Jumaat, 19 Ogos 2011

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comments for Wee Choo Keong

Comment on Khazanah: AirAsia X Sdn Bhd is a 31.7% foreign owned company with a recorded loss of RM89.935 millions! by CON TOL

Posted: 19 Aug 2011 05:50 AM PDT

Well done YB, the share swap is not cast in stone are in the preliminary stage only.
They have only signed something like an S&P or even MOU only. Both parties can withdraw from the deal.

Please put more pressure on Khazanah, an idiot run Company to walk away from the deal.

We must expose …, the con artist
“However, after witnessing the 4-0 drubbing by Bolton at Loftus Road on Saturday which was a humbling way for QPR to begin life in the Barclays Premier League, Fernandes will realise the scale of the task he has on his hands.

The concern is, given his various ventures, he may now be spreading himself and his financial wealth too thinly.”


Comment on Khazanah: AirAsia X Sdn Bhd is a 31.7% foreign owned company with a recorded loss of RM89.935 millions! by Johan

Posted: 19 Aug 2011 04:31 AM PDT

Khazanah just stop Morgan Stanley from the valuation exercise and that will definitely save MAS and the nation money. It will also stop Khazanah being exploited.

Comment on Issues for your MP by weechookeong

Posted: 19 Aug 2011 03:21 AM PDT


Terima kasih sdr.

Kami akan check aduan sdr. Yang pertama, kami perlu menentukan bahawa PPR Air Panas adalah dalam kawasan Wangsa Maju. Jika tidak, kami akan cuba dengan sedaya upaya untuk memberi apa-apa bantuan. walaubagaimanpun kami akan memaklum kepada cawangan DBKL aduan sdr dan memohon mereka mengambil tindakan yang sewarjanya.

Saya ingin mengunakan sempatan ini untuk mengucapkan Selamat Berbuka Puasa kepada sdr dan keluarga, dan umat Islam yang lain.

Sekian teima kaish.

wee choo keong

Comment on Khazanah: AirAsia X Sdn Bhd is a 31.7% foreign owned company with a recorded loss of RM89.935 millions! by Ronald

Posted: 19 Aug 2011 03:11 AM PDT

I am sure Khazanah with such a big pool of staff will know the exact status of AIrAsia X Sdn Bhd. On the other hand if it was aware then why waste time to sign share swap in such haste to include the purchase of the 10% of AirAsia X.

Khazanah please take good care of the nation assets but not this way. I am shocked by this posting of YB Wee with so much details of AirAsia X, which I think need more help than MAS.

Comment on Issues for your MP by iman

Posted: 19 Aug 2011 02:20 AM PDT

salam sejahtera

saya terpanggil untuk memaklumkan di kawasan saya tinggal sering kali berlaku kerosakkan lif, perkara ini berlaku setiap minggu. Bayangkan bagi mereka yg ddk di tingkat atas 17- 6, jika turun mungkin tidak mengapa tp bila nak naik semula….. RENUNGKAN…..Tidak dinafikan pihak yg berwajib melakukan penyelenggaraan, namun kerosakan tetap berlaku. Masalah terbaru 1 daripada 3 lif telah rosak akibat perbuatan Vadalisme.mungkin ada inisiatif yg perlu dan lebih baik untuk menangani masalah ini.

Apabila masalah ini berlaku, akan timbul lg masalah lain antaranya:-
1. Sisa buangan dr rumah( SAMPAH) pasti akan ada pada setiap tingkat, yg menjejaskan pemandangan (kotor)
2. Kepada warga Emas, memberi kesukaran turun naik berurusan harian
3.Masa puncak, ketika pergi dan balik sekolah mahu pun kerja. JEM……

1 lagi masalah ialah sikap sesetengah penghuni yang sering membaling objek2 tertentu dr atas yg membahayakan keselamatan orang lain. seringkali berlaku cermin kenderaan pecah akibat perbuatan tersebut.

cadangan saya:-
Bolehkah kiranya, memasang CCTV di dalam lif dan kawasan persekitarannya yg difikirkan perlu bagi mengenal pasti mereka yg sering melakukan kesalah dan menjamin keselamatan semua pihak.

Harapan saya supa masalah ini dalam perhatian tuan.Terima Kasih.

Blok B
PPR kg Baru Air Panas

Comment on Khazanah: Who are the business partners of Tony in AsiaAsia X, a private limited company? by king

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 08:23 PM PDT

ECM Libra look alike. Please take note Tan Sri Azman and Rashdan. For Tan Sri Nor Yakob no need to take note because he was all the time fully aware of it.

Comment on Khazanah: Who are the business partners of Tony in AsiaAsia X, a private limited company? by zaharahcute

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 08:05 PM PDT

As long as that DUNGU Nor yaakob ada dalam MOF akan ada lagi banyak PERKARA BODOH yg akan berlaku.. YAB PM why must you dukung biawak hidup??

Comment on Complaints for DBKL by simon

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 07:25 PM PDT

There are many version of stories to the closure from the surrounding folks.

The most serious one is against the Chinese party as I heard.

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