Rabu, 20 Jun 2012

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on MAS AGM tomorrow: Why Tan Sri Azman Yahya of SCOMI is not seeking re-election by Minority Shareholder

Posted: 20 Jun 2012 09:57 AM PDT

How much is the Advisor, Abdullah Badawi, being paid per month and what has he contributed to MAS so far?

Comment on MAS AGM tomorrow: Why Tan Sri Azman Yahya of SCOMI is not seeking re-election by Anonymous

Posted: 20 Jun 2012 08:10 AM PDT

Banyak conflict of interest lah MAS ni. Lepas tu nak suruh staff sokong, mana staff nak! Staff MAS pandai, bukan bodoh.

Comment on MAS AGM tomorrow: Why Tan Sri Azman Yahya of SCOMI is not seeking re-election by Tiger for malgudi

Posted: 20 Jun 2012 07:40 AM PDT

Hello YB, good work on the exposes! Send those cronies packing!

I humbly suggest however that you will earn more fans if you can propose solutions to this long-running MAS problem. Fact is, MAS is operatig in a very difficult environment (even SQ making losses!), MAS cost structure bloated (by a 22k manpower?)’, cash bleeding, old aircraft, morale at all time low…

If everybody criticizes without offering realistic solutions (and high level rhetoric please, thats also unhelpful) our beloved MAS will continue spiraling towards doom. So without giving solutions, all your eefort in last 8-9 months would have only made MAS worse!

Best of luck YB and keep up the good work!

Comment on MAS AGM tomorrow: Why Tan Sri Azman Yahya of SCOMI is not seeking re-election by Economist Kampong

Posted: 20 Jun 2012 07:37 AM PDT


This ongoing saga seems to link Bina Tak Fikir to Khazanah to MAS to AA to LSG Sky Chef to Brahim to Dolah Badawi to Scomi to CIMB to EY to Fourth Floor boys and back to Azman Mokhtar is making all thinking Malaysians very very upset.

The anger is mounting daily as the PM seems to dilly dally over what needed to be done. It is made worse as the people clearly know what is required to be done but the Government seems to be clueless at best, or unwilling to take action, at worst.

I only hope they would not punish the BN government at the coming poll.

YB WCK – thank you for your very good work in getting us to be better informed. Please continue with this noble endeavour. Thank you very much.

Comment on MAS AGM tomorrow: Why Tan Sri Azman Yahya of SCOMI is not seeking re-election by pertiwi

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 11:50 PM PDT

Dear YB,
It’s good that TSM Azman Yahya stay away as well as Omar, but I wish they will appoint Tan Sri Abd Aziz as a director so that AJ can learn from him instead!!

Comment on MAS AGM tomorrow: Why Tan Sri Azman Yahya of SCOMI is not seeking re-election by HANANA BT ABDULLA

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 09:40 PM PDT







the sandiwara plot become a bit clearer when you

introduced omar ong in the picture. So it would appear

the whole exercise is to help fatten air asia and kill off

mas for good. Omar ong has always been a barua for n…/umno.

He is in petronas to look after n…’s interest.

So it would appear n… /umno has interest in air asia.

Hence Rafida too is in air asia. So far we had seen the

damages done by the regular baruas-mat nor, mat dan and

mat jo [a.] . The three regular mutts are out to kill/bleed

mas under some silly acronyms I would not care to mention.


When the astro woman is emplaced in the mas directorship,

it raise another flag. AK [ a.. k... ] has a

finger in the pie too?


Most likely too. AK probably plays the same role as

chingkie vingkie tan, the savior of perak bn gomen!

So we can look forward to some interesting future dealings

where the ‘man -behind-the -scene’ will make another drastic move

What next?


Note to whisleblowers

Pay attention to AK’s dealing and wheeling. Find out how all

the important people in mas would relate to AK/Max.s thru whatever

relationships-of wives in-laws. It would be interesting to know if AK has

‘plants’ [dalang] in MAS!


The intent of da ‘man’ is clear. Destroy mas and fatten air asia.

The baruas are using slater walker’s [1] tactic-strip the company

and throw out the employees, on mas and other target glc’s



[1]wiki-jim slater , accountant

note: in mas 4 accountants, mat nor , mat dan [d..y],amok and

azman ya..a emulate the style of jim slater-strip the company

to unlock the asset. The melayu ‘mutts’ rebrand the ruse

‘asset unbundling’.

They were probably thinking that they were ‘mat-bundle ‘unbundling

assets for cronies and ‘da-man’



Comment on MAS AGM tomorrow: Why Tan Sri Azman Yahya of SCOMI is not seeking re-election by pertiwi

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 08:13 PM PDT

Dear YB,
I really don’t understand, why Dato' Rohana binti Rozhan from ASTRO will be re-elected? The aviation need an entertainment experties meh? Further more, is Dato’ Rohana one of Tony best buddy?
Tan Sri Mohamed Azman Yahya, from SCOMI. Erm.. let me rethink, why we need a director from Pak Lah’s company(SCOMI) where Pak Lah also a so called Penasihat to MAS? LSG? Conflict of interest!!

Comment on MAS AGM tomorrow: Why Tan Sri Azman Yahya of SCOMI is not seeking re-election by Hana

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 08:03 PM PDT

The share suap was also co-incidental! Bloody pariah and his kuncu2 who are still in MAS.

AJ you are still holding on like Rashdan. Tak malu lagi kah?

Comment on MAS AGM tomorrow: Why Tan Sri Azman Yahya of SCOMI is not seeking re-election by Budak @ Tingkat 4

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 07:11 PM PDT

YB please check many tasks in MAS have been out sourced to several outfits in Symphony House. Symphony Share Registrar Sdn Bhd is just one of them.

Azman Yahya is another great guy in the corporate world. Another Oxbridge graduate like Rashdan, Omar and Azman Mokhtar.

Heard they were part of the Tingkat Empat? ka ka ka!

Comment on Questions Time 19-06-2012: Non-Disclosure clause in the BinaFikir’s consultancy agreement on WAU by Second time

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 06:58 PM PDT

Syabas Y.B. I support you all the way. Expose those people who are hiding behind contract. I do wish you will be in parliament in the next general election.

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