Rabu, 10 April 2013

Nurul Izzah Anwar

Nurul Izzah Anwar

Perdana Menteri Sementara Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dan Pimpinan Barisan Nasional Melanggar Etika Prinsip Peranan Pentadbiran Kerajaan Sementara

Posted: 09 Apr 2013 11:01 PM PDT

KEADILAN mendesak agar seluruh pentadbiran Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berhenti dari melanggar etika Prinsip Peranan sebuah Kerajaan Sementara dimana segala jentera dan pengurusan kerajaan adalah dihadkan agar tidak disalah gunakan untuk tujuan berkempen selepas Parlimen dibubarkan.

Kegagalan membezakan diantara 'Kempen' dan 'Pentadbiran' atau Kerajaan Sementara dan Kerajaan yang dipilih hanya membuktikan Barisan Nasional tidak dapat menunaikan tanggung-jawab serta amanah secara jujur yang menjadi petanda bahawa Barisan Nasional tidak mampu membawa sebarang perubahan yang positif demi rakyat.

Sejak Parlimen dibubarkan, pentadbiran Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak gagal untuk menghormati prinsip demokrasi dengan menyalahgunakan kuasa kerajaan sementara yang membabitkan jentera dan kemudahan kerajaan untuk kepentingan UMNO/Barisan Nasional. Yang lebih meruncing, adalah kegagalan Datuk Seri Najib untuk memenuhi Akujanji Pilihanraya yang beliau tandatangani dengan badan Transparency International, yang menyebut, antara lain:

Calon PRU mestilah memastikan dana, sumber, serta harta awam tidak digunakan sewaktu kempen.

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak serta anggota kabinetnya telah mengumumkan beberapa perkara penting yang mencabul etika kerajaan sementara. Antaranya ialah:

1 Pada 5 April 2013, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak telah umumkan 3 projek utama di Cyberjaya yang bernilai RM 8 bilion.

2 Pada 5 April 2013, Dato' Raja Nong Chik telah mengadakan majlis perasmian jalan di Pantai Dalam dengan masih mengguna pangkat 'Menteri' dan menggunakan jentera Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur.

3 Pada 8 April 2013, media arus perdana telah melaporkan bahawa Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak telah umumkan bahawa kad diskaun ataupun 1Malaysia Privilege Card yang dilancarkan pada Ogos 2012 akan diperluaskan kepada 725,000 pesara kerajaan.

4 Pada 8 April 2013, Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yaasin telah berkempen di Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil (SJKT) Simpang Lima, Klang dalam Majlis Perjumpaan Khas TPM bersama guru-guru sekolah Tamil.

5 Pada 9 April 2013, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak telah umumkan pembinaan kompleks bernilai RM 400 juta yang membabitkan syarikat dari China iaitu CSR Zhu Zhou Electric Locomotive Company di Perak.

6 Akhir sekali, pada 9 April 2013, Ketua Setiausaha Negara, Datuk Seri Dr Ali Hamsa telah menyatakan bahawa Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak akan membuat pengumuman mengenai Perumahan Penjawat Awam 1Malaysia (PPA1M) yang menyediakan rumah mampu milik kepada penjawat awam.

Sewajarnya, sebagai sebuah kerajaan sementara, sebarang pengumuman mengenai keputusan penting atau projek besar haruslah terhenti bagi menghormati pihak lawan dan prinsip demokrasi yang memastikan perlawanan di gelanggang politik yang sama rata.
KEADILAN bersama rakan-rakan Pakatan Rakyat yang lain telah memulakan inisiatif menguatkuasakan arahan ketat pentadbiran kerajaan sementara seperti yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan negeri Selangor dan Pulau Pinang dengan memulangkan kenderaan rasmi negeri dan tidak membuat sebarang keputusan penting membabitkan dasar utama.

Maka, saya mencabar Perdana Menteri sementara Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak untuk menghentikan sebarang penggunaan jentera dan kemudahan kerajaan bagi tujuan kempen UMNO/Barisan Nasional. Penyalahgunaan kuasa berterusan ini jelas membuktikan sebenarnya Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak gagal menjunjung prinsip demokrasi, dan sewajibnya membatalkan akujanji pilihanraya yang beliau tandatangani dengan Transparency International Malaysia yang sekadar digunapakai untuk menghiasi imej umumnya.

Saya turut mencabar semua menteri di dalam pentadbiran Datuk Seri Najib untuk memulangkan semula semua kenderaan-kenderaan rasmi dan tidak menggunakan sebarang jentera kerajaan termasuklah Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur bagi tujuan kempen.

KEADILAN akan terus memantau dan mendedahkan kepada rakyat setiap penyalahgunaan kuasa oleh pentadbiran kerajaan sementara Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. Saya menyeru seluruh rakyat Malaysia untuk bersama-sama kami memantau tindak-tanduk kerajaan sementara sekarang supaya tidak menyalahgunakan kemudahan kerajaan bagi tujuan politik.

Sebarang aduan mengenai penyalahgunaan kuasa boleh dilaporkan kepada kami ataupun mana-mana pertubuhan bertanggungjawab seperti PEMANTAU.

Naib Presiden KEADILAN
10 APRIL 2013

A Youth Partnership Initiative For Malaysia’s Future

Posted: 09 Apr 2013 10:45 PM PDT

Our Youth; Our Future for a Better Malaysia

The 13th General Elections will see 2.3 million out of 13.3 million Malaysians coming out to vote for the first time. Malaysia is a young country with more than half of all citizens under the age of 30.

Malaysian youth are therefore big stakeholders in this country. They must be taken seriously and respectfully as partners in the building of this country.

We need to completely reform the way we engage our youth and Keadilan reiterates the offer of a *Youth Partnership Initiative*. The YPI is a
roadmap for energising and engaging youth in the democratic governance so that together we build a Better Malaysia for All Malaysians.


Lowering the Voting Age and Automatic Voter Registration

Malaysian youth must have a political voice. The young deserve to have the right to choose their leaders. Respect begins by making sure the young can
vote. By lowering the voting age to 18, we will be allowing youth to participate and be represented in Malaysia's democratic processes.

Over the past few decades developing democracies of the world have shifted from the voting age of 21 to 18. Thais, Filipinos and Myanmar can vote at 18. Indonesians can vote at 17. Now it should be Malaysia's turn.

For 56 years the Barisan Nasional has feared, talked down, indoctrinated and restricted our youth in schools, universities and colleges. Everything
has been done to ensure that they cannot think for themselves and are compliant. This will change when they are given a political voice.

At the moment, young people are being registered without their knowledge. Automatic voter registration will ensure that youth are included in the
democratic process. But first electoral rolls must be thoroughly cleaned so that they are fully representative and credible.

Empowerment: Campus Elections Managed by Students

KEADILAN commits that campus elections of student leaders will be conducted free of the restrictions and blatant manipulation by the authorities that
we have seen. Young people should be allowed to make decisions on, and take responsibility for, how they are organized and who represents them in these centres of learning. This will prepare them for the future.

Education & Employment

PTPTN – Free Education

Every Malaysian citizen must have equal opportunities and access to education – from pre-school right up to the tertiary level – free of
charge. Our nation is rich in natural resources and it is imperative that we invest in our people. Our revenue should be spent on enriching our
young, not on enriching the pockets of politically-connected individuals in power. We must mandate a specific percentage of our natural resources-based revenues for education and work to ensure that these resources are spent on students.

Youth Unemployment, Underemployment and Unemployability

Youth unemployment, under-employment and unemployability impose a heavy cost to this nation. Youth unemployment stands at 11% nationally. It makes
up 60 per cent of total unemployment or 6.6 times higher than the adult unemployment rate. Youth unemployment figures are much higher in East Malaysia. There are 76,000 unemployed graduates but many more who have only managed to find temporary low-paying jobs. And every year this number increases.

Years of BN neglect and complicity must be addressed and we propose substantive measures to help mitigate youth unemployment and
underemployment for all, irrespective of race, religion or political persuasion.

Expanding Technical and Vocational Training

We will greatly increase the scope and effectiveness of our vocational and technical colleges and the programmes they offer. We will ensure that these
programmes are not the 'neglected option' by linking them to vibrant industries both at home and abroad. We will ensure that standards of technical certification are sufficiently high so that the question of finding a job does not arise.

Expanding Re-skilling and Multi-skilling Opportunities

We will encourage re-skilling and multi-skilling by listening and responding to industry demands so as to ensure that our youth are employable. We will develop new, more flexible and effective delivery options so that downtime is limited and costs are kept down. In this way, our youth will be able to have multiple skills and be multiply productive.

Expanding Entrepreneurship

We will promote entrepreneur development in a way and on a scale that has never attempted before. We will promote an entire eco-system, from business
incubation and start-ups to technology adoption and business up-scaling. We will revamp the financing system for SMEs.

Social and Community Development

Revamping the National Service

The National Service (PLKN) requires serious review and reform. Academic studies have found that the PLKN has had lackluster success in forging greater unity and improving moral character while lacking in safety.

Measures include:-

- Realigning the program towards fostering real national unity and greater awareness on the rights and responsibilities of citizens in building a better democracy.

- Conducting more open audits to ensure the safety, health, and security of the NS trainees. Selected and qualified members from the public
will be put into a council to audit and investigate any untoward incidents that may occur.

- Diversifying the modules to include social activism and community engagements skills.

Youth Participation in Decision-Making

As a stakeholder in nation building, youth participation in decision-making is a valuable and essential element.

A National Youth Advisory Council will be formed to achieve the stated purpose that will be given a real voice in government. Youth
Advisory Councils elected by the youth must be mandated to be part of Federal, State and Local governments providing a platform for meaningful
involvement and advocacy of youth rights and aspirations.

In short, the Malaysia of tomorrow must be forged in the hearts and minds of its youth today.

This Youth Partnership Initiative is the first, important step in the real transformation of the country. It will be a key engine to drive us towards a better Malaysia.

Nurul Izzah Anwar

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