Selasa, 5 Februari 2013

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Dato’ Najmuddin Abdullah is the new MAS Head, Strategic Communications by Anonymous

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 08:40 AM PST

take shazaly ramli from axiata.he’s great.look at axiata shares since he’s in charged

Comment on Once YM Tunku Aziz was a Malaysian “PAR EXCELLENCE” & “TOWERING MALAY” by Bongek

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 08:04 AM PST

I have 3 childrens and one of them I adopted from the age of 1 day. Adopted childrens are identified by special birth certificate. When turned 2 years old, you could change their name but you cannot put your name for the bin or binti.

The pejabat pendaftaran are very strict and impossible to go around it. My problem will start soon, when my children attending primary school. I am still searching for an answer when being asked this question “papa, how come your does not appear in my birth certificate or who is Abdullah that appeared in my birth certificate”.

My question to you is, Why the towering Malaysian Tuan Zairil Khir Johari could use his adopted father’s name and his adopted datuk’s name as well. Ini tidak adil YB. You should ask this question in parliment.

Comment on Azahari Dahlan: Was SRT’s statement referring to a possible joint venture with MAS? by Kaladin

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 03:26 AM PST

Surely you know that air services between countries are governed by bilateral g-to-g agreements?

Except when there are “open skies” agreements between countries.

Like the Asean Open Skies Agreement that comes into effect in 2015.

So, why is MAS deserving of special treatment? Just because it’s the “national carrier” doesn’t mean that it has a sacrosanct status.

Nope, like the rest of us lesser mortals, MAS has got to pay it’s way and earn it’s keep.

Comment on Once YM Tunku Aziz was a Malaysian “PAR EXCELLENCE” & “TOWERING MALAY” by Kang

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 01:36 AM PST

Zairil KHIR JOHARI looks very Melayu in the photograph posted here. Lim Guan Eng must have thought that he has satisfied the Melayu that there is one very Melayu, who is the son of Tan Sri Khir Johari, to represent the Melayu in the DAP CEC. Lets all have a good laugh at the poor attempt of the pathetic Chief Minister.

Comment on Once YM Tunku Aziz was a Malaysian “PAR EXCELLENCE” & “TOWERING MALAY” by Helmi

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 12:52 AM PST

Sudahlah DAP tak payah nak menggunakan orang Melayu untuk pameran sahaja! Kami sudah tahu ciri-ciri peminpin DAP.

Comment on Once YM Tunku Aziz was a Malaysian “PAR EXCELLENCE” & “TOWERING MALAY” by Kee

Posted: 04 Feb 2013 07:54 PM PST

Tunku Aziz wasa towering Malay only when they thought that he could be made a puppet like other Malay in DAP. The late Ahmad Nor was used to the maximum. The DAP is just a private business should have been known as Lim Sdn Bhd and nothing more than that. Good informative article YB.

Comment on Once YM Tunku Aziz was a Malaysian “PAR EXCELLENCE” & “TOWERING MALAY” by Ulat Kayu

Posted: 04 Feb 2013 07:01 PM PST

Apa yang dikatakan oleh Tunku Aziz dan pengalaman YB selama bersama dengan DAP sepatutnya menjadi “iktibar” kepada kita semua supaya lebih mengenali siapa sebenarnya DAP.

Apakah yg lebih berharga drpd “sebuah negara” jika dibandingkan dengan DAP, yang cemerlang menyalahkan orang lain sahaja…

Terima kasih atas pendirian Tunku!!!

Comment on Once YM Tunku Aziz was a Malaysian “PAR EXCELLENCE” & “TOWERING MALAY” by Cakap saja berlembut tapi bikin ganas « Helen Ang

Posted: 04 Feb 2013 01:14 PM PST

[...] Ahli Parlimen Wangsa Maju Wee Choo Keong mengulas dalam blognya semalam: [...]

Comment on Once YM Tunku Aziz was a Malaysian “PAR EXCELLENCE” & “TOWERING MALAY” by JIWA HAMBA

Posted: 04 Feb 2013 12:35 PM PST

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Comment on Once YM Tunku Aziz was a Malaysian “PAR EXCELLENCE” & “TOWERING MALAY” by JIWA HAMBA

Posted: 04 Feb 2013 12:34 PM PST

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