust As Well As Betrayal Of Basic Principles Of Representative Democracy And Accountability.(en/bm/cn)

Posted: 24 Aug 2012 09:34 PM PDT

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Abdul Aziz is wrong for saying that the Penang government’s proposal to enact an ‘anti-hopping' law, saying it goes against the principle of freedom of association with any party guaranteed by the federal constitution. Penang's proposed amendment to the state constitution to approve an anti-hopping law is not about freedom of association but about breach of public trust as well as betrayal of basic principles of representative democracy and accountability.

After all BN does not provide full freedom of association whens it banned certain organisations and even certain trade unions from being established. Freedom of association gurantees the right of any citizen to leave or join any political party he or she desires.

However, for any elected representative elected on a party ticket to hop or cross over is an immoral, unethical and unprincipled act that shows utter contempt for the democratic choice of their voters. If they were elected on the party they represent, they should resign their seat and seek a fresh mandate from the people if they chose to leave the party platform on which they were elected on. Democracy, accountability and ethical conduct demands that the voters be given another opportunity to pass judgment whether such a decision by the elected representative to hop over is acceptable or not.

MCA President Chua Soi Lek is wrong for alleging that DAP is inconsistent for accepting 2 former UMNO members, ex-Pulau Manis assemblyperson Datuk Mohd Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz and blogger Aspan Alias earlier this year. Both were exercising their right of freedom of association in joining the DAP. As both were not elected representatives, the issue of breach of public trust or betrayal of democratic principles does not arise.

However Nazri is correct in saying that the Supreme Court has ruled that any anti-hopping law passed is unconstitutional in the 1992 case of Dewan Undangan Negeri Kelantan v. Nordin Salleh. The Penang state government believes that the court judgment was wrongly decided and should be revisited. There is ample precedent that allows the Federal Court to reverse a previous decision that was wrongly decided.

In the case of Adorna Properties v Boonsom Boonyanit (2000), the Federal Court (headed by Chief Justice Eusoffe Chin) allowed Mdm Boonyanit to be deprived of her land by the forgery of a fraudster who had sold her land to a third party. For ten years, this decision caused heartache and despair as property owners found that they had no way to recover their land if it was sold by fraudsters to third parties without their consent. Finally, in 2010, the Federal Court in the case of Tan Ying Hong reversed its decision in Boonsom Boonyanit, holding that the previous decision had involved an error that was "so obvious and blatant".

Just as the Federal Court has reviewed and reversed its decision in the case of Boonsom Boonyanit, which allowed landowners to be cheated of their land by fraudsters, so it should also review and reverse the decision in Nordin Salleh, which has allowed the voters of Malaysia twice to be cheated of their choice of State Government by political fraudsters. The time has come for the right to choose the government to be returned to the people of Malaysia.

Lim Guan Eng

—–Mandarin Version —-








2000年,在Adorna Properties v Boonsom Boonyanit一案中 ,当时以尤索夫晋为首的大法官准许Boonyanit女士的土地,在骗子伪造文件的情况下,把她的土地转售给第三者。过去10年,这个判决让原本的地主绝望透顶,因为他们的土地明明是被骗子售予第三者,却根本无法拿回属于他们的土地。到了2010年,联邦法庭在Tan Ying Hong一案中推翻了他们在Boonsom Boonyanit土地案的判决,宣判之前的判决存有"非常明显及露骨"错误。

正如联邦法院检讨及推翻在Boonsom Boonyanit土地案的错误判决,因原判让地主在欺骗案中失去土地。有鉴于此,联邦法院应该重新开启诺丁沙列一案,检讨及推翻其错误判决,在政治骗子让人民失去自己投选出来的州政府后,让选民有机会重新投票,做出评断。


—–BM Version—–

Kenyataan Akhbar oleh Setiausaha Agung DAP dan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng di Komtar, George Town pada 25 Ogos 2012.

Cadangan Pindaan Perlembagaan Pulau Pinang Untuk Meluluskan Undang-Undang Anti-Katak Bukan Perihal Kebebasan Berpersatuan Tetapi Perihal Pengkhianatan Amanah Awam Serta Pengkhianatan Prinsip-Prinsip Asas Demokrasi Perwakilan Dan Kebertanggungjawaban.

Menteri dalam Jabatan Perdana Menteri Nazri Abdul Aziz salah kerana menyatakan bahawa cadangan kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang untuk menggubal undang-undang "anti-katak", dengan menggunakan alasan bahawa ia bertentangan dengan kebebasan untuk menyertai mana-mana parti yang dijamin oleh Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Cadangan pindaan perlembagaan negeri untuk meluluskan undang-undang anti-katak ini bukan perihal kebebasan berpersatuan tetapi perihal pengkhianatan amanah awam serta pengkhianatan prinsip-prinsip asas demokrasi perwakilan dan kebertanggungjawaban.

BN sendiri tidak memberi kebebasan berpersatuan yang penuh apabila ia menghalang pendaftaran organisasi-organisasi atau kesatuan-kesatuan sekerja tertentu. Kebebasan berpersatuan menjamin hak rakyat untuk meninggalkan atau menyertai mana-mana parti politik yang diingini.

Namun demikian, untuk seseorang wakil rakyat yang dipilih atas tiket parti untuk melompat adalah tindakan yang tidak bermoral, tidak beretika dan tidak berprinsip yang tidak menghormati pilihan demokratik rakyat. Jika mereka dipilih atas tiket sesebuah parti dan ingin meninggalkan parti tersebut, mereka harus letak jawatan dan membenarkan rakyat memilih semula. Demokrasi, kebertanggungawaban dan etika bererti bahawa rakyat harus diberi peluang untuk mengadili sama ada keputusan wakil rakyat untuk melompat parti itu boleh diterima atau tidak.

Presiden MCA Chua Soi Lek salah kerana mendakwa bahawa DAP tidak konsisten kerana menerima kemasukan 2 bekas ahli UMNO, iaitu bekas Adun Pulau Manis Datuk Mohd Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz serta blogger Aspan Alias awal tahun ini. Kedua-dua mereka ini telah menunaikan hak untuk berpersatuan dengan menyertai DAP. Oleh kerana mereka berdua bukanlah wakil rakyat, isu pengkhianatan amanah awam atau prinsip demokratik tidak timbul.

Walaubagaimanapun, kenyataan Nazri adalah betul bahawa Mahkamah Agung telah memutuskan bahawa kelulusan undang-undang anti-katak bercanggah dengan Perlembagaan sepertimana dalam kes Dewan Undangan Negeri v Nordin Salleh pada tahun 1992. Kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang percaya bahawa keputusan mahkamah itu adalah salah dan harus ditimbang semula. Terdapat duluan di mana Mahkamah Persekutuan telah mengakaskan keputusan terdahulu yang didapati salah.

Dalam kes Adorna Properties v Boonsom Boonyanit (2000), Mahkamah Persekutuan (diketuai Ketua Hakim Eusoffe Chin) telah membenarkan pelucutan tanah Puan Boonyanit akibat angkara penipu yang telah menjual tanahnya kepada pihak ketiga. Selama 10 tahun, keputusan ini telah menyebabkan kesukaran kepada pemilik-pemilik tanah yang tidak mempunyai jalan keluar sekiranya hartanah mereka dijual oleh penipu kepada pihak ketiga tanpa persetujuan mereka. Akhirnya pada tahun 2010, Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Tan Ying Hong telah mengakaskan keputusan terdahulu kes Boonsom Boonyanit, atas asas bahawa kesilapan dalam keputusan tersebut adalah "amat jelas dan terang".

Sepertimana Mahkamah Persekutuan telah mengkaji semula dan mengakaskan keputusan dalam kes Boonsom Boonyanit yang telah membenarkan pemilik tanah untuk ditipu, mereka juga harus mengkaji semula dan mengakaskan keputusan dalam kes Nordin Salleh yang telah mengakibatkan penipuan rakyat Malaysia sebanyak dua kali dalam pemilihan kerajaan negeri. Masa sudah tiba untuk memulangkan hak untuk memilih kerajaan kepada rakyat Malaysia.

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