Khamis, 21 Julai 2011

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on The Stop Work Order for KP Property Sdn Bhd by Lee

Posted: 21 Jul 2011 02:56 AM PDT

I am purchaser of 222 residensi went to look at project site and gate locked and saw no activity. Contractor staff said area block resident complained and that is why work stop for 4 weeks. Still don’t know when start back.

Read the blog site now and YB I worried about my unit purchase and bank loan. Please can you help solve the problem and re-start. When can this happen and authority allow back to go on normal.

Comment on Complaints for DBKL by Yacob

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 10:42 PM PDT

Sdr John

Terima kasih atas maklumat Sdr.

Pihak Yang Berhormat amat memandang berat terhadap masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh penduduk-penduduk yang disebabkan oleh pasar pagi tersebut.

Untuk makluman Sdr, pihak Yang Berhormat sendiri sedang berusaha sedaya yang boleh untuk memindahkan pasar pagi ini supaya masalah kacau ganggu boleh diselesaikan. Walaubagaimana pun pihak kami memerlukan sedikit masa dimana kita juga perlu memikirkan nasib peniaga-peniaga terlibat yang hanya bergantung hidup dengan hasil jualan mereka sahaja. Tindakan memindahkan mereka ke tempat lain yang lebih sesuai adalah jalan terbaik dalam menyelesaikan masalah tersebut.

Pihak kami dimaklumkan bahawa Jabatan Peniaga Kecil DBKL sedang meneliti perkara ini dan kami dimaklumkan Pegawai dari Jabatan berkenaan juga turut terlibat dalam tindakan penguatkuasaan statik yang dijalankan pada minggu lepas. Dan difahamkan masalah untuk memindahkan pasar pagi ini akan dibawa ke mesyuarat peringkat pengurusan DBKL untuk dibincang dan diputuskan.

Mengenai kegiatan mengutip wang oleh pihak tertentu sebagaimana aduan Sdr, pihak kami telah menulis surat kepada pihak DBKL supaya perkara ini diambil tindakan tegas terhadap mereka-mereka yang terlibat. Sekiranya pihak Sdr inginkan maklumat lanjut mengenai perkara ini Sdr boleh menghubungi saya di no. 41433322.

Terima kasih.

Yaacob Abd Hamid
Pembantu kepada
YB Wee Choo keong

Comment on The Stop Work Order for KP Property Sdn Bhd by weechookeong

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 10:23 PM PDT


Thank you for your comments.

It is noted that the Stop Work Order is in operation for almost a month. Please be informed that the developer has apologised to the residents for working after the permitted hours by DBKL. I was given copies of the special permits for the developer to work until 8:30 pm, which was approved by the then Pengarah, Tuan Rohaizan and I believed that he has been suspended.

I do sympahtise with the purchasers of the condominium as the Stop Work Order will no doubt cause delay to the completion of the condominium.

For all intents and purposes, a Stop Work Order lasting for a month is a sufficient lesson to the developer. As long as the developer kept to their undertaking to operate within the stipulated hours, I believe that no one should have any objection for them to resume operations.

Thank you

with kindest regards

wee choo keong

Comment on The Stop Work Order for KP Property Sdn Bhd by Anonymous

Posted: 20 Jul 2011 08:50 PM PDT

Hi YB,

I believe all 222 owners want to know when the project resume, at least given a date. The stop work has been 1 month.

222 owner

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