Rabu, 31 Ogos 2011

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Khazanah: “MAS-AirAsia share swap a case of “BINA” first and “FIKIR” later? by Ridzuan

Posted: 31 Aug 2011 06:50 AM PDT

Good for you, MAS Union. It is you and all the MAS staff to stand up to defend MAS from outsiders who want to kill MAS. Go on strike if you must to prove your point to the Government. You cannot sit still and let people like Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar, Danny Rashdan or Nor Yacob to tell you what to do when all three of them know nuts about aviation.

Now that Rashdan is heading MAS, it is doom day for MAS. Tony will finish off MAS sooner than expected. So YB please help us to join hand to fight them. I can’t wait for October to come so that YB can speak up in Parliament.

Comment on Khazanah: “MAS-AirAsia share swap a case of “BINA” first and “FIKIR” later? by Fight Against The Robbers

Posted: 31 Aug 2011 04:47 AM PDT


I agreed with you why was Rashid Khan was not asked to stay back. He went to Sarawak Tourism Board. It seems to me that the BINA Tak Fikir in Khazanah was never interested to see MAS do well. Why is Khazanah taking idiot to run Khazanah?

Arren’t there were mo real professionals being employed to run MAS? Can’t we follow for example Emirate and Ethihad, both are Saudi airlines but its CEO is no Saudi. Look how Emirate progress. 1 flight a day from Dubai to KL, now 5 flights a day. Not to mention other sectors.

Stop idiot like the Bina Tak Fikir idiot to run an airline. Even the WAU that cannot fly and a total failure. Hence had to do a dirty share swap. Do we expect a failure and an idiot to run MAS? He is there to look after the interest of TF and Klaimullah because they are all good friends. This is a fact. if you do not believe me please ask around about the Bina Tidak Fikir dan tidak ada otak relationship with TF and Kalimullah.

Stop another ECM Libra in the making. Syabas MAS Union. I and million of Malaysians are with you all. MAS staff has been treated so badly all the while. It is now time to stand up against this dirty deal of AIrAsia X Sdn BHd.

Comment on Khazanah: “MAS-AirAsia share swap a case of “BINA” first and “FIKIR” later? by Anonymous

Posted: 31 Aug 2011 04:04 AM PDT

It is also known that Rashid Khan was not asked to stay on in MAS to continue the BTPs why? If that is the essence that this superb turnaround success as claimed by Rashid then senior executives like him should have been extended to continue the good work. Iam of the opinion that whilst Jala is the strategist, the key and senior executives like Rashid are the implementers and executors to the Plan. So the failure of the BTPs and whatever acronyms they have cooked up from the Labs are really the responsibilities of the senior team. So what went wrong there? Making Jala ‘godlike’ is in bad taste.

Comment on Khazanah: “MAS-AirAsia share swap a case of “BINA” first and “FIKIR” later? by Panjihitam

Posted: 31 Aug 2011 02:44 AM PDT

Well done, MAS staff.
Contact me at troubleshooters2011@gmail.com

Together, we shall expose these crooks together and liberate MAS.

Potential leaders in MAS must surface NOW or NEVER.

Remember, MAS is mini Malaysia. MAS in trouble, the country will be in trouble.

Comment on Khazanah: “MAS-AirAsia share swap a case of “BINA” first and “FIKIR” later? by Bina Apa

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 11:16 PM PDT

Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! for MAS staff from the vultures. It is high time that MAS staff stand up to their nonsense. Enough must be enough. If us, members of the public cannot stomach the bloody share swap, MAS staff must have felt worse. Syabas to MAS union. Please say a big NO to Rashdan, the failed WAU author.

We must question whether Rashdan was put into MAS to facilitate TF control over MAS and to squeeze MAS so that AirAsia X Sdn Bhd can survive.

Who is Rashdan except that he was one of the Bina Tak Fikir? What experience has he got about aviation except that he was a business partner of Azam Mokhtar, a good friend of TF, Kalimullah and Noor Yacob, the boss of the corrupted Hasbie Satar, who has been recently charged for money laundering.

Congratulation MAS staff Union. This is the fight to be taken by all Malaysians against the idiots of WAU and the external vultures.

Comment on Khazanah: “MAS-AirAsia share swap a case of “BINA” first and “FIKIR” later? by Razak di Khazanah

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 11:34 AM PDT

MAS staff

You are not alone. The rakyat are with you. Fight these Tak Fikir buggers. They just want to screw MAS. The staff must stand up. Then these Tak Fikir buggers will not dare to mess around. I agree with YB that we must not allow these buggers to stop Firefly. Datuk Eddy Leong must stay on. Datuk Eddy Leong must not make life easy for them by resigning. Datuk, Please stay on to fight the areh..les, like Danny. He is just a budak suruhan. The pandai Bina tetapi tiada otak nak Fikir. only Fikir to ……..

note: just a bit of edition to avoid accusation of vulgarity.

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