Sabtu, 11 Mei 2013




Posted: 11 May 2013 05:27 AM PDT

(Bang Non, awat dok meroyan lagi tu! Udah-dah lah tu. Malu lah kat cucu tu. Jah dan fenin ni..fenin! Azmin pun dah ngamuk sakan ni..fenin..fenin)
Salam 2 all.

Anwar terus membohongi diri sendiri dan rakyat Malaysia!

Jangan lupa pembohongan Anwar mengenai konspirasi 16 Sept 2008 selepas keputusan PRU-12 pada bulan Mac 2008. Tetapi rakyat hanya menyedari pembohongan tersebut pada 16 Sept 2008, iaitu 6 bulan selepas PRU-12!

Tetapi kali ini pembohongan Anwar disedari rakyat hampir serta merta selepas PRU-13!

Apa buktinya?

Sebelum PRU-13, Anwar telah berjanji akan berhenti daripada berpolitik jika tewas dalam PRU-13. Malah Anwar siap menyatakan akan menjadi pensyarah jika kalah dalam PRU-13.

Dan ternyata rakyat telah menolak Anwar sebagai calon PM pembangkang dalam PRU-13!

Malah rakyat telah memberi mandat baru dan jelas kepada Dato' Sri Najib untuk meneruskan usaha transformasi yang dibawanya dibawah Gagasan 1-Malaysia.

Kecuali segelintir kaum cauvinis yang terpedaya dengan mainan politik kotor dan sempit Anwar dan DAP, rakyat Malaysia jelas mahukan politik wasatiyah yang dibawa oleh YAB Perdana Menteri dan menolak politik sempit dan perkauman yang dibawa Anwar dan DAP!

Ternyata sekali lagi rakyat dibohongi oleh politik putar belit Anwar yang enggan mengiktiraf keputusan rakyat menolak politik auta yang dibawanya!

Bukan sahaja Anwar tidak mau berhenti dan menjadi pensyarah saperti yang dia sendiri janjikan, malah dihasutnya segelintir kaum cauvinis supaya turun ke jalanraya setelah dia ditolak oleh rakyat dalam pilihanraya!

Sebab itu saya mendesak Anwar supaya menghentikan tindak tanduk politik ingusan dan kebudak-budakan yang dimainkannya dengan terus memainkan sentimen anti-SPR dan mempertikaikan keputusan PRU-13.

Tindak tanduk Anwar ini adalah satu penghinaan kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia dan pengundi yang telah memberi mandat baru kepada Dato' Sri Najib & BN untuk terus memerintah Malaysia.

Sikap Anwar juga adalah satu jenayah demokrasi kerana tidak mengiktiraf kehendak dan pilihan rakyat majoriti!

Kalau Anwar benar-benar ikhlas dalam tuntutannya, beliau wajib mendesak supaya pembangkang DAP-PKR-PAS menolak keputusan PRU-13 dan jangan mengangkat sumpah sebagai Kerajaan di Pulau Pinang, Selangor dan Kelantan.

Anwar juga wajib desak semua wakil rakyat pembangkang DAP-PKR-PAS supaya menolak kemenangan mereka dan jangan mengangkat sumpah bila Dewan bersidang nanti! Malahan Anwar sepatutnya mengarahkan semua Ahli Parlimen dan ADUN pembangkang DAP-PKR-PAS supaya mengosongkan kerusi masing-masing kerana tidak mengiktiraf keputusan PRU-13 yang dikendalikan oleh SPR!

Malahan saya mencabar Anwar supaya menolak keputusan kemenangan dia sendiri dan mengosongkan kerusi Permatang Pauh serta merta.

Jika tidak, sikap Anwar mempertikai keputusan PRU13 hanyalah retorik politik kosong oleh seorang politikus kalkatus yang kecewa sedang meroyan kerana tidak dapat menerima hakikat rakyat telah menolak politik sempit dan cauvinis pembangkang DAP-PKR-PAS dan sekaligus meranapkan nafsunya hendak ditabalkan sebagai calon PM ke 7!

Saya juga mendesak SPR supaya segera mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap Anwar melalui perintah injunksi Mahkamah supaya mengarahkan Anwar berhenti daripada terus memfitnah SPR dan keputusan PRU13.

Pihak polis juga wajib membuka kertas siasatan untuk menyiasat Anwar kerana kesalahan fitnah jenayah dan meletakkan SPR dan sistem pengurusan pilihanraya Malaysia dalam keadaan dipertikai dan dicurigai!

Dan rakyat Malaysia juga harus bangkit menentang jenayah demokrasi dan penghinaan terhadap kita oleh Anwar dan konco-konconya daripada DAP dengan memberi sokongan penuh dan padu kepada Kerajaan BN dibawah kepimpinan Dato' Sri Najib!

Apa pun, tahniah kepada Ustaz Haji Hadi Awang yang telah menerima keputusan PRU-13 dengan hati terbuka dan meneruskan kehidupan. Eloklah Ustaz Hadi menasihatkan Anwar supaya berhenti daripada terus mempertikai kehendak rakyat menolak dia dan pembangkang!

Dan kepada Anwar, sudah-sudahlah tu! Berhentilah meroyan! Malu kat anak cucu dok tengok tok dok buat perangai macam budak-budak ingusan!

Adios amigos, grasias senor.

Wassalam dan Wallahua'lam.

Zulkifli Noordin
01 Rejab 1434
11 Mei 2013

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

N45 Dr Halimah Ali

Buktikan BN tidak sinonim dengan Harga Barang Naik

Posted: 11 May 2013 07:19 PM PDT

"Menangani kesan kenaikan harga bagi menjamin kualiti hidup rakyat yang bermutu" merupakan ikrar BN pada PRU12....Kini PRU 13 telah berlalu walaupun kemenangan BN di peringkat Pusat belum diwartakan.

 Pemuda PAS tubuh JK Khas anti kenaikan harga barang

Anis Nazri,/ harakahfdaily     11 Mei 2013

KUALA LUMPUR: Dewan Pemuda PAS Malaysia (DPPM) hari ini melancarkan satu jawatankuasa khas bagi menangani isu kenaikan harga barang yang sudah mula dirasai rakyat selepas pilihan raya umum ke-13 lalu.

Jawatankuasa yang dinamakan Jawatankuasa Khas Anti Kenaikan Harga Barang itu akan dipengerusikan Exco Pemuda PAS Pusat, Ustaz Ahmad Baihaqi Atiqullah.

Ketua Pemuda PAS Malaysia, Ustaz Nasruddin Hassan, berkata penubuhan jawatankuasa itu diputuskan dalam mesyuarat pertama dewan itu selepas pru13 lepas.

"Kita dapat jangkakan dengan keputusan pru lalu, akan berlaku kenaikan harga barang, yang mungkin juga harga minyak seperti pengalaman selepas pru-pru yang lalu," tegas beliau pada sidang media selepas mempengerusikan mesyuarat bulanan dewan itu, hari ini.

Jelas beliau, jawatankuasa ini bertujuan bagi memberikan tekanan kepada kerajaan untuk tidak menaikkan harga barang sewenang-wenangnya, selain meneruskan kempen kesedaran di kalangan rakyat untuk membantah kenaikan harga barangan.

"Kerajaan BN seharusnya sedar agar tidak membalas jasa rakyat yang telah memilih mereka pada pru lepas dengan menaikkan harga barangan, selain rakyat juga perlu sedar tentang hak mereka dan bukannya menjadi mangsa," tegas beliau.

Sehubungan itu, untuk tempoh terdekat ini, jawatankuasa tersebut akan mendesak kerajaan BN untuk menurunkan harga barang, sekaligus turun padang bagi memobilisasikan rakyat untuk bangun membantah kenaikan harga barang.

"Sama ada kita menang atau kalah, agenda kita untuk memperjuangkan hak semangat rakyat terus dijalinkan," tegas beliau.

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Dr Shafie Abu Bakar

Bukan Saja Yang Kalah Kecoh, Tapi Juga Yang Menang. Antara Yang Wajar & Tidak Wajar

Posted: 11 May 2013 04:56 PM PDT

Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud

Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud

Perbuatan jahiliyyah dan haram

Posted: 11 May 2013 05:53 AM PDT

1. Tindakan sesetengah pihak mengapi-apikan isu perkauman kebelakangan ini adalah perbuatan jahiliyyah yang diharamkan syarak.

Ia boleh mengundang kemusnahan masyarakat dan negara terutama negara multi-racial seperti Malaysia ini. 

Ia akan menimbulkan pelbagai sangkaan dan penilaian yang mungkin tidak berasaskan fakta yang benar. Lantas, akan menimbulkan ketegangan dan pergaduhan yang tidak berasaskan prinsip kebenaran, sebaliknya atas prejudice perkauman.

2. Antara perkara yang ditentang oleh Nabi Muhammad s.a.w ialah sikap fanatik perkauman ataupun ‘asabiyyah yang menilai kebaikan dan keburukan berdasarkan kaum bukan prinsip kebenaran dan keadilan. Islam adalah agama rentas kaum dan sempadan geografi. Keadilan Islam itu melebar merentasi perbezaan pemikiran dan agama.

3. Tiada siapa yang mampu menentukan bangsanya sebelum dia lahir samada untuk dia menjadi arab, atau melayu, atau cina atau india atau selain itu.

Ia adalah ketentuan Allah, bukan atas usaha atau kejayaan seseorang. Maka hakikat ini mestilah difahami supaya kita tidak menyalahkan atau menghina seseorang atas sebab bangsa atau keturunannya kerana itu bukan pilihan atau kesalahannya.

Sebaliknya kita menilai seseorang berdasarkan perbuatan dan akhlaknya. Inilah sikap yang adil. Dosa keturunan tidak ditanggung oleh anak cucu. Dosa seseorang tidak boleh dibebankan atas orang lain yang sebangsa dengannya yang tidak terlibat dengan kesalahan itu.

Allah menjelaskan prinsip ini dalam al-Quran: (maksudnya)“dan seseorang yang boleh memikul, tidak akan memikul dosa perbuatan orang lain. dan tiadalah Kami (Allah) mengazabkan sesiapapun sebelum Kami mengutuskan seorang rasul (untuk menerangkan yang benar dan yang salah). (Surah al-Isra, ayat 15).

4. Maka, perjuangan apapun yang mahu ditegakkan, hendaklah menilai setiap insan berdasarkan kepada akhlaknya, bukan titik keturunannya. Keadilan dalam Islam buta warna bangsa dan agama sekalipun. Keadilan untuk semua. Sabda Nabi s.a.w:“Wahai manusia! Sesungguhnya tuhan kamu sama, bapa kamu sama (Adam).

Ketahuilah! Tiada kelebihan orang arab ke atas ‘ajam (yang bukan arab), atau ‘ajam ke atas arab, atau yang berkulit merah ke atas yang berkulit hitam, atau yang berkulit hitam ke atas yang berkulit merah melainkan ketakwaan” (Riwayat Ahmad dan al-Baihaqi, dinilai hasan oleh al-Albani).Jika hal ini tidak diteliti, perkauman atau racism akan berlaku.

Akan ada pihak yang teraniaya hanya kerana keturunannya walaupun mungkin dia tidak bersalah. Diskriminasi seperti ini pernah berlaku di Amerika, sehingga Martin Luther King dalam pidatonya yang terkenal ‘I have a dream’ menyebut:

“I have a dream that my four little children one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character”.

5. Tujuan Allah menciptakan berpuak dan berbangsa agar saling kenal mengenali antara satu sama lain. Firman Allah: (maksudnya):Wahai manusia! Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan kamu dari lelaki dan perempuan, dan Kami telah menjadikan kamu berbagai bangsa dan bersuku puak, supaya kamu berkenal-kenalan.

Sesungguhnya semulia-mulia kamu di sisi Allah ialah orang yang paling bertaqwa di antara kamu. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha mendalam pengetahuanNya. (Surah al-Hujurat: 13).Lihat dalam ayat ini, Allah memanggil “Wahai manusia!”.

Panggilan yang sangat adil merangkumi setiap bangsa dan puak. Bukan panggil perkauman atau fanatik keturunan. Kata Sayyid Qutb dalam menafisrkan ayat ini:“Penciptaan manusia berbagai bangsa dan suku puak bukan untuk berperang dan bergaduh, tetapi untuk berkenalan dan bermuwafakat.

Perbezaan bahasa, warna kulit, tabiat, perangai, kelebihan dan kemampuan adalah kepelbagaian yang bukan bertujuan untuk perbalahan dan perkelahian.

Sebaliknya, untuk bantu membantu dalam menunai tanggungjawab dan keperluan. Tiada bagi warna kulit, jenis bangsa, bahasa, negara segalanya itu nilai dalam timbangan Allah.

Sebaliknya, di sana hanya satu timbangan yang menentukan nilai dan kelebihan manusia, iaitu “Sesungguhnya semulia-mulia kamu di sisi Allah ialah orang yang paling bertaqwa di antara kamu”. (Fi Zilal al-Quran 6/3348. Cairo: Dar al-Syuruq).

6. Maka, haram bagi seorang muslim meniupkan api perkauman yang menzalimi pihak yang tidak bersalah hanya kerana warna kulit ataupun keturunannya. Wajib kita mempamirkan keindahan kesejagatan Islam (the universality of Islam) kepada semua pihak supaya keindahan Islam dapat diterima oleh manusia.

Lim Guan Eng

Lim Guan Eng

Polls Reform That Respects “ one-Man,One-Vote, One-Value” Principle Can Save Malaysian Democracy, Integrity, Freedom Of Choice, Equal Opportunity, Social Welfare And Justice For All.(en/bm/cn)

Posted: 11 May 2013 02:38 AM PDT

Speech By DAP Secretary-General And Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng During The DAP Special Conference For 38 MPs And 107 State Assemblymen In Kuala Lumpur On 11.5.2013.

Only polls reform that respects "one-man,one-vote, onve-value" principle can save malaysian democracy, integrity, freedom of choice, equal opportunity, social welfare and justice for all. The 13th general elections is historic in that this is the first time that BN lost the popular vote and that an opposition coalition of PR won a clear majority of popular vote of 50.9% over BN's 47.4%(the rest spoilt votes and independent).

BN had received 51.4% of the popular vote in the 2008 general elections, dropeed 4% to only 47.4% in 2013 general elections. In contrast, PR recorded 47.6% in 2008 general elections and recorded an increase of 3.2% in popular voe to 50.9% in 2013. However the gerrymandering of constituencies that made a mockery of the essential representative democractic principle of "one-man, one-vote, one-value" by BN during the past 56 years, allowed BN to win power despite losing the popular vote.

How can PR that won 50.9% of the popular vote received only 40% of the seats? PR won an additional 7 seats from 82 to 89, not even coming lose to 110 out of the 222 seat Parliament.

This travesty of justice and fairplay is most prevalent in states like Perak where PR increased its popular votes by 1.4% to 54.7% and yet lost power to BN. In 2008 general elections, PR won power in Perak despite winning only 53.3 % of the popular vote.

In desperation to avoid answering why BN has a minority Prime Minister and address how BN won power despite decisively losing the popular vote, BN, especially UMNO and the discredited MCA President Datuk Dr Chua Soi Lek, has instead chosen to racialise the results by describing the results as a Chinese tsunami and asking "Apa Cina lagi mau?".

This is most irresponsible because this was not a Chinese tsunami but a Malaysian tsunami. If there was any divide, it was not a racial divide but an urban-rural divide because PR won most of the urban seats in Malaysia. PR jsut can not win 51% of the popular vote by relying only on Chinese votes, who form only 25% of the population.

By asking the provocative question, "Apa Cina lagi mau?", UMNO and MCA ignores that the Chinese wants what all other Malaysians want. No corruption, no cronyism, no nepotism and an end to abuse of power. A people-centric government government that listens to the people, does the people's work and gives hope to the people. A government that prepares the future for the young and not steal the future from the young. The young will not allow BN to steal their future the same way that BN has stolen the future from their parents.

BN can not ignore the voice and votes of 51% of Malaysians. DAP wishes to pay tribute to all who came back to vote from overseas, spent long hours lining up to vote and were determined to spare no expense to realize their aspirations for change. DAP highlights 3 groups deserve special mention.

One the first time voters, some in their 60s who had never bothered to vote in their lives. Two the young who registered the highest voting turnout in Malaysian history witnessed by long lines in the last polling stream. Thirdly the women, who turned out in record numbers not just in polling stations but in ceramah donating generously, shouting out their support and shedding their tears to support the cry of "Ubah!"

DAP recorded its best performance in history by not just winning 38 parliamentary and 107 state seats, but also had elected representatives from all races – Malays, Chinese, Indians and our first Kadazan wakil rakyat. We are also proud to have our first female Indian MP and Assemblyperson. Whilst we celebrate, let us get down to the work we need to do for the people.

The people needs polls reforms now that reflect the sentiments and will of the voters. This is our immediate task but not the only one. Other issues of national importance requires attention.

Alternative government

As Pakatan Rakyat obtains more popular vote nationally than Barisan Nasional, DAP and Pakatan Rakyat need to move beyond our role as opposition at the federal level and in states which we have yet to win power. The public places huge hope on us and we must not disappoint them.

Our posture is that of an alternative government-in-waiting and not merely an opposition party.

Pakatan Rakyat – We are committed to make Pakatan Rakyat a viable choice as the government-in-waiting at the federal level and in states which we have yet to win power while ensuring that the states which we are governing perform well. We are prepared to step up the effort to register Pakatan Rakyat as a single entity and act as one.

Cooperation among Pakatan component parties is very well established at national level and most state with common manifesto, joint alternative budgets and regular national and state leadership council meetings, operated by various joint secretariats. We must now take the Pakatan model to the local level so that we move as Pakatan at local level.

Middle Malaysia – We must step up our effort to build trust across ethnic boundaries and to move beyond existing support base to reach out to the Middle Malaysia in a deeper and more meaningful way. A lot more efforts need to go into making DAP the choice party for all Malaysians including the Malays and Bumiputra of Sabah and Sarawak.

In our engagements with Malaysians, we must never adopt the BN model of delegating engagement along racial line. There must not be “racial outsourcing” of engagement work. All DAP elected reps are required to engage with Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans, Ibans and all other fellow Malaysians.

The DAP reiterates that it is a party for all and not anti-Malay, anti-Bumiputra or anti-Islam. Indeed, the DAP is the most multi-ethnic of all parties in Malaysia with elected reps from among Malays, Indians, Kadazan and Chinese, and candidates from among Dayaks.

The DAP also has the averagely youngest delegation of elected reps among all parties, and the highest proportion of women among candidates. These are our strengths that we must continue to build upon in order to be the choice party of all Malaysians.

Building community

Make no mistake, the performance of our elected reps are key to re-election in the next term. We need all our reps to be at the forefront engaging the community and assisting them whenever help is needed.

But I want to introduce a new concept. While MCA, Gerakan and MIC provides “services”, we build community. The so-called “services” provided by the BN component parties are usually ad hoc work concealing the systemic failure of governments at all levels especially that of local government.

While we continue to help the people whenever they are faced with bureaucratic red tapes, we must move beyond just providing reactive solutions.

Beyond being reactive is to be proactive in building community. This election unleashes huge energy from the general public in things politics. We must now build on the massive participation of the people in the election processes and channel the great people’s movement into improving the public wellbeing, especially in states which we are not government.

We shall call our new centres “community centres” instead of merely “service centres”. It is where we want to engage with as many Malaysians as possible and provide them a platform to collaborate with other people to improve the conditions of their neighborhood and community.

GE13 sparks a political movement among the people. Huge number of Malaysians came to our rescue in becoming polling and counting agents, donating, and turning up at ceramahs during election. If properly communicated, we believe that they would be willing to take part in planting trees, gotong-royong, helping the poor and other community efforts.

The roles of our elected reps is not merely to provide “reactive services” as defined by BN component parties. We are here to build a community. We are nation builders.

Post-GE13, we build a civic volunteer movement to make our community a better place. With enhanced civic consciousness and community building effort, we move into GE14 with the community and not just as political parties.

In states where we form governments, we must continue to listen to the people and to perform, to lead and to be bold in repairing and reforming failed institutions.

Political education and think tank

We must now prepare ourselves intellectually to govern better than Barisan Nasional with fresh ideas or provide better ideas even from the opposition’s benches.

Barisan Nasional is bankrupt of new ideas. We must build a movement of new ideas. We must go beyond old paradigms and be prepared to explore and adopt new ones.

As alternative governments, we must start engaging all levels and all sections of the nation. Listen and learn from them what would be the best way forward for Malaysia in all policy areas.

This is particularly important for states which we aspire to win power in the next election. We must inspire confidence among the people that we are ready to govern, that we are not a clone of Barisan Nasional but represents a compellingly fresh break from the dark past.

All these require long term effort to build a team of leaders who are knowledgeable about governance issues and able to articulate them in a convincing manners. The party at all levels must strengthen political education and think tank work to prepare for that.


However good an elected rep is, without communicating effectively his or her ideas and showcasing his or her performance, it is unlikely that the people would know.

It is important that we communicate effectively as reps and as a party, and hopefully as a coalition. The reasons why Penang, Selangor and Kelantan survive the onslaught of Barisan Nasional’s ferocious attacks in GE13 is in no small way thanks to the communication channels in these states. The Kelantan government has a strong peer-to-peer communication mechanism while Penang and Selangor built strong state communication channels to counter lies from Barisan Nasional’s media.

I don’t expect the media environment to improve under Najib’s second term. But while we protest against unfair media treatment, we must not stop short at that. We must build our channels to reach out to the wider audience through our online media, printed materials and face-to-face engagements. For instance, I expect the free Bahasa Rocket papers to be distributed on a regular basis to all voters in the seats we have elected reps.

Defending The Rakyat

Whilst UMNO retaliates for their loss in the general elections, especially the failure to gain a 2/3 parliamentary majority, by blaming the Chinese, MCA and Gerakan throws childish tantrums by closing down their service centers. The people will no longer be subjected to such threats. MCA and Gerakan might as well close shop and not just their service centers.

DAP leaders and members must step up by replacing BN whether it is MCA or Gerakan, in serving the rakyat where MCA or Gerakan have abandoned the rakyat.

MCA and Gerakan grossly underestimated the people's yearning for change if they think closing down service centers or their offices in retaliation for losing the general elections can frighten the voters. DAP did not close down our offices or service centers when we lost in every general election from 1966 to 2008 but continued our struggle for the people.

All this is done when UMNO is demonizing both DAP and the Chinese community for daring to oppose and vote against BN. Malaysians are no longer stupid and will not allow BN to racialize national issues.

Instead every matter should be discussed and decided on merits that is not race-based but needs based. This is the new paradigm shift of this general elections that the people are sick and tired of race-based and extremist politics as well as a clear preference for people-centric policies that makes a difference to the lives of ordinary Malaysians.

Let us prove that the power of the people is more powerful than those people in power!


—–BM Version —

Ucapan oleh Setiausaha Agung DAP dan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng Semasa Persidangan Khas DAP Untuk 38 Ahli Parlimen dan 103 Dewan Undangan Negeri Di Kuala Lumpur Pada 11 Mei 2013.

Reformasi Pilihanraya Yang Menghormati Prinsip “Satu Orang, Satu Undi, Satu Nilai” Boleh Menyelamatkan Demokrasi Malaysia, Integriti, Kebebasan Memilih, Peluang Saksama, Kebajikan Masyarakat Dan Keadilan Untuk Semua.

Reformasi pilihanraya yang menghormati prinsip “satu orang, satu undi, satu nilai” boleh menyelamatkan demokrasi malaysia, integriti, kebebasan memilih, peluang saksama, kebajikan masyarakat dan keadilan untuk semua. Pilihan raya umum ke-13 adalah bersejarah kerana ini adalah kali pertama BN kehilangan undi popular dan Pakatan Rakyat memenangi majoriti yang jelas dengan undi popular sebanyak 50.9% berbanding BN 47.4% (tidak termasuk undi rosak dan calon bebas).

BN telah menerima 51.4% undi popular dalam pilihan raya umum 2008, jatuh 4% kepada hanya 47.4% pada pilihan raya umum tahun 2013. Sebaliknya, PR yang mencatatkan 47.6% dalam pilihan raya umum 2008 dan mendapat peningkatan sebanyak 3.2% dalam undi popular kepada 50.9% pada tahun 2013. Walau bagaimanapun, amalan persempadanan semula kawasan pilihanraya adalah satu penghinaan terhadap petunjuk penting prinsip demokrasi “satu orang, satu undi, satu nilai” oleh BN dalam 56 tahun yang lalu, lantas membenarkan BN untuk memenangi kuasa walaupun kehilangan undi popular.

Bagaimana mungkin PR yang memenangi 50.9% undi popular hanya mendapat 40% daripada kerusi? PR malah memenangi 7 kerusi tambahan daripada 82 menjadi 89, tidak menghampiri bilangan 110 pun daripada 222 kerusi Parlimen.

Pelanggaran terhadap keadilan ini paling jelas kelihatan di negeri Perak, di mana PR mengalamai peningkatan undi popular sebanyak 1.4% kepada 54.7% namun masih tewas kepada BN. Dalam pilihan raya umum 2008, PR menang kuasa di Perak walaupun hanya memenangi 53.3% undi popular.

Dalam keterdesakan untuk mengelak daripada menjawab mengapa BN mempunyai Perdana Menteri minoriti dan menjawab bagaimana BN memenangi kuasa walaupun kehilangan undi popular, BN, terutamanya UMNO dan Presiden MCA Datuk Dr Chua Soi Lek, sebaliknya telah memilih untuk mengaitkan keputusan dengan sentimen perkauman, kononnya ia sebuah tsunami Cina dan malah bertanya “Apa lagi Cina mahu?”.

Ini adalah sangat tidak bertanggungjawab kerana ini bukan sebuah tsunami Cina tetapi tsunami rakyat Malaysia. Kalau pun terdapat apa-apa jurang, ia bukanlah jurang perkauman tetapi jurang antara bandar dan luar bandar kerana PR memenangi kebanyakan kerusi bandar di Malaysia. PR tidak mungkin boleh menang 51% undi popular dengan bergantung hanya pada undi Cina, yang membentuk hanya 25% daripada jumlah pengundi.

Dengan bertanya soalan provokatif, “Apa lagi Cina mahu?”, UMNO dan MCA tidak menghiraukan kehendak orang Cina iaitu apa dikehendaki semua rakyat Malaysia. Tiada rasuah, tiada kronisme, nepotisme dan menamatkan penyalahgunaan kuasa. Sebuah kerajaan mesra rakyat yang mendengar keluhan rakyat, melakukan kerja kerakyatan dan memberi harapan kepada rakyat. Sebuah kerajaan yang menyediakan masa depan untuk golongan muda dan tidak mencuri masa depan dari golongan muda. Golongan muda tidak akan membenarkan BN untuk mencuri masa depan mereka dengan cara yang sama BN telah mencuri masa depan ibu bapa mereka.

BN tidak boleh mengabaikan suara dan undi 51% daripada rakyat Malaysia. DAP ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua orang yang pulang mengundi dari luar negara, menghabiskan masa yang lama beratur mengundi dan telah nekad untuk membelanjakan apa sahja demi merealisasikan cita-cita mereka untuk perubahan. Tiga kumpulan wajar mendapat pengiktirafan khusus daripada DAP.

Satu, ialah pengundi kali pertama, ada dari kalangan yang berumur 60-an yang tidak pernah peduli untuk mengundi dalam kehidupan mereka. Dua, anak muda yang mencatatkan kadar keluar mengundi tertinggi dalam sejarah Malaysia disaksikan oleh barisan-barisan panjang dalam saluran mengundi terakhir. Ketiga wanita, yang ternyata mencatat rekod bukan sahaja di tempat mengundi tetapi juga dalam ceramah menderma dengan murah hati, melaungkan sokongan mereka dan menitiskan air mata mereka untuk menyokong laungan “Ubah”.

DAP mencatatkan prestasi terbaik dalam sejarah bukan sahaja dengan memenangi 38 kerusi Parlimen dan 107 kerusi DUN, tetapi juga mempunyai wakil rakyat dari semua kaum – Melayu, Cina, India dan wakil rakyat Kadazan pertama. Kami juga berbangga mempunyai ahli parlimen dan ADUN wanita India pertama kami. Sambil kita meraikan kemenangan ini, marilah kita terus memberi fokus kepada kerja yang perlu kita lakukan untuk rakyat.

Rakyat memerlukan reformasi pilihanraya yang mencerminkan sentimen dan kehendak pengundi. Ini adalah tugas terdekat kita, tetapi bukan satu-satunya. Isu-isu lain yang mempunyai kepentingan negara juga memerlukan perhatian.

Kerajaan alternatif

Memanangkan Pakatan Rakyat mendapat lebih banyak undi popular di seluruh negara berbanding Barisan Nasional, DAP dan Pakatan Rakyat perlu bergerak di luar peranannya sebagai pembangkang di peringkat persekutuan dan negeri-negeri yang kita belum memenangi kuasa. Rakyat meletakkan harapan besar kepada kita dan kita tidak boleh mengecewakan mereka.

Kita berdiri sebagai kerajaan alternatif menunggu dan bukan semata-mata sebuah parti pembangkang.

Pakatan Rakyat – Kita komited untuk menjadikan Pakatan Rakyat pilihan yang berdaya saing sebagai kerajaan menunggu di peringkat persekutuan dan di negeri-negeri yang kita belum memenangi kuasa di samping memastikan bahawa negeri-negeri yang kita tadbir menunjukkan prestasi yang baik. Kita bersedia untuk meningkatkan usaha mendaftarkan Pakatan Rakyat sebagai satu entiti dan bertindak secara bersama.

Kerjasama di kalangan parti-parti komponen Pakatan amat cemerlang di peringkat kebangsaan dan kebanyakan negeri dengan manifesto yang sama, belanjawan alternatif bersama dan mesyuarat majlis kepimpinan negara dan negeri yang kerap, yang dikendalikan oleh pelbagai sekretariat bersama. Kita kini perlu mengambil model Pakatan ke peringkat tempatan supaya kita bergerak sebagai Pakatan di peringkat tempatan.

Jalan Tengah Malaysia – Kita mesti meningkatkan usaha untuk membina kepercayaan merentasi sempadan etnik dan bergerak di luar asas sokongan yang sedia ada untuk mendekati 'Malaysia Tengah' dengan cara yang lebih mendalam dan bermakna. Banyak lagi usaha perlu dilakukan untuk menjadikan DAP parti pilihan untuk semua rakyat Malaysia termasuk orang Melayu dan Bumiputra Sabah dan Sarawak.

Dalam penglibatan kita dengan rakyat Malaysia, kita tidak boleh menerima pakai model BN yang menggunakan sentimen perkauman untuk terlibat dengan rakyat. Tidak boleh ada “racial outsourcing” dalam kerja menarik minat rakyat. Semua wakil rakyat DAP dikehendaki untuk melibatkan diri dengan orang Melayu, Cina, India, Kadazan, Iban dan semua rakan-rakan rakyat Malaysia yang lain.

DAP menegaskan bahawa ia adalah sebuah parti untuk semua dan bukan anti-Melayu, anti-Bumiputra atau anti-Islam. Malah, DAP adalah yang paling multi etnik berbanding parti-parti lain di Malaysia dengan wakil-wakil yang dilantik dari kalangan orang Melayu, India, Kadazan dan Cina, dan calon-calon dari kalangan Dayak.

DAP juga mempunyai delegasi wakil rakyat termuda berbanding parti-parti lain, dan bilangan wanita tertinggi di kalangan calon-calon. Ini adalah kekuatan kita yang kita mesti terus bina untuk menjadi parti pilihan rakyat Malaysia.

Membangun Masyarakat

Jangan silap, prestasi wakil rakyat kita adalah kunci kepada pemilihan semula pada masa akan datang. Semua wakil perlu berada di barisan hadapan dalam melibatkan masyarakat dan membantu mereka apabila bantuan diperlukan.

Tetapi saya ingin memperkenalkan satu konsep baru. Walaupun MCA, Gerakan dan MIC menyediakan “perkhidmatan”, kita membina komuniti. Apa yang dipanggil “perkhidmatan” yang diberikan oleh parti-parti komponen BN biasanya kerja ad hoc yang menyembunyikan kegagalan sistemik kerajaan di semua peringkat terutama kerajaan tempatan.

Sambil kita terus membantu rakyat apabila mereka berhadapan dengan kerenah birokrasi, kita mesti bergerak melampaui sekadar menyediakan penyelesaian reaktif.

Selain menjadi reaktif, adalah penting untuk menjadi proaktif dalam membina masyarakat. Pilihan raya ini melepaskan tenaga yang besar daripada orang ramai dalam perkara-perkara politik. Sekarang kita perlu terus membina berasaskan penyertaan besar rakyat dalam proses pilihan raya dan menyalurkan gerakan rakyat ke dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan orang ramai, terutamanya di negeri-negeri yang kita bukan kerajaan.

Kita akan menamakan pejabat-pejabat kita sebagai “pusat-pusat komuniti” dan bukan sekadar “pusat khidmat”. Di sinilah tempatnya di mana kita mahu melibatkan diri dengan seberapa ramai rakyat Malaysia yang mungkin dan memberikan mereka platform untuk bekerjasama dengan orang lain demi memperbaiki keadaan persekitaran dan masyarakat mereka.

PRU13 telah mencetuskan sebuah gerakan politik di kalangan rakyat. Sebilangan besar rakyat Malaysia datang untuk menyelamatkan negara dengan menjadi agen kiraan undi, menderma, dan datang ke ceramah semasa pilihan raya. Jika disampaikan dengan betul, kita percaya bahawa mereka akan bersedia untuk mengambil bahagian dalam menanam pokok, gotong-royong, membantu masyarakat miskin dan lain-lain.

Peranan wakil rakyat kita bukan semata-mata untuk menyediakan “perkhidmatan reaktif” seperti yang ditakrifkan oleh parti-parti komponen BN. Kita berada di sini untuk membina masyarakat. Kita adalah pembina negara.

Pasca PRU13, kita membina sebuah gerakan sukarela sivik untuk menjadikan komuniti kita tempat yang lebih baik. Dengan meningkatkan kesedaran sivik dan usaha membina komuniti, kita bergerak ke arah PRU14 bersama masyarakat dan bukan hanya sebagai satu parti politik.

Di negeri-negeri di mana kita membentuk kerajaan, kita mesti terus mendengar keluh kesah rakyat dan untuk bekerja, untuk memimpin dan menjadi berani dalam membaiki dan memperbaharui institusi yang gagal.

Pendidikan Politik dan Badan Pemikir

Sekarang kita mesti mempersiapkan diri secara intelek untuk mentadbir dengan lebih baik daripada Barisan Nasional dengan idea-idea segar atau menyediakan idea-idea yang lebih baik walaupun dari bangku pembangkang.

Barisan Nasional bankrap ide-ide baru. Kita mesti membina sebuah gerakan ide-ide baru. Kita mesti melampaui paradigma lama dan bersedia untuk meneroka dan menggunakan ide yang baru.

Sebagai kerajaan alternatif, kita mesti mula melibatkan semua peringkat dan semua bahagian negara. Mendengar dan belajar daripada mereka adalah cara terbaik untuk maju ke hadapan bagi Malaysia di semua lapangan dasar.

Ini adalah penting terutamanya bagi negeri-negeri yang kita bercita-cita untuk memenangi kuasa dalam pilihan raya akan datang. Kita mesti memberi inspirasi keyakinan di kalangan rakyat bahawa kita sudah bersedia untuk memerintah, bahawa kita bukanlah klon Barisan Nasional tetapi mewakili sesuatu yang baru berbanding masa lalu yang gelap.

Semua ini memerlukan usaha jangka panjang untuk membina satu pasukan pemimpin yang berpengetahuan mengenai isu-isu urus tadbir dan dapat menyuarakannya dengan meyakinkan. Parti di semua peringkat mesti mengukuhkan pendidikan politik dan badan pemikir untuk bersedia ke arah itu.


Walau bagaimana baik seorang wakil rakyat, tanpa menyampaikan ide-ide beliau secara berkesan dan mempamerkan prestasi beliau, tidak mungkin orang akan tahu.

Adalah penting untuk kita berkomunikasi secara berkesan sebagai wakil rakyat dan sebagai sebuah parti, dan diharapkan sebagai sebuah gabungan. Sebab-sebab mengapa Pulau Pinang, Selangor dan Kelantan dapat bertahan dengan serangan serangan ganas Barisan Nasional dalam PRU13 adalah kerana saluran komunikasi di negeri-negeri. Kerajaan Kelantan mempunyai mekanisme komunikasi rakan ke rakan yang kuat manakala Pulau Pinang dan Selangor membina saluran komunikasi kerajaan yang kuat untuk menentang pembohongan dari media Barisan Nasional.

Saya tidak mengharapkan persekitaran media untuk meningkat baik dalam penggal kedua di bawah Najib. Tetapi sementara kita membantah terhadap layanan media yang tidak adil, kita tidak boleh berusaha setakat itu sahaja. Kita mesti membina saluran sendiri untuk mencapai audien yang lebih luas melalui media online, bahan-bahan bercetak dan penglibatan muka-ke-muka. Sebagai contoh, saya mengharapkan akhbar Roket versi Bahasa Malaysia untuk diedarkan secara tetap kepada semua pengundi-pengundi di kawasan yang kita ada wakil.

Mempertahankan Rakyat

Walaupun UMNO membalas dendam untuk kekalahan mereka dalam pilihan raya umum, terutamanya kegagalan untuk mendapatkan majoriti 2/3 parlimen, dengan menyalahkan orang Cina; MCA dan Gerakan berperangai kebudak-budakan dengan menutup pusat-pusat khidmat mereka. Rakyat tidak akan lagi menjadi mangsa kepada ancaman tersebut. MCA dan Gerakan lebih tutup kedai dan bukan sekadar pusat-pusat khidmat mereka.

Pemimpin-pemimpin DAP dan ahli-ahli perlu berusaha lebih dengan menggantikan BN sama ada MCA atau Gerakan, dalam berkhidmat kepada rakyat di mana MCA atau Gerakan telah meninggalkan rakyat.

MCA dan Gerakan terlalu memandang rendah harapan rakyat untuk perubahan jika mereka fikir menutup pusat khidmat atau pejabat mereka sebagai membalas dendam kerana kekalahan dalam pilihan raya umum boleh menakut-nakutkan pengundi. DAP tidak menutup pejabat atau pusat khidmatnya apabila kita kalah dalam setiap pilihan raya umum sejak 1966 sehingga 2008 tetapi terus berjuang untuk rakyat.

Semua ini dilakukan apabila UMNO menjadikan kedua-dua DAP dan masyarakat Cina sebagai penjahat kerana berani melawan dan mengundi menentang BN. Rakyat Malaysia tidak lagi bodoh dan tidak akan membenarkan BN memainkan isu-isu nasional dengan sentimen perkauman.

Sebaliknya setiap perkara perlu dibincangkan dan diputuskan berdasarkan merit tanpa berasaskan sentimen kaum tetapi berasaskan keperluan. Ini adalah anjakan paradigma baru pilihan raya umum kali ini – bahawa rakyat telah muak dan bosan dengan politik berasaskan kaum dan pelampau serta memilih dengan jelas untuk dasar-dasar mesra rakyat yang memberi perubahan kepada kehidupan rakyat biasa.

Marilah kita membuktikan bahawa kuasa rakyat adalah lebih kuat daripada orang-orang yang berkuasa!


—–Mandarin version —-



唯有将"一人、一票、一价"原则纳入选举改革,才能够挽救马来西亚的民主、廉正、选择自由、平等机会、社会福利及全民公义。第13届大选是历史上国阵第一次输掉多数票,只获47.4%得票率, 而反对阵营民联赢得多数票,得票率为50.9%(其余为废票及独立人士)。
































在我们有望于下届赢取政权的州属尤其重要。我们必需激发人民对我们已准备执政的信任,我们必需让人民知道,我们并不是国阵的翻 版,而是走过黑暗,迈向一个让人信服、有新鲜感的突破性未来。










在行动党及华裔选民勇敢反对国阵时, 巫统就妖魔化二者。马来西亚人不再愚笨,绝不会让国阵将国家大事种族化。



Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Was intimidation of voters part of the agenda for “Ala Arab Spring” / “Regime Change”? by Anonymous

Posted: 11 May 2013 09:37 AM PDT

u r still a YB to me.
back to the election, we all know Dap supporters are mostly Chinese n somehow they gambled that Pkr n Pas will deliver enable them topple BN govt. Such gamble…they must used mathematicians to plot graphs and all kinds of permutations that pointed to a sure win.
There is a possibility that they have not take everything into account..n variables used too subjective. Serve them right.
And now trying to topple govt thru demos n what not..
Another elementary maths miscalculation. When slum and ‘gangnam’ premises burns who are the losers ?

back to the present….people like u go to heaven

Comment on Was intimidation of voters part of the agenda for “Ala Arab Spring” / “Regime Change”? by Anonymous

Posted: 11 May 2013 04:51 AM PDT

YB, tq for sharing this photo with us. We experianced the same scenario infront of our PDM in Dun Seri Setia. M so sad this is happening in this country. We r malaysian not like arabs. Malaysian r very tolerance …… This is happening b’coz of 1 selfish character called ANWAR IBRAHIM!

Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar backs Azmin on Khalid’s MB job, says must have consensus

Posted: 11 May 2013 05:41 AM PDT

The Malaysian Insider



Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim appeared to have backed his confidant Azmin Ali in calling for a consultation process for the Selangor mentri besar post after the latter claimed Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim's candidacy had bypassed the democratic process.

The PKR advisor also appeared to have suggested that the party were considering removing Abdul Khalid when he told Sinar Harian that the consultation should include discussions on other possible candidates for the job.

"I have no problem with Tan Sri Khalid. But the problem is… there is no problem but there should be consultation. Are there other names? New faces? Do we continue?" Sinar Harian quoted him as saying.

Anwar (picture), however, added that they will solve the debacle within these few days.

The tussle over the mentri besar post has pushed PKR into a leadership crisis with its deputy president now openly accusing the party of "nepotism" when he alleged it had bypassed the consultation process in picking Abdul Khalid for the job.

Azmin also appeared to question Abdul Khalid's leadership at a press conference yesterday, and said he was seeking a meeting with PKR's national leaders for a consensus decision to be made on who gets to be the new Selangor MB.

The debacle has sparked talk that Azmin, who is also said to be vying for the position, would leave PKR following the party's supposed endorsement of Abdul Khalid's governance.

Azmin dismissed the speculation at yesterday's press conference where he was flanked by some of the party's Selangor line-up in what appeared to be a sign of protest against Abdul Khalid's likely reappointment as the state's chief executive.

Although the Bukit Antarabangsa assemblyman was evasive when bombarded by questions for his view on the candidacy for the post, the PKR deputy president made several insinuations that leaders from the party's Selangor chapter were against Abdul Khalid's reappointment.

However, a majority of Selangor PKR lawmakers and division chiefs want Abdul Khalid to be reappointed as the state's mentri besar, party sources have said, amid protests by a faction led by Azmin.

The Malaysian Insider understands the endorsement was made at a closed-door "gathering" held at Empire Hotel in Subang Jaya on Monday where most of the 14 state assemblymen, 16 division chiefs and a few federal MPs who attended felt that Abdul Khalid should be allowed to lead the PR Selangor government for a second term.

The two other Pakatan Rakyat component parties, the DAP and PAS, have also backed Abdul Khalid for the job despite winning more seats than PKR in Selangor.

The DAP and PAS each won 15 seats in Selangor at the May 5 general election, with PKR netting 14.

Tawdry victory

Posted: 11 May 2013 04:42 AM PDT

The Economist

The government scrapes home — allegedly aided by vote rigging

ON MAY 5th Malaysia's Barisan Nasional coalition, led by the prime minister, Najib Razak (above), was re-elected for the 13th time in a row. Barisan won a majority of seats in parliament, 133 out of 222, against 89 for the opposition, a three-party coalition called Pakatan Rakyat and led by Anwar Ibrahim. The turnout was a record 85%. And so the same government which has ruled Malaysia since independence from Britain in 1957 is set for another five years in office.

Within Barisan, the overriding sense is of relief. It did slightly better in terms of seats than some had predicted. Scratch the surface, however, and in almost every respect this was a lamentable result for the ruling coalition, its worst ever. Not only did it lose a further seven seats to Pakatan, but it won with only 47% of the popular vote. It is further evidence of how the electoral system is skewed in Barisan's favour, allowing it to stack up seats in the rural Malay heartlands with far fewer voters than Pakatan needs to win seats in more urban areas. In many places the opposition increased large majorities. For instance, in Penang in the north of the country the Barisan defeat was so humiliating that its candidate for governor, Teng Chang Yeow, resigned from all his party posts. Several government ministers lost their seats.

Most striking was that ethnic Chinese (about a quarter of the population) shifted their votes away from Barisan towards the opposition. The Chinese party of the Barisan coalition, the Malaysian Chinese Association, won just seven seats, down from 15, whereas the opposition's mainly Chinese Democratic Action Party (DAP) picked up ten seats, for a final tally of 38.

Mr Najib, unwisely, spoke of a "Chinese tsunami" breaking over his Barisan coalition. He has only his party to blame. The United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) dominates the Barisan coalition and appeals mainly to ethnic Malays and other indigenous groups who make up two-thirds of the population. UMNO ran a nasty, divisive campaign in the heartlands. This shored up its base of rural Malay voters, known as the bumiputra ("sons of the soil"). But it also alienated Chinese and other voters, already tired of the cronyism and corruption associated with affirmative-action policies that favour Malays over other ethnicities in business, education and the civil service.

So, despite professing to promote a multi-ethnic Malaysia, Barisan's election strategy has left the country more divided than ever, both along ethnic lines and between urban and rural areas. The Malay press has not helped, with headlines asking "What more do the Chinese want?", as if ethnic Chinese acted ungratefully towards Barisan.

For their part, DAP leaders argue that the result was not so much the consequence of a Chinese tsunami as an urban one. The heartland of the party is in urban and semiurban seats, where it increased its share of the Malay as well as the Chinese vote.

Yet the result will not be the only dent in the government's authority. So too will be the manner in which it was gained. Barisan starts all elections with incumbent advantages, including a slavish state media, tons of cash and constituency boundaries drawn in its favour. On top of that, allegations of dirty campaign tricks abound. "Phantom voters", for example, appear to have been bussed into marginal constituencies to boost the Barisan vote. Nurul Izzah Anwar, Mr Anwar's daughter, contested one such seat in Kuala Lumpur. She and her supporters met several Bangladeshi workers who had been brought into the constituency to vote. She won, but only just.

In Penang, where Barisan was desperate to unseat the DAP, its people took over cafés and restaurants for the campaign's duration in order to give away free beer and food and hold lucky draws. Even Mr Teng, Barisan's candidate for governor, called this "unacceptable". In the state of Sabah, where Barisan stacked up crucial seats, many stories circulated of straightforward cash handouts to voters.

Independent domestic groups monitoring the elections are still gathering information about fraud, but their verdicts so far are damning enough. Ambiga Sreenevasan, the head of Bersih, campaigning for fair elections, calls them the "dirtiest yet".

Mr Anwar claims that fraud cost him the election. On May 8th he and followers staged a big protest rally against the result. His claim is almost certainly an exaggeration. Still, the bitterness engendered by the vote will persist. "National reconciliation", which Mr Najib sees as the way to heal the wounds, looks a way off.

Mockery Through Caricature — Electoral Fraud In Malaysia

Posted: 11 May 2013 04:14 AM PDT



A caricature mocking our electoral system published in The Global Edition Of The New York Times today.

The malapportionment of blame

Posted: 11 May 2013 04:05 AM PDT


In the past week, two Malay newspapers Utusan Malaysia and Kosmo! chose to have as their headlines controversial statements that could be considered incendiary in reference to the Chinese having rejected Barisan Nasional in favour of the opposition Pakatan Rakyat, following the results of the 13th general elections held almost a week ago.

NONEBoth former and current Prime Ministers Dr Mahathir Mohamed and Najib Abdul Razak (right) have said as much, creating the public perception that this election marked out the stark difference in voting patterns between the Malays and Chinese, especially in the latter’s reference to a 'Chinese Tsunami’.

Malaysians have to caution against this ethnic positioning as an easy blame game, for several reasons.

First, it is more accurate to state that the results saw a split between urban and rural voters, hence a spatial and class, rather than an ethnic, divide.

NONEPakatan strengthened its incumbent position by winning two-third majorities in Selangor and Penang, the two most industrialised and urban states, which together contribute to the almost 60 percent of the country’s GDP.

In Selangor, the only parliamentary seats won by Barisan were in the more rural or semi-urban areas such as Sabak Bernam, Sungai Besar and Tanjong Karang.

In Seremban, DAP candidate Anthony Loke would not have won with more than a 12,000 majority (and a 16,501 swing) had it not been for Malay support, where Malays constitute 44 percent of the seat’s population.

Flawed argument gets nailed

The argument that opposition gains were only due to Chinese swing is also not fully accurate, since Malay-majority seats such as Kuala Terengganu (89 percent Malay, 10 percent Chinese) were wrested by Pakatan with a 10,785 majority (and a 11,413 swing). Both are urban seats.

It is ,therefore, too simplistic to attribute the opposition’s gains to racial polarisation, since one must equally examine class and geographical differences.

Second, the allegations of electoral fraud make it difficult for accurate analysis to take place.

Pakatan has accused the electoral system of being rigged through a number of ways, such as providing identity cards for foreigners to vote, flying them into the peninsula en masse from East Malaysia, and Malaysians having their names either removed from the voter roll or registered without their knowledge, 'indelible ink’ that was very easily removed, and vote-buying, among other discrepancies.

If the fraud is indeed as widespread as alleged, then this raises serious concerns as to the legitimacy of the election results, which has a direct effect on our reading of voter sentiment.

Out of the 24 parliamentary seats with a majority of less than 1,500, 17 of them were eventually won by Barisan – including Bentong and Kuala Selangor, where initial results saw the Pakatan candidates leading.

In many cases, the number of spoilt votes exceeded the majority, and the majority was less than 4 percent of the total number of votes, the latter of which would have required a recount although this was denied in Kuala Selangor.

Game of statistics stripped

Barisan is now the federal government because it bagged 133 seats out of the 222 in total, giving it a majority of 22 seats.

However, a series of questions must be asked: Could the Barisan win at the federal level be attributed to the wins in these marginal seats, some of which had their results changed after the recounts?

NONEIf so, should the Election Commission not investigate the alleged fraud cases that could have affected the outcomes of the razor-thin wins of such seats, which in turn would have led to a very different result?

Finally, statistics are emerging that demonstrate the effects of malapportionment on the election results. Pakatan’s 89 seats had an average of 63,191 votes cast, compared with Barisan’s 133 seats which had an average of 39,381.

Simply put, Pakatan won in the seats with larger constituencies, while Barisan won in the smaller ones.

This explains the Barisan win, despite Pakatan having won the popular vote with 51.4 percent of the population’s support and Barisan with 48.6 percent.

Moving forward, both political coalitions – together with civil society – will have to reflect deeply upon what actions are needed to address these issues, as well as their mid to long-term implications.

Time to look at naked truth

There is an urgent need for Pakatan to craft messages that better target the low-income, rural and Malay voters, assuring them that their lifelines would not be cut off without Umno around.

Barisan has to take a good look at its coalition model, since its component parties MCA and Gerakan are effectively depleted.

It will also have to examine the reasons for which urban, middle-class voters rejected their offerings so resoundingly.

In order for the alleged electoral fraud to be taken seriously, cases have to be systematically compiled and recorded.

Bersih 2.0 has stated it would organise a People’s Tribunal to this end, while PKR has appointed newly elected Member of Parliament Rafizi Ramli for its compilation purposes.

This will be in addition to the election petitions expected to be filed by Pakatan parties in 20 constituencies or so, in which the winning margin was less than 5 percent.

It is hoped that the lawsuits, which must be filed within 21 days after the results are gazetted, would be an effective recourse sought by Pakatan in seeking justice for what it considers an unfair elections.

Even if these efforts, accompanied by hard evidence, fail to ultimately impact upon the election results, they would still be crucial for the court of public opinion in the coming months, for historical record as well as valuable lessons learnt in order to better prepare for the 14th general election.

Why GE13 should be toasted

Finally, it is clear that without genuine electoral reform, even an election which is the most fundamental form of democracy would not be conducted fairly, nor its citizens’ votes respected.

In a system where parliamentary seats are not fairly weighted nor apportioned, the party with minority support emerges the victor.

This is an unfortunate consequence of the way constituencies are demarcated at present, which can only be amended with a two-third majority support in Parliament.

Before political analysts deduce that this was an election that divided Malaysia racially, one must be cognisant that if not for these irregularities, a very different result would have emerged.

Coming to a conclusion based on the election results at merely face value would not be entirely accurate.

If anything, it must be pointed out that young urban-dwellers voted across ethnic lines for the opposition against a corrupt regime, a trend that will only continue given that urbanisation is expected to exceed 70 percent by 2020.

It is this that should instead be celebrated and not conveniently ignored, in the desperate need to explain the worst election performance in Barisan’s history as entirely due to the racial divide.

In the journey towards a more open, transparent and democratic Malaysia, the 13th general election has raised even more questions on electoral processes, which if not corrected, will have a permanent mark on all future elections.

Why the ‘urban tsunami’ stopped at the coast

Posted: 11 May 2013 04:03 AM PDT


Why did rural Sarawakians and Sabahans stay with BN, while their urban counterparts voted overwhelmingly for change?

BN’s strategy of harping on ethnic insecurities made no impact in Borneo, yet BN won 48 of 57 parliamentary seats in Sabah, Labuan and Sarawak.

In Sarawak, even allowing for electoral fraud, it was clear that the “urban tsunami” stopped at the coastal towns of Kuching, Sarikei, Sibu and Miri.

Rural Sarawakians have been denigrated as “squatters” on their own land.

Many have had their native customary rights (NCR) land stolen,their NCR defenders assaulted with machetes, their daughtersraped, their air and rivers polluted, and their lawyers detainedwithout charge.

NONESome political commentators insist that rural Sarawakians and Sabahans are “stupid” – and proclaim their own stupidity, with disarming honesty.

They forget that Malaysians of various ethnic groups, urban and rural alike, handed Abdullah Ahmad Badawi a triumphant success in 2004, with BN winning 90 percent of parliamentary seats and 64 percent of the popular vote.

Indeed, all the seven additional MPs gained by Pakatan in 2013 were delivered by urban Sabahan and Sarawakian voters.

Still, it is impossible to counteract BN’s winning formula in rural seats, if we do not first try to understand it.

One component is undoubtedly poverty, and consequently, constant exposure to our distorted mainstream media. Another factor is an skewed electoral process.

A third is the logistical advantage of BN, using the state civil service facilities for campaigning.

A fourth is the shoddy organisation of Pakatan component parties outside urban areas. And there is a fifth reason: most rural communities live in a pre-industrial era, untouched by the democratic awakening we have have witnessed in urban Malaysia.

sarawak penan community in ba jawi ulu baram 160609 01Sarawak and Sabah are crisscrossed by mountain ranges. Most tiny rural communities live in valleys carved by rivers from the rugged landscape.

They practice subsistence farming, and many households earn a monthly income far below the poverty line, RM830 in Sarawak or RM960 in Sabah.

Travelling to a town by river takes days. Even if villagers can scrape together enough cash for a seat on a commercial four-wheel-drive truck, the gravel roads are forbidding.

MASwings operates a twin-propeller service, once or twice weekly to a handful of villages, but fares are prohibitive for rural families. Mobile telephone or internet coverage is extremely sparse.

Political vision is limited by the terrain, and the historical and geographical isolation of these communities.

Big ideas, whether of democracy, good governance, anti-corruption or anti-racism movements, political Islam or liberation theology, 1Malaysia or the welfare state, Marxism or monetarism, have not drifted through these valleys.

Stunted form of democracy 

Democracy has not died here. Democracy – as understood by urban Malaysians, including free and fair competition for government, universal suffrage, civil liberties, a system of checks and balance, and an independent press – has not truly been born in rural Sarawak.

Some rural Sarawakians, such as the Iban and the Penan, certainly have an adat or custom of electing their leaders, and a tradition of self-determination, collective decision-making, and egalitarianism.

But Sarawakians from other ethnic groups, including Malays, Bidayuh, Chinese and Orang Ulu, practise feudalism to some degree.

NONEBN has systematically undermined any existing adat of self-determination, by appointing leaders, from the village chief to the penghulu and pemanca or temenggong, and by sacking independent-minded village heads.

BN’s patronage has crippled these communities’ independence. BN has forged its dacing brand as “apai indai” (parents) to rural communities.

Many rural communities are angered by the loss of their neighbours’ land to dams or oil palm estates, but remain afraid to vote against the BN.

BN routinely threatens to deprive them of fuel subsidies, schools, medical care, even disability allowances.

Radio Free Sarawak broadcasts, as well as word of mouth from rural Dayaks and Malays working in towns along the coast or in peninsular Malaysia, have alerted many rural communities to the threats to their NCR land.

Even so, many NCR landowners are as yet unaffected by land grabs, and succumb to the “not in my back yard” sentiment.

They hope that their own land will somehow be spared, by some miracle, from BN’s deformed, top-down “development”.

Several communities have turned to PKR lawyers to fight for NCR land in court, but ironically, vote for BN in elections.

Many sell their votes readily for small bribes of cash, food or beer. Others are intimidated by BN’s threats.

In contrast, urban Malaysians’ fear of authority, and of the ethnic “other”, is fading fast, thanks to urban class conflict, the Bersih rallies, Pakatan’s increasing cohesion, and, ironically, premier Najib’s frantic and misguided efforts to use racist invective to save his own skin, ahead of Umno’s general assembly this year.

Low incomes, low education, low turnouts

“I am very convinced now that the abject poverty of our natives’ folks placed them in a very vulnerable situation, allowing money politics to remain supreme in elections. Rights, idealism and even spiritual principles take a back seat,” Sarawak PKR chairperson BaruBian wrote, after Pakatan failed to win a single rural parliamentary seat on polling day.

“In my area, Limbang, for example, voters were paid RM20, RM30, RM100, RM150, and RM300 depending on the strength of support. Other constituencies were paid RM100 as first payment and RM500 can be claimed after winning the (general election).”

Hudud forum Baru BianBaru Bian’s (right) observation of vote-buying is not simply an old excuse. BN banked heavily on rural votes, and their outlay clearly paid off in GE13.

Gerrymanderinghas also been honed by BN over decades.

The second smallest parliamentary constituency in Sarawak, Tanjong Manis, has 19,215 registered voters, a quarter of the 84,732 voters in the largest, Stampin (wrested from BN by the DAP with an enormous 18,670 majority).

The smaller rural populations dilute the effects of urban dissent, and make it easier to manipulate and buy voters.

Tanjong Manis had a low turnout of 75 percent. The BN candidate, Norah Abdul Rahman, is chief minister Taib Mahmud’s cousin.

Her two sisters, and business partners, had played an unwitting starring role in a recent Global Witness video exposé.

Despite her sisters’ shameful insults against rural Sarawakians, Norah won 87 percent of votes cast.

Her victory suggests many of her constituents had never seen the video, thanks to BN’s leash on the mainstream media.

The largest constituency, Hulu Rajang, is comparable in size to Pahang, but has only 21,686 names on the roll, and one of the lowest turnout rates nationwide, 68 percent. Low turnouts favour the incumbent.

Lacking supervison, corpses vote?

Baram was expected to go to PKR’s Roland Engan. An independent spoiler, Patrick Sibat, after failing in his bid to be PKR candidate, took 363 votes away from PKR. BN’s Anyi Ngau squeaked through by a margin of 194. Turnout here, 64 percent, was even lower than Hulu Rajang.

NONEIn these enormous constituencies, polls monitors and counting agents are scarce, while voting irregularities are common: cash distribution for votes, electoral roll discrepancies, double voting, and ballot box stuffing.

Intriguingly, there were 351 voters over 90 years old (or 1.87 percent of all voters) in Baram, and 182 (or 1.23 percent) in Hulu Rajang.

These numbers, in closely contested seats, were far higher than the corresponding rates of 0.56 percent in Sarawak overall, 0.77 percent in Sabah, 0.19 percent in Selangor, and 0.23 percent in Pahang.

Did nonagenarians display remarkable stamina in two of the poorest areas in Sabah and Sarawak, two of the poorest states? Or were phantom voters using ICs of deceased voters?

In between elections, BN has been investing little into the impoverished rural communities – keeping them insecure, poor, uneducated and easy to control – while extracting too much from Sarawak’s rural populace. BN’s rural chokehold is unsustainable.

World leaders urged against blind endorsement of GE13

Posted: 11 May 2013 03:56 AM PDT


Blind recognition of BN’s win in the 13th general election last Sunday would set a dangerous precedent in world governance, warned poll reform group Global Bersih.

In a statement issued today, it said a dangerous precedent would be set if world leaders welcome the results of the election without “explicitly stating grave concerns about how the poll was conducted.”

NONE“Only the United States has thus far expressed concern over reported electoral irregularities and if other nations don’t follow Washington’s example, they will open the door to corrupt, dictatorial, and authoritarian regimes who seize and hold on to power by any means,” it said.

While congratulating Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak on the BN victory, the White House on Wednesday expressed concern over reported irregularities in the May 5 elections.

“We note concerns regarding reported irregularities in the conduct of the election, and believe it is important that Malaysian authorities address the concerns that have been raised. We look forward to the outcome of their investigations,” said acting White House deputy spokesperson Patrick Ventrell.

He pointed out that addressing these issues is important to strengthen confidence in the electoral process.

Meanwhile, Global Bersih said that it would join the Bersih steering committee in withholding recognition of the Najib administration until the Umno leader withdraws his statement alluding the election results to a “Chinese tsunami”.

“Global Bersih is most disturbed that Malays on the street are now openly confronting Chinese strangers as a direct result of Najib’s shocking statement,” it further said.

“Before Global Bersih reconsiders its position, Najib must also allow due course for an independent investigation into all reports of electoral irregularities,” it added.

Electoral gerrymandering

It said that failure to tackle electoral gerrymandering will contribute to suspicions and doubts being allayed on the results of the next 14th general election as well.

NONE“All Malaysians should also desist from demonising any foreign nationals who may have been used to shore up BN votes in hotly contested seats,” it said.

It also said that themammoth rally in Kelana Jaya on May 8 protesting electoral irregularities is symbolic of a “new Malaysian diaspora.”

“The Malaysia that awoke on May 6 is a new country that has shaken off the yoke of racism and division in spite of efforts of politicians who tore at the very fabric of a newborn and united society,” it said.

Ibu Segala Tipu

Posted: 11 May 2013 03:50 AM PDT

ibusegalatipu (1)


Posted: 11 May 2013 01:54 AM PDT








Parti KEADILAN Rakyat memanjatkan rasa syukur kami ke hadrat Allah SWT di atas kejayaan Pakatan Rakyat mempertahankan negeri Selangor dalam Pilihanraya Umum ke-13 baru-baru ini. Kami juga ingin merakamkan ucapan terima kasih dan penghargaan kami dan rakan-rakan sekutu dalam Pakatan Rakyat terhadap para pengundi khususnya dan rakyat negeri Selangor amnya kerana telah memberikan kepercayaan mereka kepada Pakatan Rakyat untuk menerajui kerajaan negeri Selangor buat penggal yang kedua.


Bagi pihak KEADILAN, saya juga ingin merakamkan penghargaan kami kepada pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat negeri Selangor, juga kepada jentera ketiga-tiga Parti KEADILAN, PAS dan DAP yang telah bertungkus lumus dan penuh komited dalam amanah yang dipikul untuk memastikan kepercayaan rakyat Selangor terus diberi kepada Pakatan Rakyat.


Kejayaan ini juga disambut dengan penuh rasa tawaddhu' dan rendah diri, terutama dalam proses untuk menamakan seorang Menteri Besar bagi memimpin kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor dalam pentadbiran negeri. KEADILAN sesungguhnya amat berbesar hati dan menghormati sokongan oleh PAS dan DAP yang telah bersetuju supaya jawatan Menteri Besar Selangor dinamakan dari Parti KEADILAN Rakyat.


Berteraskan kepada prinsip konsensus dan rundingan serta semangat kesetiakawanan dan kerjasama yang selama ini telah tersemai dalam Pakatan Rakyat, KEADILAN telah mengangkat dua (2) nama dari kalangan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri KEADILAN yang berjaya memenangi kerusi mereka dalam pilihanraya umum Negeri Selangor baru-baru ini kepada pimpinan PAS dan DAP untuk dibincang secara bersama dengan KEADILAN bagi memilih salah seorang daripada mereka untuk dinamakan sebagai Menteri Besar Selangor.


PAS dan DAP, menerusi Presidennya Yang Berhormat Dato Seri Tuan Guru Haji Abdul Hadi Awang dan Setiausaha Agungnya Yang Amat Berhormat Tuan Lim Guan Eng masing-masing telah bersetuju supaya Yang Berhormat Tan Sri Dato' Seri Abdul Khalid bin Ibrahim, Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Pelabuhan Klang untuk  diangkat sebagai Menteri Besar Selangor dan meneruskan khidmat cemerlang beliau menerajui pentadbiran kerajaan Negeri Selangor sebelum ini.


KEADILAN dengan ini menyeru supaya keseluruhan rakyat Negeri Selangor khususnya dan rakyat Malaysia amnya untuk terus menggembeling semangat kerjasama dan setiakawan antara satu sama lain tanpa mengira agama, bangsa dan warna kulit yang telah selama ini ditunjukkan, bagi terus memastikan agenda perubahan rakyat  dapat diteruskan bersama-sama dengan Pakatan Rakyat.



Sekian, terima kasih.






10 MEI 2013
