Selasa, 13 Disember 2011

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on The MYCC “hush-hush” public meetings! by Kamal

Posted: 13 Dec 2011 08:11 AM PST

Anon66, you missed the adverbs ” very”
Thus confirmed you are very ignorant, and you must be MAS staff… he, he, he.


Posted: 13 Dec 2011 07:29 AM PST

Please, can anyone explain what has happened to Shahari Sulaiman? What is the inquiry about?

Thanks – A confused UK journalist…

Comment on The MYCC “hush-hush” public meetings! by Anon66

Posted: 13 Dec 2011 06:26 AM PST

Kamal, so everyone who works at MAS are pampered,spoilt and ignorant?
I think its you who is ignorant by tarnishing everyone with the same brush!

Comment on The MYCC “hush-hush” public meetings! by Din of Khazanah

Posted: 13 Dec 2011 02:04 AM PST

After 1-1-2012, lets see how this Binat Tak Fikir Rashdan and his pariah boss going to tell MYCC about the decisions made to stop competition against AirAsia X Sdn Bhd and AirAsia.

We must all work towards getting rid of Azman Mokhtar and Tan Sri Nor Yakop the architects of the share swap and CCF.

Comment on The MYCC “hush-hush” public meetings! by Kamal

Posted: 13 Dec 2011 12:33 AM PST

Dear YB, don’t waste your time with MAS staff. They are very pampered,very spoilt and very ignorant lot who are very good in wasting public money. Let them face the real world.

Comment on Complaints for DBKL by Yaacob

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 08:06 PM PST

Penduduk-Penduduk Sek 1 dan 2 Wangsa Maju

Aduan Jalan Berlubang Di Blok Blok B5 Sek. 2 Dan Blok A1 Sek 1, W. Maju.

Merujuk kepada aduan Sdr, pihak DBKL hari ini menyatakan bahawa kerja-kerja baik pulih jalan-jalan yang rosak di Blok B5 dan di hadapan Blok A1 telah pun siap dilakukan.

Selain daripada itu pihak DBKL juga memaklumkan bahawa kerja-kerja membaik pulih jalan di hadapan Masjid Sek. 2 dan di Jalan 2/ 27A Seksyen 1 juga akan dilakukan dalam masa terdekat serta lain-lain tempat yang mengalami masalah jalan rosak dan berlubang.

Pihak Sdr boleh mengesahkan perkara tersebut dan sila hubungi pihak kami sekiranya masih terdapat jalan-jalan yang rosak dan berlubang supaya pihak kami boleh memaklumkan terus kepada pihak DBKL. Sila hubungi kami di no 41433322 atau 0122186929.

Terima kasih.

Yaacob Abd Hamid
Pembantu kepada
YB Wee choo Keong

Comment on The MYCC “hush-hush” public meetings! by The Pariah share suap

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 07:31 PM PST

The share suap and collaborative framework are in contravention of the anti-trust legislation. The decisions were clearly showing their “Strategic Alliance” to stifle competitions. Public interests must be upheld by MyCC. But knowing our agencies, they will do a cover up and tell us all is well.

Comment on The MYCC “hush-hush” public meetings! by Musa

Posted: 12 Dec 2011 07:03 PM PST

it is a good idea. MAS staff must all lodge a complaint against what Azman Mokhtar and Rashdan had done to MAS by cutting routes to favor the pariah. Lets make it harder for them to screw MAS further. We must get rid of Azman Mokhtar’s crony’s Rashdan. He is an idiot hiding behind his qualifications.

THeir WAU was a failure and he will be screwing up MAS further. Lets work to get rid of him. Azman Mokhtar and Nor Yacop are the main culprits.


Posted: 12 Dec 2011 06:07 PM PST

Union MASeu bukannya buat apa2….presiden union MASeu dan exco2 makan gaji buta je…bukannya pernah ada dioffice,asyik lepak kat union ilias presiden union duk kat kota bahru,sambil keje ada biznes sampingan…semua staff mas tau.Kalau tak ada union,tak ada elaun,itu yang mereka risau sangat…..

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