Ahad, 1 Julai 2012

Lim Guan Eng

Lim Guan Eng

Hill Development Projects: Putting The Record Straight From Star’s Dishonest Efforts to Rewrite History (en/cn)

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 12:52 AM PDT

Star has developed a persistent blind spot by insisting that the previous BN government did no wrong whilst the present PR state government must shoulder the entire blame for inheriting all the hill projects above 250 feet approved by the previous BN government. The Penang state government has to put the record straight from this dishonest attempt to rewrite history.

In its enthusiasm to lynch the Penang PR state government, Star has ignored the fact that the Penang PR state government did not approve any development projects above 250 feet. At the same time, the MCA-owned paper makes the startling claim that there are PR or DAP assemblymen who agree with the Star that the hills in Penang are dying under PR's stewardship. Nothing can be further from the truth.

The present PR state government has imposed stringent guidelines on hill projects approved by the previous state government that has been worked out by an independent professional committee newly set up, headed by Oxford geotechnical engineer Dr. Gue See Saw and two other members from The Institute of Engineers Malaysia and Perbadanan Akitek Malaysia. Whilst these new hill slope guidelines have caused unhappiness amongst developers about the legality of implementing these technical guidelines retrospectively, the state government is determined to compel compliance. And yet the Star and its BN accomplices continues to tag on the Penang PR state government as pro-developer and even claim that there is a gag order imposed by the state government and MPPP on those who wish to speak out on hill projects.

This is untrue. There is no gag order imposed by the state government on any assemblyman. I have checked with MPPP President AR Patahiyah binti Ismail and she has also confirmed that no gag order was imposed except stating the reminder by the Appeals Board and the courts not to publicly discuss cases that are being heard because they are subjudice. Even MPPP Councilor Lim Mah Hui has confirmed that there was no gag order imposed on him.

There is no need to respond to personalities quoted in the Star with a partisan political background, However, I wish to refer to the suggestion made by George Aeria, a resident who had supported the PR in 2008 general elections, that the PR state government must cancel all hill projects approved previously by the BN state government.

The Penang state government does not deny there are problems caused to residents by hill development projects approved by the previous administration. But much as the state government wishes to make these problems disappear by cancelling all the hill projects approved by the previous BN government, that solution is not feasible. To cancel these projects would require huge compensation being paid out to the developers, a sum that neither MPPP nor state government can afford.

As an estimate to the possible compensatory costs involved, Boustead Holdings Bhd is making a claim of RM60 million from MPPP following a reduction of the height of its building from 12 storey to 5 storey in the George Town Heritage area to comply with the 18 meter height requirement of UNESCO World Heritage City Guidelines. Again the 12 storey height limit was approved to Boustead by the previous state government, which broke its promise to UNESCO that no such approval above 5 storey would be given.

Based on the Boustead experience, if reducing the height by a mere 12 storey to 5 storey can attract a claim of RM60 million, the state or MPPP would have to fork out hundreds of millions of ringgit or even billions to cancel all the hill projects approved by the previous administration.

This would definitely bankrupt MPPP or the state government. PR cannot behave irresponsibly to 1.6 million Penangites to allow MPPP or the state to go bankrupt. For that reason, the PR state government has taken the difficult choice to manage the hill projects approved by the previous BN government with stringent hill slope safety guidelines to ensure public safety.

We know this decision will not make existing hill slope residents like George Aeria happy. For that reason, we would respect his choice should he decide to switch back his support to BN and trust the very party that has caused the problems in the first place. George Aeria will have to think through carefully whether BN can be trusted not to approve new hill projects above 250 feet or be able to cancel existing projects BN had approved prior to 2008.

The Penang PR state government can only assure the public that we will not follow the previous BN state government's practice of approving development projects above 250 feet. The PR state government would continue to impose stringent guidelines on hill projects previously approved as monitored by the independent professional technical hill slope committee headed by Dr Gue See Saw.


—–Mandarin Version—-


斜坡发展计划:让我们摆事实讲道理, 别让《星报》的不实报道篡改历史


在《星报》 汲汲营营地对槟州民联州政府进行媒体私刑时,《星报》忽略了一个事实,那就是槟州民联政府从来没有批准过任何250尺以上的斜坡发展计划。同时,这家马华拥有的报章还语不惊人死不休,声称有民联或行动党的州议员同意《星报》的报道,指在民联治理下,槟州的山坡处于垂死边缘。然而,事实胜于雄辩。

当今槟州民联政府针对前朝政府批准的斜坡发展计划,加诸了严格的指南,这项指南是由牛津地质学家Gue See Saw博士为首的独立专业委员会草拟的,成员还包括马来西亚工程师学会及绘测师机构的会员。这项新的斜坡发展指南的合法性已经引起发展商的不愉快,州政府还是决意强制性推行,要求他们恪守准则。而《星报》及国阵的同谋却继续标签槟州政府为"亲发展商",甚至谎指州政府和槟岛市政局发出封口令,阻止任何人针对斜坡发展发表言论。


我们不需要回应《星报》里具政党背景人士的访问。但是,我想回应一名曾在2008年大选支持民联的人士George Aeria的访谈。那就是民联州政府必须撤销国阵政府所批准的所有斜坡计划。





我们知道这样的选择,将让George Aeria这样的现有斜坡居民不快。如果他因此决定重新支持国阵、信任这个问题的始作俑者,我们也尊重他的决定。George Aeria必须想清楚:国阵是否值得信任,是否会不批准250尺以上的新斜坡计划,是否会取消他们在2008年之前所批准的一切斜坡发展计划。

槟州民联政府只能向人民保证,我们绝不会像前朝国阵政府那样,批准 250尺以上的斜坡计划。民联州政府会继续采用由独立专业的斜坡发展委员会所草拟的斜坡发展与管理指南,严格监督前朝政府所批准的斜坡发展计划。


Police Should Review Their Hands-Off Approach Towards Perkasa To Avoid Public Perception That They Condone The Violent Tactics By Perkasa To Intimidate PR Leaders. (en/bm/cn)

Posted: 01 Jul 2012 12:36 AM PDT

The failure by police to immediately arrest Perkasa members involved in violence not just against members of the public and reporters but also make direct threats against my personal safety has only confirmed fears that Perkasa can do no wrong because they are supported by UMNO and BN. Police Should review their hands-off approach towards Perkasa to avoid public perception that they condone the violent tactics by Perkasa to intimidate PR leaders.

Yesterday's incident in Teluk Bahang market, where Perkasa members were allowed to conduct a demonstration and throw anti-Lim Guan Eng posters close to me, only shows that whilst there was police presence the police just stood by and watched. The inaction by the police probably emboldened a Perkasa member to suddenly charge up behind me and succeeded in brushing hard against me. Even though the Perkasa member had brushed hard against me, I escaped injury. But if not for a PR local leader bravely dragging the Perkasa member away, I could have been injured.

Dragging the Perkasa member away from threatening my safety should have been the duty and responsibility of the police, not PR local leaders. The failure of the police to offer adequate protection was followed by the failure of the police to immediately arrest the Perkasa member involved. Just imagine how harsh police reaction would have been if this had involved the Prime Minister and not the Chinese PR Chief Minister.

This unfortunate incident had happened even though the Speaker of the Penang State Assembly, Dato Abdul Halim bin Hussain had informed police of the demonstration by Perkasa and ask for adequate protection and stern action. However despite a record of serial violence against the public, reporters and even PR leaders by Perkasa, Perkasa can still behave in a violent manner without fear of punishment.

Despite recording the second highest reduction in crime index as at May 2012(a reduction of 23%), police have been under scrutiny in Penang due to several high profile crime incidents in Penang in the heritage, tourist and some housing areas. Today's failure to even adequately protect the Chief Minister will not lend public confidence in the ability of the police to ensure public safety when they can not act quickly against those who threaten the safety of the Chief Minister.

—BM Version—-
Kenyataan Akhbar oleh Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng di Komtar, George Town pada 1.7.2012

Polis Harus Menimbang Semula Sikap Tidak Peduli Terhadap Perkasa Untuk Mengelak Persepsi Awam Bahawa Mereka Membenarkan Taktik Ganas Perkasa Untuk Mengugut Pemimpin PR.

Kegagalan pihak polis untuk segera menahan ahli-ahli Perkasa yang terlibat dalam keganasan bukan sahaja terhadap orang awam dan wartawan tetapi juga terhadap keselamatan peribadi saya hanya mengesahkan kebimbangan bahawa tingkah laku Perkasa mendapat sokongan UMNO dan BN. Polis harus menimbang semula sikap tidak peduli terhadap Perkasa untuk mengelak persepsi awam bahawa mereka membenarkan taktik ganas Perkasa untuk mengugut pemimpin PR.

Kejadian semalam di pasar Teluk Bahang, di mana sekumpulan ahli Perkasa telah dibenarkan untuk berdemo dan melempar poster-poster anti-Lim Guan Eng berdekatan dengan saya, membuktikan bahawa pihak polis tidak akan mengambil tindakan walaupun kejadian berlaku di depan mata mereka. Sikap tidak peduli ini mungkin telah memberanikan seorang ahli Perkasa yang tiba-tiba menyerang saya dari belakang dan berjaya menolak saya. Walaupun ahli Perkasa itu sempat menolak saya, saya tidak dicederakan hasil usaha seorang pemimin PR tempatan yang telah mengheret keluar ahli Perkasa itu.

Tugas untuk mengheret ahli Perkasa itu sepatutnya tanggungjawab polis dan bukan pemimpin PR. Kegagalan polis untuk memberi perlindungan yang sewajarnya telah diikuti pula dengan kegagalan polis untuk segera menahan ahli Perkasa yang terbabit. Sekiranya serangan itu telah berlaku ke atas Perdana Menteri dan bukan seorang Ketua Menteri PR, bayangkan sahaja bagaimana reaksi polis.

Insiden yang malang ini telah berlaku walaupun Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri Pulau Pinang, Datuk Abdul Halim bin Hussain sudah pun memaklumkan pihak polis mengenai demonstrasi Perkasa dan telah meminta perlindungan yang sewajarnya serta tindakan yang tegas. Pun begitu, walaupun Perkasa mempunyai rekod keganasan bersiri terhadap orang awam, wartawan dan pemimpin PR, mereka masih lagi dibenarkan untuk bertindak ganas tanpa dihukum.

Sungguhpun mencatatkan pengurangan dalam indeks jenayah yang kedua paling ketara setakat Mei 2012 (pengurangan 23%), pihak polis sedang diteliti dengan rapi di Pulau Pinang akibat beberapa insiden jenayah di kawasan-kawasan warisan, pelancongan dan perumahan. Kegagalan untuk melindungi Ketua Menteri hari ini tidak akan meyakinkan pihak awam tentang keupayaan pihak polis untuk memastikan keselamatan awam apabila mereka tidak bertindak dengan segera terhadap mereka yang mengancam keselamatan Ketua Menteri.

—–Mandarin Version —–


警方应该自我检讨,不应再对土著权威组织采取"不对付" 的态度,以免让公众认为他们包庇土权威胁民联领袖的粗暴行径。

警方没有采取行动逮捕涉及以暴力行为的土权成员,他们粗暴对待公众及媒体,甚至直接威胁我的人身安全,已经确定我们的忧虑,那就是土权可以为所欲为,因为他们有巫统和国阵撑腰。警方应该自我检讨,不应再对土著权威组织采取"不对付" 的态度,以免让公众认为他们包庇土权威胁民联领袖的粗暴行径。

昨天在直落巴巷巴刹,土权组织的成员被允许示威,然后近距离将"反对林冠英" 的海报丢向我,而在场的警方只是袖手旁观。由于警方没有行动,间接鼓动一名土权成员从后面"冲撞"我,幸好我没有受伤。但是,如果不是民联地方领袖勇敢地把这名土权成员拉走,我可能已经受伤了。





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