Jumaat, 5 April 2013

Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar Ibrahim

Al Jazeera : Inside Story – Is it Time for Change in Malaysia?

Posted: 05 Apr 2013 04:38 AM PDT

[KENYATAAN MEDIA] William Leong: Ketelusan, Bukan Campur Tangan Operasi Petronas

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 11:33 PM PDT

Bendahari Agung Parti Keadilan Rakyat (KEADILAN), William Leong Jee Keen ingin menegaskan bahawa penubuhan jawatankuasa khas parlimen untuk Petronas adalah untuk memastikan ketelusan operasi kewangan Petronas sambil merealisasikan prinsip semak dan timbang terhadap kuasa Perdana Menteri bagi mengelakkan timbulnya isu salah guna kuasa dan penyelewengan wang milik rakyat.

Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak telah mengkritik manifesto PAKATAN untuk menubuhkan jawatankuasa khas parlimen Petronas sebagai campur tangan pengurusan perniagaan Petronas.

Menurut kenyataan media yang dikeluarkan oleh calon kerusi Parlimen Selayang William Leong Jee Keen hari ini, Petronas meraih keuntungan besar saban tahun, namun amalan ketelusan dalam pengurusan Petronas masih kekurangan. Ini adalah kerana hanya Perdana Menteri diberikan kuasa bagi meneliti akaun atau keadaan semasa kewangan Petronas.

Sehingga kini, rakyat tidak mempunyai peluang untuk memantau penggunaan kewangan Petronas yang diperolehi daripada penggunaan kekayaan sumber asli negara ini. Lantas, sejauh mana rakyat dapat merasai manfaat daripada kekayaan sumber asli negara menjadi tanda tanya rakyat Malaysia.

Menurut laporan, harga minyak antarabangsa sehingga 31 Mac 2012, keuntungan bersih suku pertama bagi tahun tersebut Petronas adalah sebanyak RM20.7 bilion, di mana hasil pendapatan tersebut turut membawa keuntungan kepada perbendaharaan negara.

William Leong Jee Keen adalah calon kerusi Parlimen Selayang bagi Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU-13). Menurut beliau, manifesto PAKATAN dalam menjanjikan penubuhan Jawatankuasa khas parlimen Petronas adalah satu pendekatan yang demokratik. Oleh kerana ianya dilakukan untuk memisahkan kuasa Perdana Menteri, ianya menggalakkan pelaksanaan prinsip pemisahan kuasa. Lantas, ianya merupakan sebuah mekanisme semak dan timbang untuk memastikan ketelusan dalam penggunaan kewangan Petronas serta mengelakkan penyalahgunaan kuasa.

Kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) telah menjadikan Petronas sebagai pokok yang membuahkan emas. Ini seterusnya menyebabkan CEO Petronas Shamsul Azhar mengutarakan perasaan tidak puas hati terhadap Perdana Menteri di Persidangan Gas Sedunia ke-25, di mana beliau mengungkapkan hasrat Petronas untuk tidak lagi mempunyai kemampuan untuk menjadi sumber pendapatan utama kepada kerajaan BN.

Oleh demikian, jika BN meneruskan kuasa pentadbiran, Petronas dijangka akan terus dikikis sehingga kering oleh kerajaan BN. Ketiadaan mekanisme semak dan timbang bagi meninjau penggunaan kuasa Perdana Menteri adalah punca penyelewengan yang kian berlaku di Petronas oleh kerajaan BN.

Petronas sebagai syarikat milik kerajaan dan rakyat Malaysia, menjadi kebanggaan negara apabila Fortune Global 500 meletakkan Petronas sebagai sebuah syarikat ke-68 terbesar di dunia pada tahun 2012?Petronas secara amnya boleh dikategorikan sebagai antara syarikat multinasional tempatan terbaik di Malaysia yang boleh berdiri sama tinggi bersama syarikat-syarikat antarabangsa.

Walau bagaimanapun, keuntungan besar yang diraih oleh Petronas tidak memberi manfaat kepada rakyat. Hasil pendapatan yang diraih diguna oleh Kerajaan BN untuk menjalankan projek-projek mega seperti pembinaan Putrajaya, Menara Berkembar Petronas, pembiayaan aktiviti perlumbaan kereta Formula 1, menaja pasukan Formula 1 serta penyelenggaraan trek kereta Formula 1.

William Leong Jee Keen menegaskan persetujuan beliau berkenaan manifesto PAKATAN untuk menubuhkan jawatankuasa khas parlimen Petronas selepas memegang kuasa mentadbir negara selepas PRU-13. Dengan memberi kuasa kepada Jawatankuasa tersebut untuk memantau dan mengawal perbelanjaan Petronas, ianya dapat digunakan untuk kebaikan rakyat seperti pendidikan percuma, persekitaran hidup yang lebih baik, membantu golongan miskin, ibu tunggal, dan membantu warga tua.
Akhir sekali, menurut William Leong Jee Keen, calon KEADILAN, "keuntungan Petronas tidak wajar menjadi sumber perbelanjaan boros kerajaan BN kerana amalan tersebut membawa kepada kitaran hutang dan bergantung kepada kejayaan orang lain."

PRESS RELEASE: Najib’s Handover of Only 120 MyKads is an Insult to The Indian Community

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 11:31 PM PDT

I refer to the handing over of MyKads to 120 persons, mainly Malaysian Indians, at Bandar Baru Sentul by caretaker Prime Minister Najib Razak on 4 April 2013. This is a transparent and dishonest attempt to deceive the Indian community into thinking that the problem of statelessness is being resolved by the BN. While documents have been given to 120 people, what about the estimated 300,000 more Indians throughout the country who remain stateless? Worse, about 49,000 Malaysian Indian children remain without birth certificates or MyKads. The PM’s show of handing over papers to the 120 persons after dissolution of parliament is clearly a cheap election gimmick; and not a serious attempt to end statelessness in Malaysia.

The problem is not confined to Malaysian Indians. In Sabah, state NRD director Jaffear Henry recently said that up to 50,000 Sabahans in the interior are stateless. Why have Najib and the BN government done nothing to resolve the huge number of stateless Sabahans?

In order to resolve the problem of statelessness, the government must take a systematic and comprehensive approach. Piecemeal and politically motivated show events like in Bandar Baru Sentul on 4 April will not resolve the widespread problem of statelessness. The root cause of statelessness are the existing policies and processes at the NRD which have been put in place by the BN government. Discriminatory practices, excessive bureaucratisation, disregard of constitutional provisions and the apathy of the Home Ministry are among the main reasons for the continuing tragedy of stateless Malaysians.

As the sole ruling government since independence, the BN is completely responsible for the endless sufferings of stateless Malaysians. Despite this, the government remains in denial over the extent of this problem. It is clear that stateless Malaysians face a bleak future under the rule of the Barisan Nasional. Pakatan Rakyat will honour their pledge of resolving statelessness within 100 days of forming the federal government.

Issued by,

Ahli Politik Antara 1,500 Miliki Syarikat Luar Pesisir

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 11:25 PM PDT


Ahli politik ternama Malaysia, kaum kerabat dan rakan kongsi mereka antara yang memiliki syarikat luar pesisir secara rahsia di Singapura dan British Virgin Islands (BVI), menurut maklumat dari dokumen yang bocor.

Mereka termasuklah anak lelaki bekas perdana menteri Mirzan Mahathir, Menteri Wilayah dan Kesejahteraan Bandar Datuk Seri Raja Nong Chik Zainal Abidin dan Micheal Chia, yang pernah dikaitkan dengan Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Aman.

Fail-fail yang diperoleh daripada Gabungan Antarabangsa Wartawan Penyiasatan (ICIJ) yang berpangkalan di Washington dan diteliti Malaysiakini menunjukkan, seramai 1,500 rakyat Malaysia memiliki syarikat luar pesisir – yang digelar Switzerland baru – serta BVI, syura percukaian rendah.

Senarai ICIJ terdiri daripada gabungan taikun yang disenaraikan Forbes, ahli parlimen, pesara politik, penjawat awam dan pasangannya, kerabat diraja, ahli perniagaan terkenal dan tidak terkenal, kongsi gelap dan bekas ratu cantik.

Walaupun beberapa syarikat luar pesisir menjalankan urus niaga sah, yang lain mungkin antara RM871.4 bilion aliran keluar wang haram dalam tempoh 10 tahun, seperti dianggarkan oleh pemantau kewangan yang berpengkalan di Washington Global Financial Integrity (GFI).

Nong Chik (kanan) ketika dihubungi Malaysiakini memberitahu RZA International Corporation ditubuhkan bapanya, yang berumur 96 pada tahun ini, untuk pelaburan luar pesisir yang sah untuk keluarga.

Melalui e-mel, Nong Chik berkata, RZA tidak digunakan untuk aktiviti yang kabur dan bertujuan mengelakkan cukai atau meyembunyikan urus niaga luar negara.

Sementara itu, Malaysiakini juga cuba mendapatkan komen Mirzan di pejabatnya tetapi pembantunya memberitahu mereka tidak dapat memberikan maklum balas kerana beliau sedang berada di luar kawasan.

Manakala usaha menghubung Chia melalui maklumat daripada dokumen pendaftaran syarikat juga gagal mendapat reaksi.

Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim Answers Questions Following Dissolution of Parliament

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 11:01 PM PDT


IN an exclusive interview with fz.com, former deputy prime minister and Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the smearing campaign on his personality by Umno in videos will not work anymore as this has proven to have failed.

He also said that mainstream media interviews with former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin showed the desperation of the ruling coalition, that it had to go back to former leaders who have remained shy of the public for a long time.

Speaking after PKR’s meeting hours after the dissolution of Parliament on April 3, Anwar also said the general election “provocation” has been started by “Umno lackeys”. However, he was confident that PKR supporters will withstand the provocation.

The PKR de facto leader stressed that the opposition is “ready to deal with” politicians try to leave with their gains after losing in the polls.

Anwar Vows to Stop Mokhzani’s Petronas Contract if Pakatan Wins GE13

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 08:45 PM PDT

The Malaysian Insider

Pakatan Rakyat's (PR) first steps to end cronyism should it win federal power in Election 2013.

Speaking at a ceramah in Taman Semarak here, the opposition leader heaped criticism against his long-time arch nemesis for allegedly reaping the riches of the country's national oil company for his family, namely his son Mokhzani.

"First, within 24 hours of Pakatan's swearing in, we will drop the prices of fuel for the whole country," he said to a crowd of over 1,000 people in the Hulu Perak district township.

"Number two, is this oil contract. Do you think under Najib it would be retracted? No. But if we take over, I want to tell Dr Mahathir — I am Anwar, I am not Najib.

"Najib is afraid of you but I am not. I have no intention of being cruel to you or to take revenge, but this billion-ringgit contract given to your son, I want to stop it, I want to give it back to the children of Malaysians nationwide," Anwar (picture) said.

Mokhzani is part owner and vice-president of Sapura Kencana Petroleum Bhd, an oil-and-gas (O&G) specialist that has been awarded a RM836 million risk production contract by national oil company Petronas Bhd.

With RM11.85 billion in assets, Sapura Kencana is one of the world's top O&G service support players by asset base. It has also started venturing into other oil-producing countries such as Kazakhstan.

Dr Mahathir, the country's longest-serving prime minister, has been going on a stump for Barisan Nasional (BN) ahead of the coming polls, recently telling voters in Umno's Johor bastion to end the political careers of PR leaders, especially DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang who will be contesting there.

Lim is heading the opposition pact's assault of Johor in the general election.

PR leaders were quick to retaliate, centring their attacks on the influential Umno leader's family members.

"The Petronas adviser is Dr Mahathir; Dr Mahathir's son, Mokhzani Mahathir, is among the richest people in Malaysia. Does he think his son is the only Malay around?" PKR secretary-general Datuk Saifuddin Nasution Ismail told some 2,000 people at a ceramah in Johor earlier this week.

"Why does Dr Mahathir hate Anwar, Lim Kit Siang and Abdul Hadi? … because they are the new hope.

"Why is Mahathir angry? This isn't his time anymore, because he knows if we can change, not only Mahathir but even his children are finished," DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said at the same ceramah.

"Dr Mahathir's son is the 13th richest person in Malaysia," said the Penang chief minister, who is also Kit Siang's son.

In a televised address on Wednesday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced the dissolution of the Dewan Rakyat, paving the way for the long-awaited 13th general election.

The Malaysian Insider understands that the polls may be held as soon as April 20 or a week later on April 27, depending on the Election Commission's (EC) arrangements.

The EC is expected to meet next week to set the dates for nominations and polling that must he held within 60 days of it getting the notice of dissolution from every state legislative assembly that has yet to be dissolved.

Politicians from the ruling BN and opposition PR will be fighting tooth and nail to wrest majority control over 222 parliamentary seats and 505 state seats in the coming polls, which analysts have said is will a toss-up between both pacts.

[VIDEO] Newsflash: Anwar Ibrahim Di Grik Perak 04/04/2013

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 08:31 PM PDT

[VIDEO] Newsflash: Anwar Ibrahim Di Lenggong Perak 04/04/2013

Posted: 04 Apr 2013 10:12 AM PDT

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