Sabtu, 5 Mac 2011

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

念群与沙登人民同在 | Nie Ching for Serdang

[Mac 6] Morning exercise with Surau Al Muhajirin Bicycle Club..

Posted: 05 Mar 2011 07:36 PM PST

Kelab Basikal Surau Al Muhajirin, Taman Kajang Utama yang terdiri daripada 22 orang warga emas :-)

Morning exercise :-)


【星洲日报】柔佛峇株巴辖武吉明鲁森林保留区 ‧ 疑有非法伐木活动

Posted: 05 Mar 2011 07:38 AM PST

In February, DAP's MP for Bakri Saudara Er Teck Hwa received a complaint from the local residents regarding illegal timber logging activities happened in Bukit Bindu Reserve Forest, Johor. It was understood that the suspected illegal logging had been started since year-end 2010. Since then, Bakri MP had been approaching Johor State Forest Department to enquire whether a licence has been granted by the authorities for the mentioned logging activity but to date no reply is given by the state forest department.

Recently, DAP's MP for Bakri Saudara Er Teck Hwa and Bekok DAP branch Saudara deputy secretary Teo Chin Liang had been re-visiting the reserve forrest for further inspection. 


Er and Teo were observing a timber dock. Wood fragments can be found everywhere.



(柔佛‧4日讯)峇吉里区国会议员余德华接获投诉,指峇株巴辖武吉明鲁森林保留区疑有非法伐木活动。 余氏接获投报后,联同民主行动党彼咯支部副秘书张敬良前往该地点进行视察。


【光明日报】张念群:问候他人父母姐妹 ‧ 抨蔡细历推特用粗俗语言

Posted: 05 Mar 2011 07:31 AM PST

Is this tweeter message really posted by Dr Chua Soi Lek? I am amazed by his standard or rather, his no standard..

张念群批评蔡细历在推特上使用粗俗语言,并且呼吁对方公开道歉。 (图:光明日报)

蔡细历被指粗俗的推特留言。 (图:星洲日报)









[Youtube] MERLIMAU by election highlights..

Posted: 05 Mar 2011 03:07 AM PST

Suspected illegal logging in my hometown Kg Bindu, Batu Pahat, Johor.

Posted: 04 Mar 2011 11:36 PM PST

Local residents were furious with the suspected illegal logging activity at hutan simpanan Kampung Bindu, Batu Pahat, Johor.

This is what left.. Can you imagine the height of the tree if it were still there?


余德华:峇都巴辖境内保护林疑被非法滥伐 (More......)

My niece, Fu Yu..

Posted: 04 Mar 2011 11:12 PM PST

My niece Fu Yu, she loves durian, just like me :-D


My mum..

Posted: 04 Mar 2011 09:16 PM PST

My mum enjoys playing Wii at home :-) The little girl, who plays in front of the TV set is my niece, Fu Yu..


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