Rabu, 10 Julai 2013

Lim Guan Eng

Lim Guan Eng

Where Is The Logic Of The Home Minister That The Royal Commission Of Inquiry Into PDRM, Is Making An Unconstitutional Proposal Of Setting Up An Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC), When Its Chairman Tun Mohamed Dzaiddin Bin Haji Abdullah Was The 9th Chief Justice Of Malaysia?(en/bm/cn)

Posted: 09 Jul 2013 10:46 PM PDT

Press Statement By DAP Secretary-General And MP For Bagan Lim Guan Eng In Petaling Jaya On 10.7.2013.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi continues to surprise Malaysians with his reckless claims and perverse logic that establishing the IPCMC will result in overlapping jurisdictions and laws among the county’s enforcement agencies, as well as being unconstitutional and contrary to the concept of justice. Where is the logic of the Home Minister that the Royal Commission Of Inquiry into PDRM, is making an unconstitutional proposal of setting up an IPCMC, when its chairman Tun Mohamed Dzaiddin Bin Haji Abdullah was the 9thChief Justice of Malaysia?

This is the first time since the recommendations were first made in 2005 that the IPCMC has been declared unconstitutional by the BN Federal government as a flimsy excuse for rejecting its establishment. Zahid's wild claim is a slur on the reputation of the highest judge in Malaysia and questions his basic legal competency in making an unconstitutional proposal.

Zahid is not a lawyer and he should ask the Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail to forward legal arguments how setting up the IPCMC is unconstitutional. Should Zahid fail to prove his claims, he should apologise to Tun Mohamed Dzaiddin for putting Tun Dzaiddin's legal expertise into disrepute.

Such wild claims by the Home Minister to justify the unjustifiable and defend the indefensible in the face of overwhelming factual evidence to the contrary, has been the governing approach adopted by the BN Federal government. When Suhakam chairperson Hasmy Agam opposed the reinstatement of the Emergency Ordinance (EO), an upset police officer Senior Assistant Commissioner Mohad Nazir openly repudiated Hasmy by saying that “prevention is better than cure”.

Hasmy had correctly pointed out the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Scotland Yard, Interpol, the Los Angeles Police Department and the Victoria Police as notable examples of good policing without an EO. In response, Mohad retorted that even the United States had the Patriot Act and Guantanamo Bay for the purpose of homeland security. Mohad is wrong because such laws in the United States are intended to combat terrorism and not crime.

Such ignorance by Mohad cannot be faulted as the Home Minister is also equally guilty, giving full credence to the adage that "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing". However Ahmad Zahid cannot be so easily forgiven for continuing to sully the reputation of his office by failing to uphold the laws but instead choose to conveniently label any proposal that the BN government wishes to reject as "unconstitutional".

Lim Guan Eng

—–BM Version —–
Kenyataan Media oleh Setiausaha Agung DAP merangkap Ahli Parlimen Bagan, Lim Guan Eng di Petaling Jaya pada 10 Julai 2013.

Apa munasabahnya Menteri Dalam Negeri mengatakan bahawa Suruhanjaya Siasatan Di Raja untuk menyiasat Polis Di Raja Malaysia (PDRM) mengadakan cadangan yang bertentangan dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan untuk mewujudkan IPCMC, sedangkan Pengerusi Suruhanjaya itu sendiri ialah Tun Mohamed Dzaiddin Bin Haji Abdullah, Ketua Hakim Negara ke-9.

Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi terus mengejutkan rakyat Malaysia dengan kenyataan dan logik peliknya bahawa mewujudkan IPCMC akan mengakibatkan pertindihan bidang kuasa dan bertentangan dengan konsep keadilan. Apa munasabahnya Menteri Dalam Negeri mengatakan bahawa Suruhanjaya Siasatan Di Raja untuk menyiasat Polis Di Raja Malaysia (PDRM) mengadakan cadangan yang bertentangan dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan untuk mewujudkan IPCMC, sedangkan Pengerusi Suruhanjaya itu sendiri ialah Tun Mohamed Dzaiddin Bin Haji Abdullah, Ketua Hakim Negara ke-9.

Ini adalah pertama kali sejak cadangan tersebut dibuat pada tahun 2005 bahawa IPCMC diisytihar tidak berperlembagaan oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan BN, satu alasan yang amat lemah untuk menolak penubuhannya. Tuduhan liar Zahid adalah satu penghinaan kepada reputasi hakim tertinggi di Malaysia serta mempersoalkan kemahiran asas undang-undangnya kerana membuat cadangan yang bertentangan dengan Perlembagaan.

Zahid bukanlah seorang peguam, beliau sepatutnya meminta Peguam Negara Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail supaya memajukan hujah-hujah perundangan tentang bagaimana penubuhan IPCMC itu bertentangan Perlembagaan. Sekiranya Zahid gagal membuktikan tuduhannya, beliau patut memohon maaf kepada Tun Mohamed Dzaiddin kerana menghina kepakaran undang-undang beliau.

Tuduhan liar seperti yang dibuat Menteri Dalam Negeri demi menegakkan benang yang basah serta untuk mempertahankan sesuatu yang tidak dapat dipertahankan apabila berhadapan dengan bukti-bukti dan fakta jelas, adalah pendekatan yang digunapakai Kerajaan Persekutuan BN sejak sekian lama. Apabila Pengerusi Suhakam Hasmy Agam menentang cadangan mengembalikan Ordinan Darurat (EO), seorang pegawai polis yang kecewa, SAC Mohad Nazir secara terbuka membantah Hasmy dengan mengatakan bahawa 'mencegah lebih baik dari mengubati'.

Hasmy telah memberikan contoh tepat bahawa Pasukan Polis Berkuda Di Raja Kanada, Scotland Yard, Interpol dan pasukan polis Los Angeles serta Victoria Police sebagai pasukan polis yang berkesan dan baik tanpa memerlukan EO. Begitu pun, Mohad menjawab bahawa Amerika Syarikat pun mempunyai Akta Patriot dan penjara Guantanamo Bay bagi tujuan keselamatan dalam negeri. Mohad sebenarnya salah kerana undang-undang tersebut di Amerika Syarikat adalah bertujuan memerangai pengganas dan bukan untuk memerangi jenayah.

Kejahilan Mohad ini tidak boleh disalahkan kerana Menteri Dalam Negeri pun sama bersalah, justeru membenarkan kata pepatah bahawa ilmu yang sedikit itu amat berbahaya. Namun Ahmad Zahid tidak boleh senang-senang dimaafkan kerana terus-menerus memburukkan reputasi jabatannya apabila gagal mendaulatkan undang-undang, malah sebaliknya pula memilih untuk melabel apa sahaja cadangan yang mahu ditolak BN sebagai melanggar Perlembagaan.

—-Mandarin version—-










Increasing Available Human Talent Manpower, Resolving Traffic Gridlock, Supplying Adequate Affordable Housing And Making Penang Clean, Green, Safe And Healthy Will Be Crucial Towards Realising Penang’s Aspirations As An International And Intelligent City.(en/cn)

Posted: 09 Jul 2013 08:15 PM PDT

Speech by the Rt. Hon. Mr. Lim Guan Eng, Penang Chief Minister on 9 July 2013 – Penang Investment Promotion Seminar at Orchard Hotel, Singapore Released In Penang On 10.7.2013.

Increasing Available human talent manpower, resolving traffic gridlock, supplying adequate affordable housing and making Penang clean, green, safe and healthy will be crucial towards realising penang's aspirations as an international and intelligent city. According to the World Bank, in order to reach our goal of becoming a high-income nation, Malaysia will need to continue building skills and institutions that will support further diversification towards higher productive investments through improvements in human capital.

For this reason, the Penang government has crafted the Penang Paradigm, a 10-year development blueprint from 2013-2023 that is focused on economic vibrancy, liveability, sustainability as well as social development and inclusion. The Penang Paradigm aims to achieve these goals by focusing on five thrusts:
1) combatting poverty and socio-economic inequality;
2) ensuring environmental sustainability;
3) attracting, training, retraining and retaining human talent;
4) democratic empowerment; and
5) implementing good governance.

Socio-economic inequality is now widely believed to be an impediment to economic growth. In the last five years, we have become the first state in Malaysia to institutionalise annual financial assistance programmes for the poor and marginalised, such as senior citizens, the disabled, students as well as single mothers.

This year, Penang will become the first state in Malaysia to eradicate poverty altogether by ensuring a minimum household income of RM770 a month, which is higher than the national Poverty Line Indicator (PLI) of RM763 a month. Any household with less than RM770 a month will receive a "top-up" payment every month from the State Government.

Secondly, it is critical to ensure that all development is sustainable and environmentally friendly. Penang's success in moving towards becoming the first green state in Malaysia is widely acknowledged from being the only state in Malaysia to have no free plastic bags and shopping centers to recording the highest recycling rate in the country at 26%.

Thirdly, while the last century was driven by the race for resources, this century will be driven by the race for talent. The state government has adopted a 3-prong approach to build human talent through annual allocation of funds to schools, attracting top universities for top students and establishing Penang Learning Centers to provide remedial teaching for academically weak students to create a rising tide effect to benefit the largest pool of students possible.

Fourthly, a society can only progress if it is democratically empowered where Penang respect basic freedoms and human rights. Last but not least, a most vital aspect of ensuring equitable growth and prosperity is good and clean governance through our famous CAT governance of Competency, Accountability and Transparency (CAT). Through CAT governance, we became the first state to implement open competitive tenders and public declaration of assets of EXCO members and Chief Ministers.

This has translated into surplus budgets every year since 2008, reducing our state debts by 95 per cent and increased our state assets by 50% over the last five years. Transparency International has praised Penang State for having a clean government that fights corruption and practice open tender.

In summary, Penang has adopted five implementation measures:
1. Wiping out poverty and reducing the socio-economic gap.
2. Implementing green policies to achieve environmental sustainability.
3. Developing, attracting and retaining the required human capital in order to compete globally.
4. Empowering the people through democratic processes.
5. Fighting corruption and cronyism through good and clean governance.

Lim Guan Eng

—-Mandarin Version —



1) 扫除贫穷及社会经济不平等;
2) 确保环境永续;
3) 吸引、培训、再培训及留住人才;
4) 赋权民主;
5) 良好施政







1. 扫除贫穷及拉近社会经济鸿沟
2. 实施绿色政策,达致环境永续
3. 栽培、吸引及留住人才以在国际上竞争
4. 通过民主过程赋权予民
5. 通过良好施政打击贪污及朋党


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