Ahad, 1 Januari 2012

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Tan Sri Nor Yacop & Azman Mokhtar: Wake up & learn from Tan Sri Abdul Aziz by Mat Umno

Posted: 31 Dec 2011 07:42 PM PST

When the government become stupid, the best way is to open their mind by STRIKE! BN must help in solving this issue…why is it that BN and PR keep quite on this issue? MAS need to be defended at all cost! If Japan, Australia, Singapore and other countries that have national carrier can defend and bail out their national carriers, why not Malaysia? MAS is the same as Telekom, TNB and Petrnonas too, it is our national treasure!

Comment on Happy New Year to all Malaysians by Muzafar

Posted: 31 Dec 2011 10:40 AM PST

Happy New Year to you and family. Happy New Year to all Malaysians too. Thank you for highlighting the MAS-AirAsia share suap.

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