Jumaat, 17 Februari 2012

Lim Guan Eng

Lim Guan Eng

The Prime Minister Should Scrap 1Care for 1Malaysia Proposal To Ensure That the Public Good Of Healthcare Services Is Not Exploited So That The losses Are Socialized Whereas The Profits Are Privatised.(en/cn)

Posted: 16 Feb 2012 11:39 PM PST

The provision of public health care in Malaysia need not be completely overhauled but merely revamped to improve it towards excellence. The DAP believes ensuring the proper allocation of funds without any leakages or hanky panky can not only ensure the public's right to provision of a standard health care but also improve public health delivery.

The DAP calls for the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Minister to intervene and scrap 1Care for 1Malaysia proposal following the failure of of Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, to fully examine the adverse consequences of this compulsory Health Insurance scheme. In replacement, the Ministry of Health should conduct a thorough public consultation process involving key stakeholders to ensure that the provision of basic healthcare as a public good and human right is protected and not auctioned off so that well connected individuals and companies can profit from the people.

Using the lack of financing and funding as not sustainable in the long-term is not an acceptable excuse for dumping public health care in favour of a privatised from 1Care for 1Malaysia. If government spending on health has ballooned, why has government spending on health remained relatively stagnant at 2.1% to 2.5% of GDP since 2001. This is less than half the 5-6% of GDP recommended by the World Health Organisation.

The DAP stands firmly in solidarity with the people of Malaysia who have expressed their deep concern and anger over the 'cloak and dagger' approach of the Ministry of Health in designing and implementing the 1Care for 1Malaysia health insurance scheme.
Instead of reacting defensively to the outpouring of criticisms against this rehashed scheme, Liow should instead address the very valid concerns raised by various quarters including:
(i) Why should this scheme be forced upon all Malaysia by making it compulsory
(ii) How much will this scheme cost to the individual, the organization he or she works for and the state and federal governments.
(iii) How much will this scheme add to the Federal Debt, which will exceed 55% of the Debt to GDP ratio in a very near future
(iv) Whether General Practitioners will be assigned to every individual instead of allowing the individual to choose
(v) Whether the number of hospital visits will be limited
(vi) Whether a National Healthcare Financing Authority (NHFA) will be set up to collect these insurance premiums

In addition, the DAP calls for Liow to exercise oversight over his officials at the Ministry of Health, some of whom have indicated that the 1Care for 1Malaysia proposals are already in the final stages and that this would be made mandatory, in contrast to Liow's own assertions that this proposal is only at the 'discussion' level. These kinds of contradictory statements only add further fuel to the fire that the Minister himself does not have full control over this process.

Malaysians have become too familiar with past and current efforts of the BN government to introduce market mechanisms and pseudo privatization schemes where profits are privatized for the gain of well connected cronies but losses are socialized at the expense of the average taxpayer. Nothing that the Minister has and has not said have reassured the public that this 1Care for 1Malaysia scheme is nothing more than a smokescreen to extract economic rent and benefit political cronies.

In light of the outpouring of questions and concerns over this proposal and in view of past experiences of 'piratization' through the abuse of similar schemes, the DAP calls on the Minister to immediately assign this proposal to the scrapheap. Public interest should be paramount as public healthcare is the basic duty of any government. To carry out this obligation to the public, accountability, complete disclosure and full consultation must be practiced for the benefit of 28 million Malaysians.

How can 1Care for 1Malaysis serve the public good or take care of our health when it does not address the important question why 70% of health professionals are serving in the private sector where they treat only 30% of the population? Leaving the remaining 30% of health professionals to serve 70% of the population is not just a gross mismatch of resources but also guarantees a continued decline of quality public healthcare services.

1Care for 1Malaysia should be rejected for failing these tests. Instead, the Health Ministry should start from scratch by having a transparent and inclusive stakeholder consultation process and put in place iron clad safeguards to ensure that public healthcare remains a public good that is affordable to all, especially those in the lower income bracket.

Lim Guan Eng

—-Mandarin Translation –





当局以缺乏资金、无法持续长期拨款 的理由,提议推行1马健保计划、放弃公共医疗政策,是无法被接受的。如果政府在医疗的开销方面增加,为什么自2001年起,政府在医疗方面的开销一直只占国民生产总值的2.1%至2.5%?连世界卫生组织所推介的国民生产总值占有率5-6%的一半都没有。


(i) 为什么要强制性规定每一名马来西亚人参与?
(ii) 每个人或他/她所工作的单位、州政府、联邦政府在这项计划中需承担多少费用。
(iii) 这项计划将导致联邦债务增加多少?不久的将来,联邦债务对国民生产总值的比率将达55%.
(iv) 每个人都会被指派普通医生,还是人们可以选择自己的医生。
(v) 到医院看病的次数会不会被限制?
(vi) 是否会设立国家健保融资机构(NHFA)来征收保费?


马来西亚人已经太熟悉国阵政府了,从过去及最近的各种例子可以看出,每当他们推介市场机制、假借"私营化" 名义时,往往就是将利益"私有化",让一些朋党谋利,最后牺牲纳税人的利益,将亏损"社会化"。部长所有的言论都无法让人放心相信,1马健保计划不是用来经济寻租、让朋党赚钱的烟幕。

有鉴于这项计划招来许多批评,加上以往国阵通过滥用类似计划"强盗化" 的经验,行动党促请部长马上下令取消这项计划。公共医疗服务是任何政府的基本义务,公共利益必须被放在首位。为了2800万马来西亚人的利益,政府必须对公众负责,透明化、公布所有资讯及全面咨询。




Would UMNO Leaders Datuk Zainal Abidin Osman And Datuk Abdul Rahman Datuk Dahlan Accept My Challenge That They Retire From Politics If They Fail To Prove That The Bayan Mutiara Land Sale Was Not Done By Open Tender?(en/bm/cn)

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 08:12 AM PST

Facts Are Facts Which Can Not Be Changed By Lies:-Would UMNO Leaders Datuk Zainal Abidin Osman And Datuk Abdul Rahman Datuk Dahlan Accept My Challenge That They Retire From Politics If They Fail To Prove That The Bayan Mutiara Land Sale Was Not Done By Open Tender?

UMNO leaders have systematically carried out a vicious campaign of lies against the Penang state government on the sale of Bayan Mutiara land in 2010 by open competitive tender at RM 240 per square feet or total sale price of RM1.07 billion. Amongst the lies raised by UMNO Penang Chairman Datuk Zainal Abidin Osman and Kota Belud MP Datuk Abdul Rahman Datuk Dahlan was that there was no open tender; the selling price was sold to a private developer at 50% lower than the market value of RM 420 per square feet; and that the Penang state government had insulted local Malaysians by appointing HDB Singapore as a consultant for the state government's massive affordable housing project in Batu Kawan.

When the government decided to sell the 102.3 acres of Bayan Mutiara land(67.5 acres filled land and 35 acres to be reclaimed) by open tender in 2010, a reserve price was set at RM200 per square feet. This high reserve price of RM 200 per square feet was set on 7 April 2010 despite the valuation by the Jabatan Penilaian Perkhidmatan Harta, Kementerian Kewangan, on 5 November 2009 estimating the price to be at only RM 65 per square feet. When the tender closed on 31.12.2010, the state government's bold decision to fix the reserve price at RM200 per square foot was proven correct when the highest bid came in at RM 240 psf or RM1.07 billion.

I am disappointed that the estimated valuation of RM65 psf provided by Jabatan Penilaian Harta, from the Finance Ministry, was not reported by the English and Malay media. To-date UMNO and Abdul Rahman has not responded to my challenge to buy over the 102.3 acres at RM420 if that is the market price claimed by UMNO. UMNO should put their money where their mouth is by paying up RM420 psf. If UMNO or their cronies buy over at RM420 psf, the state government can get an extra RM800 million or RM1.87 billion instead of RM1.07 billion at RM240 psf.

As for UMNO's allegations that the sale was not done by open competitive tender, I am willing to retire from politics if UMNO can prove so. Facts are facts which can not be changed by lies. The open competitive tender of the Bayan Mutiara land was even advertised in the newspapers in 2010.

If Datuk Zainal Abidin Osman and Datuk Abdul Rahman fail to prove that there was no open competitive tender, would they then dare to accept my challenge to retire from politics? The 2 UMNO leaders should accept this challenge to prove that there are not engaging in a systematic campaign of lies to undermine and sabotage the state government's open competitive tender policy and affordable housing programme.

Quality And Delivery Still Matters Even For Affordable Housing:Letter Of Support From Renowned Architect Raja Datuk Kamarul Bahrin Ahmad Shah

RM500 million derived as profits from the sale of the Bayan Mutiara land is used for affordable housing both in the mainland and the island. The first project is in Batu Kawan comprising 12,000 units over 200 acres built over 10 years.

To ensure that there is quality affordable housing for the poor, the state government has decided to appoint the best instead of merely imitiating the best. For this reason HDB Singapore, widely acknowledged as providing the best affordable housing in Asia if not the world, was chosen.

HDB Singapore was chosen for their expertise in design, planning, implementation and management. HDB Singapore is not involved in building or construction. The tender for building and construction will be held by open tender separately likely at the end of this year. For this reason, the state government regrets the actions by UMNO to racialise the issue asking why local Malaysians can not do the job but instead we have to go to Singapore.

Pandering to anti-Singapore sentiments is not only a racial provocation but also double-standards when it is okay for Singapore to come to Iskandar, Johor, but not to Peanng. Such extremist tactics by UMNO will not work in Penang because Penangites support the PR state government sincere efforts to provide the best affordable housing for the poor in Malaysia.

The time has come for the poor not to live in a box but with dignity. Every Penangite should live in a home and not in a box. Every Penangite, including the poor deserves their dream home. And Penang state government intends to allow them to share this dream.

We are happy to find support from one of Malaysia's foremost architects, RAJA Datuk Kamarul Bahrin Ahmad Shah. Raja Dato Kamarul in his letter of support to me received yesterday, endorsed Penang's decision to appoint HDB Singapore as the consultant because they have the track record of the best builder of quality affordable housing.(see letter enclosed) Quality and delivery still matters even for affordable housing.

—- BM Translation—

Kenyataan Sidang Akhbar oleh Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng pada 17.2.2012 di Komtar, George Town

Fakta adalah fakta, tidak boleh diubah dengan pembohongan- Adakah pemimpin UMNO, Datuk Zainal Abidin Osman dan Datuk Abdul Rahman Datuk Dahlan menerima cabaran saya bahawa mereka akan berundur dari arena politik sekiranya mereka gagal membuktikan penjualan tanah Bayan Mutiara tidak dilakukan secara tender terbuka?

Pemimpin UMNO telah menjalankan kempen fitnah secara sistematik terhadap Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang berhubung penjualan tanah Bayan Mutiara pada tahun 2010 yang dijalankan secara tender terbuka dengan harga RM240 kaki persegi atau harga penjualan keseluruhan berjumlah RM1.07 bilion. Di antara penipuan yang dikeluarkan oleh Pengerusi UMNO Pulau Pinang Datuk Zainal Abidin Osman dan Ahli Parlimen Kota Belud Datuk Abdul Rahman Datuk Dahlan ialah dengan mengatakan bahawa tiada tender terbuka; harga penjualan dijual kepada pemaju swasta adalah 50% lebih rendah daripada harga pasaran iaitu RM420 kaki persegi; dan Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang telah memandang rendah kepada rakyat tempatan dengan melantik HDB Singapura sebagai pakar perunding untuk projek perumahan mampu milik Kerajaan Negeri di Batu Kawan.

Apabila Kerajaan Negeri membuat keputusan untuk menjual tanah Bayan Mutiara seluas 102.3 ekar (67.5 ekar tanah dan 35 ekar tanah tebusguna melalui tambak laut) melalui tender terbuka pada tahun 2010, satu harga rizab sebanyak RM200 kaki persegi telah ditetapkan. Harga rizab sebanyak RM200 kaki persegi adalah tinggi telah ditetapkan oleh Kerajaan Negeri pada 7 April 2010 sungguhpun Jabatan Penilaian Perkhidmatan Harta, Kementerian Kewangan pada 5 November 2009 menganggarkan harga penilaian adalah sebanyak RM65 kaki persegi. Apabila tender terbuka yang dijalankan ditutup pada 31.12.2010, keputusan berani Kerajaan Negeri dibuktikan tepat dan benar apabila harga tender terbuka yang paling tinggi adalah sebanyak RM240 kaki persegi atau RM1.07 bilion.

Saya kecewa apabila harga anggaran penilaian sebanyak RM65 kaki persegi yang disediakan oleh Jabatan Penilaian Harga yang dikeluarkan Kementerian Kewangan tidak dilaporkan oleh media English dan Melayu. Sehingga sekarang, UMNO dan Abdul Rahman masih tidak menyahut cabaran saya untuk membeli 102.3 ekar tanah dengan harga RM420 jika itu adalah harga pasaran yang dituntut oleh UMNO. UMNO perlu masukkan duit ke dalam mulut mereka dengan membayar RM420 kaki persegi. Sekiranya UMNO atau kroni- kroni mereka membeli pada harga RM420 kaki persegi, Kerajaan Negeri boleh mendapat tambahan RM800 juta atau RM1.87 bilion berbanding RM1.07 bilion untuk RM240 kaki persegi.

Tuduhan UMNO bahawa penjualan tidak dilakukan secara tender terbuka, saya bersedia untuk berundur daripada area politik sekiranya UMNO dapat membuktikan sedemikian. Fakta adalah fakta di mana ia tidak boleh diubah dengan pembohongan. Tender terbuka tanah Bayan Mutiara telah diiklankan di dalam akhbar pada tahun 2010.

Jika Datuk Zainal Abidin Osman dan Datuk Abdul Rahman gagal membuktikan bahawa tiada tender terbuka dijalankan, adakah mereka berani menerima cabaran saya untuk berundur dari arena politik? 2 pemimpin UMNO harus menerima cabaran ini untuk membuktikan bahawa tiada kempen fitnah secara sistematik untuk melemahkan dan sabotaj dasar tender terbuka Kerajaan Negeri dan program perumahan mampu milik.

Kualiti dan Penyampaian adalah penting untuk perumahan mampu milik: Surat sokongan dari arkitek terkemuka Raja Datuk Kamarul Baharin Ahmad Shah.

RM500 juta yang diperolehi daripada keuntungan penjualan tanah Bayan Mutiara digunakan untuk perumahan mampu milik di tanah besar dan pulau. Projek pertama di Batu Kawan yang terdiri daripada 12, 000 unit di atas tanah 200 ekar yang akan dibina dalam tempoh 10 tahun.

Untuk memastikan bahawa perumahan mampu milik yang berkualiti dapat dibekalkan kepada golongan miskin, Kerajaan Negeri telah memutuskan untuk melantik yang paling baik dan bukannya meniru yang paling baik. Atas sebab itulah, HDB Singapura yang diakui umum dapat membekalkan rumah mampu milik di Asia, kalau bukan di seluruh dunia telah dipilih.

HDB Singapura telah dipilih berikutan kepakaran dalam reka bentuk, perancangan, pelaksanaan dan pengurusan. HDB Singapura tidak terlibat dalam bangunan atau pembinaan. Tender untuk bangunan dan pembinaan akan dijalankan pada akhir tahun ini. Atas sebab itu, Kerajaan Negeri kesal dengan tindakan UMNO yang cuba memainkan isu perkauman dalam perkara ini dengan menyoal mengapa rakyat tempatan tidak boleh melakukan kerja tersebut sebaliknya kita memilih Singapura.

Memainkan sentimen anti- Singapura adalah bukan sahaja provokasi perkauman tetapi juga double- standards kerana apabila Singapura datang ke Iskandar, Johor tiada masalah tetapi tidak di Pulau Pinang. Taktik ekstremis sedemikian oleh UMNO tidak berkesan di Pulau Pinang kerana rakyat Pulau Pinang menyokong usaha ikhlas Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat untuk menyediakan rumah mampu milik terbaik untuk golongan miskin di Malaysia.

Sudah sampai masanya golongan miskin tidak hidup di dalam kotak tetapi dengan bermaruah. Setiap rakyat Pulau Pinang seharusnya tinggal di dalam rumah dan bukannya di dalam kotak. Setiap rakyat Pulau Pinang termasuk golongan miskin berhak untuk mendapatkan rumah impian mereka. Dan Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang berhasrat untuk berkongsi impian rumah kediaman dengan mereka.

Kami gembira mendapat sokongan daripada salah seorang arkitek terkemuka di Malaysia, Raja Dato Kamarul Bahrin Ahmad Shah. Raja Dato Kamarul dalam surat sokongan kepada saya yang telah diterima semalam menyokong dan bersetuju dengan keputusan Pulau Pinang melantik HDB Singapura sebagai pakar perunding kerana mereka mempunyai trek rekod yang tebaik dalam pembinaan rumah mampu milik (lihat lampiran surat) Kualiti dan Penyampaian adalah penting untuk perumahan mampu milik.

—Mandarin Translation—-




当州政府决定在2010年通过公开招标出售102.3英亩的峇央珍珠地段(67.5英亩土地及35英亩的填海地) ,我们开的底价是每平方尺200令吉。这个在2010年4月7日订下的底价已经高出财政部财产估价局于2009年11月5日的评估价,当时估价为每平方尺65令吉。当竞标期于2010年12月31日结束时,最高的竞标价为每平方尺240令吉或总数10亿7000万令吉时,州政府就知道我们定下的每平方尺200令吉的底价是正确的。



拿督阿比丁及拿督阿都拉曼会不会接受我的挑战,在无法证明峇央珍珠地段的脱售没有通过公开招标后,退出政坛? 这两名巫统领袖应该接受这项挑战,证明他们并没有涉及一系列破坏槟州政府公开招标及可负担房屋政策的阴谋。





这种迎合"反新加坡" 的情绪不只是煽动种族主义情绪,也是双重标准。他们欢迎新加坡前往柔佛州依斯干达经济特区,却不欢迎他们前来槟城。巫统这种如此极端的手段在槟州行不通的,槟州人民支持民联州政府的真诚努力,他们相信我们能为贫者提供良好素质的可负担房屋。


我们感到欣慰,我国最著名的建筑师拉惹卡玛鲁巴林昨天写信给我, 他在信中对于槟州委任新加坡建屋发展局成为顾问表示支持(见附件),因为这个单位在提供高品质的可负担房屋方面,记录良好,可说是最优秀的可负担房屋建造者。 对我们而言,可负担房屋的品质及良好交货表现还是最重要的。


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